Short title 24‑90‑102
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑103
Definitions 24‑90‑103.5
Acts and elections conducted pursuant to provisions that refer to qualified electors or registered electors 24‑90‑104
State library created - administration 24‑90‑105
Powers and duties of state librarian 24‑90‑105.5
Radio reading services 24‑90‑106
Participation of existing libraries in the formation of new libraries 24‑90‑106.3
Inclusion of a governmental unit into an existing library district - procedure 24‑90‑106.5
Establishment or removal of a municipal library in an existing county library or library district 24‑90‑107
Method of establishment 24‑90‑108
Board of trustees of public libraries 24‑90‑109
Powers and duties of board of trustees 24‑90‑110.7
Regional library authorities 24‑90‑112
Tax support - elections 24‑90‑112.5
Issuance of bonds 24‑90‑113.3
Contract to receive library service 24‑90‑114
Abolishment of libraries 24‑90‑115
Regional library service system - governing board 24‑90‑116
Existing libraries to comply 24‑90‑118
Colorado libraries automated catalog project 24‑90‑119
Privacy of user records 24‑90‑120
Colorado imagination library program - creation - request for proposal - state librarian duties - report - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑90‑121
Public libraries - science of reading - training - report - definitions 24‑90‑201
Establishment of a state publications depository and distribution center 24‑90‑202
Definitions 24‑90‑203
Purposes - direction - rules 24‑90‑204
Deposits of state publications 24‑90‑205
Permanent public access to state publications 24‑90‑206
Depository library agreements - requirements 24‑90‑207
Online catalog of state publications 24‑90‑208
State publications distribution 24‑90‑301
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑302
Colorado virtual library - creation - components - access 24‑90‑401
Short title 24‑90‑402
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑403
Definitions 24‑90‑404
Qualifications 24‑90‑405
Administration of the grants program - powers and duties of the state librarian 24‑90‑406
Reporting 24‑90‑407
State grants to publicly supported libraries fund - creation - source of funds - appropriations - administrative costs 24‑90‑408
Additional sources of funding 24‑90‑501
Short title 24‑90‑502
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑503
Definitions 24‑90‑504
Authority of governing body 24‑90‑505
Organization - preliminary resolution 24‑90‑506
Notice of hearing - disqualification of member of governing body 24‑90‑507
Hearing - resolution - when action barred 24‑90‑508
Recording of resolution establishing area 24‑90‑509
Governing body - meetings 24‑90‑510
General powers of facilities district 24‑90‑511
Power to levy taxes 24‑90‑512
Determining and fixing rate of levy 24‑90‑513
Levies to cover deficiencies 24‑90‑514
County officers to levy and collect taxes - lien 24‑90‑515
Property sold for taxes 24‑90‑516
Governing body can issue bonds - form 24‑90‑517
Dissolution procedures 24‑90‑518
Exemption from taxation - securities laws 24‑90‑519
Limitation of actions 24‑90‑601
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑602
Definitions 24‑90‑603
Adoption and enforcement of policy of internet safety for minors including technology protection measures - public libraries 24‑90‑604
Temporary disabling of technology protection measure 24‑90‑605
No restrictions on blocking access to the internet of other material 24‑90‑606
No requirement of additional action for public libraries already in compliance - no additional action in special circumstances
Short title 24‑90‑102
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑103
Definitions 24‑90‑103.5
Acts and elections conducted pursuant to provisions that refer to qualified electors or registered electors 24‑90‑104
State library created - administration 24‑90‑105
Powers and duties of state librarian 24‑90‑105.5
Radio reading services 24‑90‑106
Participation of existing libraries in the formation of new libraries 24‑90‑106.3
Inclusion of a governmental unit into an existing library district - procedure 24‑90‑106.5
Establishment or removal of a municipal library in an existing county library or library district 24‑90‑107
Method of establishment 24‑90‑108
Board of trustees of public libraries 24‑90‑109
Powers and duties of board of trustees 24‑90‑110.7
Regional library authorities 24‑90‑112
Tax support - elections 24‑90‑112.5
Issuance of bonds 24‑90‑113.3
Contract to receive library service 24‑90‑114
Abolishment of libraries 24‑90‑115
Regional library service system - governing board 24‑90‑116
Existing libraries to comply 24‑90‑118
Colorado libraries automated catalog project 24‑90‑119
Privacy of user records 24‑90‑120
Colorado imagination library program - creation - request for proposal - state librarian duties - report - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑90‑121
Public libraries - science of reading - training - report - definitions 24‑90‑201
Establishment of a state publications depository and distribution center 24‑90‑202
Definitions 24‑90‑203
Purposes - direction - rules 24‑90‑204
Deposits of state publications 24‑90‑205
Permanent public access to state publications 24‑90‑206
Depository library agreements - requirements 24‑90‑207
Online catalog of state publications 24‑90‑208
State publications distribution 24‑90‑301
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑302
Colorado virtual library - creation - components - access 24‑90‑401
Short title 24‑90‑402
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑403
Definitions 24‑90‑404
Qualifications 24‑90‑405
Administration of the grants program - powers and duties of the state librarian 24‑90‑406
Reporting 24‑90‑407
State grants to publicly supported libraries fund - creation - source of funds - appropriations - administrative costs 24‑90‑408
Additional sources of funding 24‑90‑501
Short title 24‑90‑502
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑503
Definitions 24‑90‑504
Authority of governing body 24‑90‑505
Organization - preliminary resolution 24‑90‑506
Notice of hearing - disqualification of member of governing body 24‑90‑507
Hearing - resolution - when action barred 24‑90‑508
Recording of resolution establishing area 24‑90‑509
Governing body - meetings 24‑90‑510
General powers of facilities district 24‑90‑511
Power to levy taxes 24‑90‑512
Determining and fixing rate of levy 24‑90‑513
Levies to cover deficiencies 24‑90‑514
County officers to levy and collect taxes - lien 24‑90‑515
Property sold for taxes 24‑90‑516
Governing body can issue bonds - form 24‑90‑517
Dissolution procedures 24‑90‑518
Exemption from taxation - securities laws 24‑90‑519
Limitation of actions 24‑90‑601
Legislative declaration 24‑90‑602
Definitions 24‑90‑603
Adoption and enforcement of policy of internet safety for minors including technology protection measures - public libraries 24‑90‑604
Temporary disabling of technology protection measure 24‑90‑605
No restrictions on blocking access to the internet of other material 24‑90‑606
No requirement of additional action for public libraries already in compliance - no additional action in special circumstances