C.R.S. Section 34-33-111
Reclamation plan requirements


Each reclamation plan submitted as part of a permit application pursuant to this article shall include, in the degree of detail necessary to demonstrate that reclamation required by this article can be accomplished, a statement of:


The identification of the lands subject to surface coal mining operations over the estimated life of those operations and the size, sequence, and timing of the subareas for which it is anticipated that individual permits will be sought;


The condition of the land to be covered by the permit prior to any surface coal mining operations, including:


The uses existing at the time of the application and, if the land has a history of previous mining, the uses which preceded any mining;


The capability of the land prior to any mining to support a variety of uses, giving consideration to soil and foundation characteristics, topography, and vegetative cover and, if applicable, a soil survey prepared pursuant to section 34-33-110 (2)(q); and


The productivity of the land prior to mining, including appropriate classification as prime farmlands, as well as the average yield of food, fiber, forage, or wood products from such lands obtained under high levels of management;


The use which is proposed to be made of the land following reclamation, including a discussion of the utility and capacity of the reclaimed land to support a variety of alternative uses and the relationship of such use to existing land use policies and plans, and the comments of any owner of the surface and the federal, state, and local governments or agencies thereof which would have to initiate, implement, approve, or authorize the proposed use of the land following reclamation;


A detailed description of how the proposed postmining land use is to be achieved and the necessary support activities which may be needed to achieve the proposed land use;


The engineering techniques proposed to be used in the surface coal mining and reclamation operations and a description of the major equipment to be used; a plan for the control of surface water drainage and of water accumulation; a plan, where appropriate, for backfilling, soil stabilization, and compacting, grading, and appropriate revegetation; a plan for soil reconstruction, replacement, and stabilization, pursuant to the performance standards in section 34-33-120 (2)(g), for those food, forage, and forest lands subject to the provisions of section 34-33-120 (2)(g); an estimate of the cost per acre of the reclamation, including a statement as to how the applicant plans to comply with each of the requirements set out in section 34-33-120;


The consideration which has been given to maximize the utilization and conservation of the solid fuel resource being recovered so that reaffecting the land in the future can be minimized;


A detailed estimated timetable for the accomplishment of each major step in the reclamation plan;


The consideration which has been given to making the surface coal mining and reclamation operations consistent with surface-owner plans and with applicable state and local land use plans and programs;


The steps to be taken to comply with applicable air and water quality laws and regulations and any applicable health and safety standards as administered by applicable state and federal agencies;


The consideration which has been given to developing the reclamation plan in a manner consistent with local physical, environmental, and climatological conditions;


All lands, interests in lands, or options on such interests held by the applicant or pending bids on interests in lands by the applicant, which lands are contiguous to the area to be covered by the permit;


The results of test boring made at the area or other equivalent information and data in a form satisfactory to the office, including the location of subsurface water, and an analysis of the chemical properties, including acid-forming properties, of the mineral and overburden; except that information which pertains to the quantity of the coal or to the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of the coal (excepting that information which the office reasonably believes to concern a mineral or elemental content which is potentially toxic in the environment) shall be kept confidential and shall not be made a matter of public record;


A detailed description of the measures to be taken during the surface coal mining and reclamation operations to assure the protection of:


The quality of surface water and groundwater systems, both on-site and off-site, from adverse effects of the surface coal mining and reclamation operations;


The rights of present users to such water; and


The quantity of water in surface and groundwater systems. Protection measures may include providing water by exchange, substitution, replacement, or augmentation, as appropriate under state law.


Any information required by this section which is not on public file pursuant to state law shall be held in confidence by the board and the office.

Source: Section 34-33-111 — Reclamation plan requirements, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-34.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Jurisdiction of office and board
Additional duties of division
Powers of department
Rules and regulations - no more stringent
Application for permit
Reclamation plan requirements
Small operator assistance
Performance bonds
Permit approval or denial
Revision of permit
Technical revision of permit - regulations
Coal exploration permit - regulations
Public notice and public hearings on complete applications
Permit application decisions of the office - appeals
Environmental protection performance standards - regulations
Surface effects of underground coal mining
Inspections and monitoring
Enforcement - civil and criminal penalties
Review by board
Release of performance bonds or deposits
Designating areas unsuitable for surface coal mining
Public agencies, public utilities, and public corporations
Judicial review
Surface coal mining operations not subject to this article
Data inventory
Informal opinion as to alluvial valley floors
Special coordination and review process - site-specific agreements
Abandoned mine reclamation plan
Colorado mine subsidence protection program - rules
Experimental practices
Civil actions
Water rights
Reservation clause
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 34-33-111’s source at colorado​.gov