Short title 32‑12‑102
Legislative declaration 32‑12‑103
Definitions 32‑12‑104
Territorial requirements for rail districts 32‑12‑105
Petition for formation 32‑12‑106
Court appoints organizational commission and election committee 32‑12‑107
Rail district organizational commission 32‑12‑108
Election for formation - acquisitions - services - mill levy limit - board 32‑12‑109
Board of directors 32‑12‑110
General powers 32‑12‑111
Powers to be exercised without franchise - condition 32‑12‑112
Limitations 32‑12‑113
Revenues of rail district - collection 32‑12‑114
Levy and collection of taxes 32‑12‑115
Power to issue revenue bonds - terms 32‑12‑116
Power to incur indebtedness - interest - maturity - denominations 32‑12‑117
Debt question submitted to eligible electors - resolution 32‑12‑118
Effect - subsequent elections 32‑12‑119
Correction of faulty notices 32‑12‑120
Refunding bonds 32‑12‑121
Anticipation warrants 32‑12‑122
Inclusion of additional territory in existing rail district - procedures 32‑12‑123
Grant of operating privileges and use of railroad and facilities 32‑12‑124
Arrangements for operating and providing railroad service 32‑12‑125
Public purpose and necessity for acquisitions 32‑12‑126
Disposition of property of rail district 32‑12‑127
Dissolution 32‑12‑128
Early hearings 32‑12‑129
Short title 32‑12‑102
Legislative declaration 32‑12‑103
Definitions 32‑12‑104
Territorial requirements for rail districts 32‑12‑105
Petition for formation 32‑12‑106
Court appoints organizational commission and election committee 32‑12‑107
Rail district organizational commission 32‑12‑108
Election for formation - acquisitions - services - mill levy limit - board 32‑12‑109
Board of directors 32‑12‑110
General powers 32‑12‑111
Powers to be exercised without franchise - condition 32‑12‑112
Limitations 32‑12‑113
Revenues of rail district - collection 32‑12‑114
Levy and collection of taxes 32‑12‑115
Power to issue revenue bonds - terms 32‑12‑116
Power to incur indebtedness - interest - maturity - denominations 32‑12‑117
Debt question submitted to eligible electors - resolution 32‑12‑118
Effect - subsequent elections 32‑12‑119
Correction of faulty notices 32‑12‑120
Refunding bonds 32‑12‑121
Anticipation warrants 32‑12‑122
Inclusion of additional territory in existing rail district - procedures 32‑12‑123
Grant of operating privileges and use of railroad and facilities 32‑12‑124
Arrangements for operating and providing railroad service 32‑12‑125
Public purpose and necessity for acquisitions 32‑12‑126
Disposition of property of rail district 32‑12‑127
Dissolution 32‑12‑128
Early hearings 32‑12‑129