C.R.S. Section 34-33-122
Inspections and monitoring


For the purposes of administering and enforcing any permit under this article or of determining whether any person is in violation of any requirement of this article, the board shall require permittees to establish and maintain records of information relative to surface coal mining and reclamation operations which the board deems necessary in order for it or the office to monitor such operations.


For those surface coal mining and reclamation operations which affect or potentially affect surface water and groundwater, on or off the site, the office shall, to the extent it deems necessary and after consultation with the division of water resources, require the permittee to:


Establish monitoring sites to record the effect of the operations on the level and amount of such water;


Maintain records of well logs and borehole data;


Establish such monitoring sites to record precipitation in the area of the surface coal mining operation.


The office shall require such monitoring of surface and groundwater quality, both on and off the site, as it deems necessary to determine compliance by permittees with the water quality provisions of this article.


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The authorized representative of the board or office, upon presentation of appropriate credentials, shall have the power to enter at reasonable times, and without delay, upon or through any surface coal mining and reclamation operations and to have access to and copy any record, wherever located, and to inspect any monitoring equipment or method of operation required under this article or any permit issued under this article.


Such inspections shall occur on an irregular basis, during times of operation at the mine, averaging not less than one partial inspection per month and one complete inspection per calendar quarter for each permitted surface coal mining and reclamation operation. Inspections may occur at any time at sites if a surface coal mining operation does not have a valid permit under this article or if there is reason to believe in a particular instance that significant environmental harm exists.


Such inspections shall occur without prior notice to the permittee or his agents or employees, except for necessary on-site meetings with the permittee, and shall include the filing of inspection reports on forms approved by the board.


Each permittee shall conspicuously maintain at the entrances to his surface coal mining and reclamation operations a clearly visible sign which sets forth the name, business address, and telephone number of the permittee and the permit number of the surface coal mining and reclamation operations.


Upon detection of a violation of any requirement of this article during an inspection, the authorized representative of the board or office shall forthwith issue a notice of violation to the operator in accordance with section 34-33-123.


Any person who is or may be adversely affected by a particular surface coal mining operation may request that an inspection for violations be held. Such request shall be acted upon by the office if it is in writing and if it contains sufficient basis for the allegation that a violation has occurred. When a state inspection is to be made as a result of such information, the office shall notify such person when the inspection is proposed to be carried out, and such person shall be allowed to accompany the inspector during the inspection if such person remains in the presence of and under the control, direction, and supervision of the inspector and if such person agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal safety rules and regulations.


Copies of any records, reports, inspection materials, or information obtained under this article by the board, except information identified as confidential pursuant to the provisions of this article, shall be made immediately available to the public at the office of mined land reclamation’s office and at a convenient place in the area of the surface coal mining and reclamation operations.


No employee of the division performing any function or duty under this article 33 shall have a direct or indirect financial interest in any underground or surface coal mining operation. Whoever knowingly violates the provisions of this subsection (9) commits a class 2 misdemeanor.

Source: Section 34-33-122 — Inspections and monitoring, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-34.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Jurisdiction of office and board
Additional duties of division
Powers of department
Rules and regulations - no more stringent
Application for permit
Reclamation plan requirements
Small operator assistance
Performance bonds
Permit approval or denial
Revision of permit
Technical revision of permit - regulations
Coal exploration permit - regulations
Public notice and public hearings on complete applications
Permit application decisions of the office - appeals
Environmental protection performance standards - regulations
Surface effects of underground coal mining
Inspections and monitoring
Enforcement - civil and criminal penalties
Review by board
Release of performance bonds or deposits
Designating areas unsuitable for surface coal mining
Public agencies, public utilities, and public corporations
Judicial review
Surface coal mining operations not subject to this article
Data inventory
Informal opinion as to alluvial valley floors
Special coordination and review process - site-specific agreements
Abandoned mine reclamation plan
Colorado mine subsidence protection program - rules
Experimental practices
Civil actions
Water rights
Reservation clause
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 34-33-122’s source at