C.R.S. Section 32-11.5-203
Board of directors

  • general powers and delegation thereof
  • manner of appointment
  • compensation


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The district shall be governed by a board of directors, and, subject to paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), the board shall exercise all powers, rights, privileges, and duties of the district as provided in this article.


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The board may create an executive committee of the board and may delegate to the committee such power to act on behalf of the district as the board may determine by resolution, except as limited by the supermajority requirements specified in section 32-11.5-204 (1)(b)(II).


The board may appoint an executive director for the district and may delegate the exercise of any of its executive, administrative, and ministerial powers to the executive director and any other staff of the district. The executive director shall have such powers as may be granted by the board, which may include, but are not limited to, the ability to hire employees, consultants, or staff to help carry out the day to day operations of the district and to help execute the spending plan adopted by the board. The board may also contract for professional services, including, but not limited to, financial, legal, and engineering services, to the extent necessary to administer and implement the purposes of this article.


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The board shall consist of nine directors appointed as follows:


One Pueblo county commissioner appointed by the Pueblo county board of county commissioners as a representative of Pueblo county;


One El Paso county commissioner appointed by the El Paso county board of county commissioners as a representative of El Paso county;


One city of Pueblo city council member or the mayor of the city of Pueblo appointed by the Pueblo city council as a representative of the city of Pueblo;


One city of Colorado Springs city council member or the mayor of the city of Colorado Springs appointed by the Colorado Springs city council as a representative of the city of Colorado Springs;


One city of Fountain city council member or the mayor of the city of Fountain appointed by the Fountain city council as a representative of the city of Fountain;


One director appointed by the Pueblo county board of county commissioners who is either a representative of the lower Arkansas valley conservancy district or a citizen of Pueblo county and who represents the interests of persons from the portion of the district that lies east of the confluence of Fountain creek and the Arkansas river;


One director appointed jointly by the Colorado Springs city council and the El Paso county board of county commissioners who is either a representative of the small municipalities selected from candidates nominated by the small municipalities, or, if the small municipalities do not submit at least one candidate, then a citizen of El Paso county;


One director appointed jointly by the Pueblo city council and the Pueblo county board of county commissioners who is a citizen at large and resides in Pueblo county; and


One director appointed jointly by the El Paso county and Pueblo county boards of county commissioners who is a member of the citizens advisory group. The citizens advisory group shall provide two or more nominees for the director position to the boards, but the boards shall not be limited to the nominees in appointing the director.


The term of each director shall commence on February 1; except that the terms of the directors initially appointed shall commence immediately upon their appointment. The directors initially appointed pursuant to subparagraphs (I), (IV), (VII), and (IX) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall serve initial terms through January 31, 2011, and the directors initially appointed pursuant to subparagraphs (II), (III), (V), (VI), and (VIII) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall serve initial terms through January 31, 2012. The term of each director appointed after the initial appointments shall be for two years. Each appointing authority or pair of joint appointing authorities has sole discretion to reappoint any director who the authority or authorities initially appointed.


Each appointing authority shall select and appoint its respective director in any lawful manner as determined by the appointing authority. Each appointing authority shall designate and provide notice to the other represented public bodies of the identity of its respective director, and any designee or alternate it may choose to name, within thirty days after the appointment. Each appointing authority may also name an alternate director to attend meetings if the primary director is unavailable to attend or has a conflict of interest.


If a board vacancy occurs for any reason including, but not limited to, a director no longer possessing a mandatory qualification for board membership that the director held at the time of his or her appointment to the board, the appointing authority that appointed the director shall fill the vacancy by appointing a successor director to serve for the unexpired term. The successor director shall possess any mandatory qualification specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2).


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A director shall not receive a salary or compensation or reimbursement for any expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties, other than as may be provided by the represented public body or other organization the director represents at the sole discretion of the represented public body or organization or unless authorized by the board.


A director shall not receive any compensation as an officer, engineer, attorney, employee, or other agent of the district.

Source: Section 32-11.5-203 — Board of directors - general powers and delegation thereof - manner of appointment - compensation, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-32.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Public purpose - liberal construction - sufficiency of article
Creation of district
Boundaries of district
Board of directors - general powers and delegation thereof - manner of appointment - compensation
Board - meetings - records
Powers of district
Approval of other infrastructure
Powers of public bodies
Service charges
Improvement districts, special assessments, and bonds - general authority of district
Initiating procedure
Combination of projects
Effect of estimates
Fixing hearing and notice
Subsequent modifications
Provisional order hearing
Post-hearing procedure
Creation of improvement district
Construction contracts
Division of tract
Annexation of lands to watershed management area
Petition of fee owners
Petition of eligible electors
Annexation election
Annexation initiated by the board
General annexation provisions
Budgets, accounts, audits, and construction contracting
No action maintainable
Early hearings
Freedom from judicial process
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 32-11.5-203’s source at colorado​.gov