C.R.S. Section 25.5-6-206
Personal needs benefits

  • amount
  • patient personal needs trust fund required
  • funeral and final disposition expenses
  • penalty for illegal retention and use


The state department, pursuant to its rules, may include in medical care benefits provided under this article 6 and articles 4 and 5 of this title 25.5 reasonable amounts for the personal needs of any recipient receiving nursing facility services or intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, if the recipient is not otherwise eligible for the amounts from other categories of public assistance, but the amounts for personal needs must not be less than the minimum amount provided for in subsection (2) of this section. Payments for funeral and final disposition expenses upon the death of a recipient may be provided under rules of the state department in the same manner as provided to recipients of public assistance as defined by section 26-2-103 (8).


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The basic minimum amount payable pursuant to subsection (1) of this section for personal needs to any recipient admitted to a nursing facility or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities is seventy-five dollars monthly; except that, commencing January 1, 2015, and each January 1 thereafter, the basic minimum amount shall increase annually by the same percentage applied to the general fund share of the aggregate statewide average of the per diem net of patient payment pursuant to section 25.5-6-202 (9)(b)(I). Commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, and each fiscal year thereafter, the reduction to patient payments received by nursing facilities resulting from an increase in the basic minimum amount shall be funded in full by general fund and applicable federal funds.


On and after October 1, 1992, the basic minimum amount payable pursuant to subsection (1) of this section for personal needs shall be ninety dollars for the following persons:


A medical assistance recipient who receives a non-service connected disability pension from the United States veterans administration, has no spouse or dependent child, and is admitted to or is residing in a nursing facility; and


A medical assistance recipient who is a surviving spouse of a person who received a non-service connected disability pension from the United States veterans administration, has no dependent child, and is admitted to or is residing in a nursing facility.


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All personal needs funds shall be held in trust by the nursing facility or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, or its designated trustee, separate and apart from any other funds of the facility. The facility shall deposit any personal needs funds of a resident in an amount of fifty or more dollars in an interest-bearing checking account or accounts or savings account or any combination thereof established to protect and separate the personal needs funds of the patients. Any interest earned on a resident’s personal needs funds shall be credited to such account or accounts. In the event residents’ personal needs funds are maintained in a pooled account, separate accountings shall be made for each resident’s share of the pooled account. Any personal needs funds of a resident in an amount less than fifty dollars shall be maintained in a non-interest-bearing account, an interest-bearing account, or a petty cash fund.


At all times, the principal and all income derived from said principal in the patient personal needs trust fund shall remain the property of the participating patients, and the facility or its designated trustee is bound by all of the duties imposed by law upon fiduciaries in the handling of such fund. Those duties include but are not limited to providing notice to a resident when the resident’s personal needs account accumulates two hundred dollars less than the federal supplemental security income resource limit for one person.


The facility or its designated trustee shall post a surety bond in an amount to assure the security of all personal needs funds deposited in the patient personal needs trust fund or shall otherwise demonstrate to the satisfaction of the state department that the security of residents’ personal needs funds is assured.


Within sixty days after a resident’s death, the facility shall transfer the resident’s personal needs funds and a final accounting of the funds to the person responsible for settling the resident’s estate or, if there is none, to the resident’s heirs in accordance with the provisions of title 15, C.R.S. Within fifteen days after receiving the funds, the executor, administrator, or other appropriate representative of the resident’s estate shall provide written notice to the state department regarding the receipt of the funds. Upon receipt of the notice, the state department may bring an action to recover the funds pursuant to the provisions of this article and articles 4 and 5 of this title.


The state department shall establish rules concerning the establishment of a patient personal needs trust fund and procedures for the maintenance of a system of accounting for expenditures of each patient’s personal needs funds. The facility shall use an accounting system that assures a complete and separate accounting of residents’ personal needs funds based on generally accepted accounting principles and that precludes the commingling of a resident’s personal needs funds with the facility’s funds or the funds of any other person other than the personal needs funds of another resident. These rules shall provide that the nursing facility or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities shall maintain complete records of all receipts and expenditures involving the patient personal needs trust fund, that all expenditures shall be approved by the patient, legal custodian, guardian, or conservator prior to an expenditure, and that each patient or such patient’s legal custodian, guardian, or conservator shall be given at least a quarterly accounting of the receipts and expenditures of such funds. In addition, the rules shall require that the person who maintains the patient personal needs trust fund for the facility and who is responsible for the deposit of moneys into such trust fund shall deposit any personal needs funds received from a patient or from the state department no later than sixty days after the receipt of such moneys.


All patient personal needs trust funds shall be subject to audit by the state department. A record of a patient’s personal needs trust fund shall be kept by the facility for a period of three years from the date of the patient’s discharge from the facility or until such records have been audited by the state department, whichever occurs later.


Any overpayment of personal needs funds to a nursing facility or an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities by the state department due to the omission, error, fraud, or defalcation of the nursing facility or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities or any shortage in an audited patient personal needs trust fund shall be recoverable by the state on behalf of the recipient in the same manner and following the same procedures as specified in section 25.5-4-301 (2) for an overpayment to a provider.


Nothing in this section shall prevent a nursing facility or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities patient from excluding himself or herself from participation in the patient personal needs trust fund.


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It is unlawful for any person to knowingly fail to deposit personal needs funds received from a patient or from the state department for a patient’s personal needs into the patients’ personal needs trust fund within sixty days after the receipt of such moneys or to knowingly apply, spend, commit, pledge, or otherwise use a patient personal needs trust fund, or any other moneys paid by a patient or the state department for patient personal needs, for any purpose other than the personal needs of the patient to purchase necessary clothing, incidentals, or other items of personal needs that are not reimbursed by any federal or state program. Deposit or use of personal needs funds, including the use of a petty cash fund for personal needs purposes, is not a violation of this section if such deposit or use is in substantial compliance with applicable rules of the state department. Sums later ordered repaid to the patients’ personal needs trust fund as a result of an audit adjustment related to simple accounting errors such as data entry errors, mathematical errors, or posting errors or a dispute related to a proration of patient payment is not a violation of this section.


Any person who knowingly violates any of the provisions of this subsection (8) by failing to deposit personal needs funds within sixty days after the receipt of such moneys commits the crime of unlawful retention of patient personal needs funds. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this subsection (8) by applying, spending, committing, pledging, or otherwise using a patient personal needs trust fund for any purpose other than the purposes permitted by this subsection (8) commits the crime of unlawful use of a patient personal needs trust fund.


Unlawful retention of patient personal needs funds is:


A petty offense if the amount is less than three hundred dollars;


A class 2 misdemeanor if the amount is three hundred dollars or more but less than one thousand dollars;


A class 1 misdemeanor if the amount is one thousand dollars or more but less than two thousand dollars;


A class 6 felony if the amount is two thousand dollars or more but less than five thousand dollars;


A class 5 felony if the amount is five thousand dollars or more but less than twenty thousand dollars;


A class 4 felony if the amount is twenty thousand dollars or more but less than one hundred thousand dollars;


A class 3 felony if the amount is one hundred thousand dollars or more but less than one million dollars; and


A class 2 felony if the amount is one million dollars or more.


Unlawful use of a patient personal needs trust fund is:


A petty offense if the amount is less than three hundred dollars;


A class 2 misdemeanor if the amount is three hundred dollars or more but less than one thousand dollars;


A class 1 misdemeanor if the amount is one thousand dollars or more but less than two thousand dollars;


A class 6 felony if the amount is two thousand dollars or more but less than five thousand dollars;


A class 5 felony if the amount is five thousand dollars or more but less than twenty thousand dollars;


A class 4 felony if the amount is twenty thousand dollars or more but less than one hundred thousand dollars;


A class 3 felony if the amount is one hundred thousand dollars or more but less than one million dollars; and


A class 2 felony if the amount is one million dollars or more.


Any person who is convicted of violating this subsection (8) may not own or operate a nursing facility that receives medical assistance pursuant to this article or article 4 or 5 of this title. For the purposes of this paragraph (e), “convicted” means the entry of a plea of guilty, including a plea of guilty entered pursuant to a deferred sentence under section 18-1.3-102, C.R.S., the entry of a plea of no contest accepted by the court, or the entry of a verdict of guilty by a judge or jury.

Source: Section 25.5-6-206 — Personal needs benefits - amount - patient personal needs trust fund required - funeral and final disposition expenses - penalty for illegal retention and use, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Spousal protection - protection of income and resources for community spouse - definitions - amounts retained - responsibility of state department - right to appeal
Court-approved trusts - transfer of property for persons seeking medical assistance for nursing home care - undue hardship - legislative declaration
Court-approved trusts - transfer of property for persons seeking medical assistance - rule-making authority for trusts created on or after July 1, 1994 - undue hardship
Long-term care placements - comprehensive and uniform client assessment instrument - report - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal
Legislative declaration relating to implementation of single entry point system - repeal
Single entry point system - authorization - phases for implementation - services provided - repeal
Financing of single entry point system - repeal
Community long-term care studies - authority to implement - alternative care facility report
Private-public partnership education and information program concerning long-term care insurance authorized
Health home - integrated services - legislative declaration - contracting - definitions
Notification of federal immigration consequences
Community placement transformation - creation - report - repeal
Special definitions relating to nursing facility reimbursement
Providers - nursing facility provider reimbursement - exemption - rules - repeal
Nursing facilities - provider fees - federal waiver - fund created - rules - repeal
Providers - reimbursement - intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities - reimbursement - maximum allowable
Collection of penalties assessed against nursing facilities - creation of cash fund
Personal needs benefits - amount - patient personal needs trust fund required - funeral and final disposition expenses - penalty for illegal retention and use
Nursing facility provider reimbursement - rules - definition - repeal
Establishment of nursing facility provider demonstration of need - criteria - rules
Additional supplemental payments - nursing facilities - funding methodology - reporting requirement - rules - repeal
Short title
Legislative declaration
Definitions - repeal
Provision of services for elderly and blind individuals and individuals with disabilities
Eligible groups
Services for the elderly, blind, and disabled
Cost of services
Special provisions - post-eligibility treatment of income
Special provisions - personal care services provided by a family - repeal
Duties of state department
Gifts - grants
Rules - federal authorization
Training for staff providing direct-care services to clients with dementia - rules - definitions
Short title
Legislative declaration - Prader-Willi syndrome
Duties of the department of health care policy and financing and the department of human services
Relationship to other programs
Appropriations - reimbursement for services - direct support professionals - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal
Gifts - grants
Eligibility - fees
Services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Consolidated waiver - intellectual and developmental disabilities - conflict-free case management - legislative declaration - repeal
Transition plan for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities to adult services - legislative declaration - report - rules - cash fund
Qualification for federal funding
Personal needs trust fund required
Elimination of subminimum wage - transition plan for individuals with disabilities - waiver - legislative declaration - definition
Short title
Legislative declaration - no entitlement created
Cost of services
Relationship to single entry point for long-term care - repeal
Implementation of program for persons with mental health disorders authorized - federal waiver - duties of the department of health care policy and financing and the department of human services - rules
Implementation of part contingent upon receipt of federal waiver - repeal of part
Short title
Legislative declaration - no entitlement created
Definitions - repeal
Implementation of home- and community-based services program for persons with brain injury authorized - federal waiver - duties of the department - rules - repeal
Implementation of part contingent upon receipt of federal waiver - repeal of part
Rate structure - rules - quality assurance
Disabled children care program - eligibility criteria - documentation requirements - report to the general assembly
Children’s personal assistance services and family support program - repeal
Residential child health-care program - waiver - home- and community-based services - rules
Service model - consumer-directed care - repeal
Legislative declaration - repeal
In-home support services - eligibility - licensure exclusion - in-home support service agency responsibilities - rules - repeal
Provision of services - duties of state department - gifts - grants
Accountability - rate structure - rules
Report - repeal
Repeal of part
Legislative declaration
Pilot program - complementary or alternative medicine - rules
Repeal of part
Legislative declaration
Waivers and amendments
Medicaid buy-in program - eligibility - premiums - medicaid buy-in fund - report - rules - repeal
Rule-making authority
Availability of federal financial assistance under medical assistance
Community transition services and supports - legislative declaration - rules
State department to request increase in reimbursement rate for certain services
Minimum wage - wage pass-through requirement for certain home care agencies - applicability - reports - recovery
Training for home care agency employees - process for reviewing and enforcing training requirements
Legislative declaration
Case management system - defined service areas - case management services - only willing and qualified provider exemption - rules
Intellectual and developmental disability determination - functional eligibility determination - rules
Person-centered support plan
Termination of long-term services and supports for member receiving services
Records and confidentiality of information
Performance audits - Colorado local government audit law - public disclosure of board administration and operations
Community-centered board designation - rules
Legislative declaration
Development of spending plan
Spending plan - approval by joint budget committee - reporting
Home- and community-based services improvement fund - creation - transfer - expenditures
Repeal of part
Community first choice option - covered services - state plan amendment
Permissible services and supports
Maintenance of effort
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25.5-6-206’s source at