C.R.S. Section 25.5-5-318
Health services

  • provision by school districts
  • repeal


As used in this section:


“School district” means any board of cooperative services established pursuant to article 5 of title 22, C.R.S., any state educational institution that serves students in kindergarten through twelfth grade including, but not limited to, the Colorado school for the deaf and the blind, created in article 80 of title 22, C.R.S., and any public school district organized under the laws of Colorado, except a local college district.


“Underinsured” means a person who has some health insurance, but whose insurance does not adequately cover the types of health services for which a school district may receive federal matching funds under this section.


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Any school district may contract with the state department under this section to receive federal matching funds for amounts spent in providing health services through the public schools to students who are receiving medicaid benefits pursuant to this article and articles 4 and 6 of this title.




Approval of contracts under this section does not constitute a commitment by the general assembly to continue providing health services to students through the public schools using state general funds if federal matching funds are not available in the future. Any moneys provided to a school district pursuant to a contract entered into under this section shall not supplant state or local moneys provided to school districts pursuant to the provisions of articles 20 to 28 or article 54 of title 22, C.R.S.


Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring any school district to enter into a contract as provided in this section. Participation in a contract by a school district is voluntary.


The state department may make contracting and reimbursement of moneys under this section contingent upon either:


The contracting school district certifying to the state department, through the department of education, that it has expended local and state moneys in an amount sufficient to meet the nonfederal share of expenditures being claimed for federal financial participation; or


The contracting school district meeting the requirements of the intergovernmental transfer provisions of the federal medicaid law, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1396 et seq.


Each year, by a date established by rule of the state board, the department of education shall notify the state department concerning any school district that chooses to enter into a contract as provided in this section and the anticipated level of funding for the school district. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a school district to maintain the same level of funding or services from year to year.
(4)(a)(I) Each school district that chooses to enter into a contract as provided in this section shall develop a services plan with input from the local community that identifies the types of health services needed by students within the school district and the services it anticipates providing. Except for medical emergencies and services related to allegations of child abuse, a student’s participation in any psychological, behavioral, social, or emotional services, including counseling or referrals, shall be optional and shall require the prior written and informed consent of a parent or legal guardian of the student.


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Any health questionnaire or form related to services funded in part through this section shall only relate to the student’s personal health, habits, or conduct and shall not include questions concerning the habits or conduct of any other member of the student’s family.


No medical or health data or information identifying the student or the student’s family shall be disclosed to any person other than a person specifically authorized to receive the information or data without the prior written and informed consent of a parent or legal guardian of the student.


Each school district that chooses to enter into a contract as provided in this section shall perform an assessment of the health-care needs of its uninsured and underinsured students and may spend an appropriate portion, not to exceed thirty percent, of the federal moneys received on health care for low-income students. For purposes of this paragraph (b), “low-income students” means students whose families are below one hundred eighty-five percent of the federal poverty line.


The school district shall submit the services plan to the department of education with a notice of participation for purposes of technical assistance evaluation and to the executive director for approval.


Each year not less than ninety days prior to the notification date established pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, the state department shall provide information through the department of education to school districts regarding the amount of available moneys and the administrative activities required to enter into a contract for federal matching funds for that year. To the extent allowed by existing resources, the department of education shall provide technical assistance to school districts in determining levels of funding, meeting administrative requirements, and developing services plans.


Following the notification date established pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, each contracting school district, through the department of education, shall enter into a contract with the state department specifying the health services to be provided by the school district, the amount to be expended in providing the services, and the amount of federal matching funds for which the school district is eligible under the contract.


The state department is authorized to accept and expend donations, contributions, grants, including federal matching funds, and other moneys that it may receive to finance the costs associated with implementing this section.


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Under the contract entered into pursuant to this section, a contracting school district shall receive from the state department all of the federal matching funds for which it is eligible under the contract, less the amount of state administrative costs allowed under paragraph (b) of this subsection (8). All moneys received by a school district pursuant to this section shall be used only to offset costs incurred for provision of student health services by the school district or to cash fund student health services in the school district.


Total allowable state administrative costs for contracts entered into under this section for both the state department and the department of education shall not exceed ten percent of the total annual amount of federal funds reflected by the general assembly for such contracts in the annual general appropriations bill. State administrative costs include costs incurred in evaluating the implementation of this section.


The state board shall specify by rule the types of health services for which a school district may receive federal matching funds under a contract created under this section, including but not limited to:


Basic primary, physical, dental, and mental health services;


Rehabilitation services;


Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment services; and


Service coordination, outreach, enrollment, and administrative support.


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A school district that provides health services under contract pursuant to this section may provide the health services directly or through contractual relationships or agreements with public or private entities, as allowed by applicable federal regulations. However, no moneys shall be expended in any form for abortions, except as provided in section 25.5-4-415 or as required by federal law.


Where possible, the school district shall coordinate the provision of health services to a student with the student’s primary health-care provider. Except for those services that are required by an individualized educational program developed pursuant to section 22-20-108 (4), C.R.S., or by a section 504 plan developed pursuant to the federal “Rehabilitation Act of 1973”, 29 U.S.C. sec. 701 et seq., school districts shall not claim reimbursement under this section for direct services to students enrolled in health maintenance organizations that would normally be provided to students by their health maintenance organization.


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The executive director shall apply for and secure any federal waivers and state plan amendments required to implement this section.


This section shall remain in effect only for so long as federal financial participation is available for reimbursements to school districts. In the event, as specified in writing by the attorney general to the governor that federal law does not allow or is amended to disallow reimbursements to school districts or otherwise prevent the implementation of this section, this section is repealed, effective on the date of the attorney general’s opinion.


The state department and the department of education shall work with the office of state planning and budgeting and the joint budget committee in implementing this section.


The state department and the department of education shall enter into an interagency agreement to provide for the implementation of this section. The state board and the state board of education are authorized to promulgate rules as may be necessary in accordance with the agreement.


The state department shall annually, or more often as necessary, hold a public hearing to receive comments from school districts, state agencies, and interested persons regarding implementation of this section.


On or before December 15, 2002, the state department shall submit a formal evaluation of the implementation of this section to the committees on education and the committees on health and human services of the house of representatives and the senate, or any successor committees.

Source: Section 25.5-5-318 — Health services - provision by school districts - repeal, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­5.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Mandatory provisions - eligible groups - rules - repeal
Basic services for the categorically needy - mandated services
Mandated programs with special state provisions - rules
Qualified medicare beneficiaries
Qualified disabled and working individuals
Optional provisions - optional groups - rules - repeal
Basic services for the categorically needy - optional services
Optional programs with special state provisions - repeal
Presumptive eligibility - pregnant person - children - long-term care - state plan
Continuous eligibility - children
Medicaid buy-in program - disabled children - disabled adults - federal authorization - rules
Adult dental benefit - adult dental fund - creation - legislative declaration
Additional services - training - grants - screening, brief intervention, and referral
Clinic services
Clinic services - children and pregnant women - utilization of certain providers
Private-duty nursing
Hospice care
Pediatric hospice care - legislative declaration - federal authorization - rules - fund
Child mental health treatment and family support program
Breast and cervical cancer prevention and treatment program - creation - legislative declaration - definitions - funds - repeal
Pregnant women - needs assessment - referral to treatment program - definition
Treatment program for high-risk pregnant and parenting women - cooperation with private entities - definition
Treatment program for high-risk pregnant and parenting women - data collection
Treatment program for high-risk pregnant and parenting women - extended coverage - federal approval
Substance use disorder treatment for Native Americans - federal approval
Acceptance of gifts, grants, and donations - Native American substance abuse treatment cash fund
Legislative declaration - state department - disease management programs authorization - report
Health services - provision by school districts - repeal
Family planning pilot program - rules - federal waiver - repeal
Telemedicine - reimbursement - disclosure statement - rules - definition
Telemedicine - home health care - home health telemedicine cash fund - rules - repeal
Telehealth - interim therapeutic restorations - reimbursement - definitions
Over-the-counter medications - rules
Complex rehabilitation technology - no prior authorization - metrics - report - rules - legislative declaration - definitions
Nonemergency medical transportation - urgent and secure transportation need - report - repeal
Residential and inpatient substance use disorder treatment - medical detoxification services - federal approval - performance review report
Access to clinical trials - definitions
Eligible peer support services - reimbursement - definitions
Secure transportation for behavioral health crises - benefit - funding
Family planning services - federal authorization - rules - definitions
Screening for perinatal mood and anxiety disorder
Federally qualified health center - clinical pharmacy services - reimbursement - rules
Therapy using equine movement - federal authorization - definition
Primary care and behavioral health statewide integration grant program - creation - report - definition - repeal
Community health worker services - federal authorization - reporting - rules - definition
Continuous medical coverage for children and adults feasibility study - federal authorization - rules - report - definition
Prohibition on using the body mass index or ideal body weight - medical necessity criteria
Short title
Statewide managed care system - rules - definitions - repeal
Required features of statewide managed care system
Capitation payments - availability of base data - adjustments - rate calculation - capitation payment proposal - preference - assignment of medicaid recipients - definition
Data collection for managed care programs
Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly - services - eligibility - legislative declaration - rules - definitions
Telemedicine - legislative intent
Medicaid payment reform and innovation pilot program - legislative declaration - creation - selection of payment projects - report - rules
Primary care provider sustainability fund - creation - use of fund
Accountable care collaborative - reporting - rules
Advancing care for exceptional kids
Parity reporting - state department - public input
Medication-assisted treatment - limitations on MCEs - definition
Independent review organization - review denial of residential and inpatient substance use disorder treatment claims - contract
Residential and inpatient substance use disorder treatment - MCE standardized utilization management process - medical necessity - report
Audit of MCE denials for residential and inpatient substance use disorder treatment authorization - report
Authorization to bill third party
Providers - drug reimbursement
Unused medications - reuse - rules - definition
Prescription drug benefits - authorization - dual-eligible participation
Providers of pharmaceutical services
Prescribed drugs - mail order - rules
Prescribed drugs - utilization review
Prescription drug information and technical assistance program - rules
Substance use disorder - prescription drugs - opiate antagonist
Pharmacy reimbursement - substance use disorder - injections
Reimbursement for pharmacists’ services - legislative declaration
Pharmacy benefit - mental health and substance use disorders - legislative declaration
Pharmacy benefits - prescription drugs - rebates - analysis
Prescription drugs used for treatment or prevention of HIV - prohibition on utilization management - definition
Pharmacy reimbursement - vaccine administration to children - legislative declaration
Serious mental illness - prescribed drugs
Legislative declaration
High-fidelity wraparound services for children and youth - federal approval - reporting
Integrated funding pilot
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25.5-5-318’s source at