C.R.S. Section 35-70-118

  • procedure
  • conservation fund


No proceeding for the dissolution of a conservation district shall be initiated within five years after the date of the organization of the district. Anytime after the expiration of such five-year period, proceedings to determine whether or not a conservation district shall be dissolved may be instituted by a petition addressed to the state board, which shall be signed by not less than twenty-five percent of the owners of land within the district and approved by a majority of the supervisors of such district. Such petition shall state the reasons for the dissolution and the proposed disposition of all contracts, assets, and liabilities held or owed by the district and shall request that the state board proceed to hold a hearing and call an election to determine whether or not such district shall be dissolved.


Within sixty days after receipt of such petition, the state board shall give notice by publication, as specified in section 35-70-105 (6), of the filing of such petition; of the date (not less than twenty days after the date of such notice), time, and place when a hearing shall be had to determine the sufficiency of the petition and the advisability of dissolving the district; that all complaints and objections that may be made in writing concerning the sufficiency of the petition and the advisability of the dissolution of the district by the owners of any land within such district will be heard and determined before final action thereon; and that all owners of land within the district shall have the right to attend such hearing and be heard.


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On hearing, if, in the opinion of the state board, the petition is insufficient or proper arrangements have not been made for the disposition of the contracts, assets, and liabilities of the district, the papers shall be returned to the petitioners for amendment. If, in the opinion of the state board, the dissolution of the district is not advisable, it shall so inform the petitioners, and the district shall not be dissolved; but subsequent petitions may be filed after six months have expired after the date of denial of such petition and new hearings and determinations made thereon.


If, following the hearing, it is the opinion of the state board that the petition is sufficient and that the dissolution is advisable, the state board shall call an election in the manner provided for in section 35-70-105 (5) and (7), but the only question to be determined at such election shall be whether or not the district shall be dissolved.


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If a majority of the votes cast are against dissolution of the district, the district shall continue to exist as though no petition had been filed and no election held. Thereafter, no petitions for dissolution shall be considered by the state board at intervals of less than three years.


If a majority of the votes cast are for dissolution of the district, the state board shall, within sixty days after such election, certify to the division of local government in the department of local affairs a statement of such election and the result thereof. The director of said division thereupon shall execute and issue to the state board a certificate of dissolution, and thereafter the existence of the district shall cease. The state board shall forthwith cause the certificate of dissolution to be recorded in the books of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which such district was located in whole or in part.


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Within thirty days after the division of local government has issued a certificate of dissolution, the supervisors shall proceed, as trustees, to sell the assets of the district at public or private sale, whichever may be approved by the state board. After paying any outstanding accounts of the district and the cost of such dissolution and sale, the remainder of the proceeds shall be paid over to the state board and shall be deposited with the state treasurer to the credit of such board in a fund to be known as the conservation fund. Such fund shall be expended by the state board as needed by the organizations of conservation districts and for carrying out the purposes of this article and not otherwise. If at any time after such fund is established there are no conservation districts in existence in the state, the state board shall so notify the controller, and any balance remaining in such fund shall be transferred to the general fund of the state.


All contracts entered into by the district prior to dissolution shall remain in full force and effect until terminated by the terms thereof or by mutual agreement, but, in all such contracts, upon dissolution of such districts, the state board shall be substituted for the supervisors as the district’s party to such contracts. The state board has the same right as the supervisors would have had to perform and require performance of such contract, sue and be sued thereon, and modify or terminate such contracts by mutual agreement or as provided in such contracts, but no member of the state board shall be subject to any personal liability therefor.


Such dissolution shall not affect any lien or right of action theretofore held by the district, and the state board shall succeed to all the rights and obligations of the supervisors in such respect. Any funds coming into the hands of each county treasurer in payment of taxes or assessments levied against the lands within the district after dissolution of the district or remaining in such treasurer’s hands at the time of such dissolution shall be treated as are other assets of the districts, as provided in this section.

Source: Section 35-70-118 — Dissolution - procedure - conservation fund, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 35-70-118’s source at colorado​.gov