C.R.S. Section 35-80-108.5
Dog breeders and cat breeders

  • pet stores
  • short title


The short title of this section is the “Pet Store Consumer Protection Act”.


A pet store that sells or offers for sale dogs or cats shall:


Include on all advertisements, including website postings, the purchase price of the dog or cat and any applicable federal or state license numbers for the breeder of the dog or cat;


Post on the enclosure of each dog or cat the purchase price of the dog or cat and the following information on the dog’s or cat’s breeder: Full name; kennel name, if applicable; city; state; and any applicable state or federal license numbers; and


Disclose to a prospective consumer in writing, prior to the sale of a dog or cat, the following information about the dog or cat:


The purchase price of the dog or cat;


The interest rate or range associated with any financing or credit card offered to the prospective purchaser; and


Any applicable federal or state license numbers and an unredacted list of all violations of any federal or state law the dog or cat breeder, broker, or transporter received in the previous two years on a federal or state inspection report.


Nothing in this section precludes a statutory or home rule town, city, county, or city and county from enacting laws more stringent than the requirements of this section, including a prohibition on the sale or offer for sale of dogs and cats.

Source: Section 35-80-108.5 — Dog breeders and cat breeders - pet stores - short title, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 35-80-108.5’s source at colorado​.gov