Short title 35‑33‑102
Legislative declaration 35‑33‑103
Definitions 35‑33‑104
Commissioner of agriculture - powers and duties 35‑33‑105
Injunctive relief 35‑33‑106
Delegation of duties - cooperative agreements 35‑33‑107
Exemptions 35‑33‑201
Processing facilities - operation - rules 35‑33‑202
Record-keeping requirements 35‑33‑203
Slaughter methods 35‑33‑203.5
Freezing prior to delivery 35‑33‑206
License required - application - inspection - issuance 35‑33‑207
License fees 35‑33‑208
Disciplinary actions - grounds 35‑33‑301
Sale of poultry - labeling - rules 35‑33‑405
Violations - civil penalties - disposition 35‑33‑406
Violations - criminal penalty 35‑33‑407
Repeal of article - review of functions
Short title 35‑33‑102
Legislative declaration 35‑33‑103
Definitions 35‑33‑104
Commissioner of agriculture - powers and duties 35‑33‑105
Injunctive relief 35‑33‑106
Delegation of duties - cooperative agreements 35‑33‑107
Exemptions 35‑33‑201
Processing facilities - operation - rules 35‑33‑202
Record-keeping requirements 35‑33‑203
Slaughter methods 35‑33‑203.5
Freezing prior to delivery 35‑33‑206
License required - application - inspection - issuance 35‑33‑207
License fees 35‑33‑208
Disciplinary actions - grounds 35‑33‑301
Sale of poultry - labeling - rules 35‑33‑405
Violations - civil penalties - disposition 35‑33‑406
Violations - criminal penalty 35‑33‑407
Repeal of article - review of functions