C.R.S. Section 35-80-117
Repeal of article

  • sunset review
  • report to general assembly


This article 80 is repealed, effective September 1, 2026.


Before the repeal, the licensing functions of the commissioner are scheduled for review in accordance with section 24-34-104.


On or before February 1, 2018, the commissioner shall provide a written report to the agriculture, livestock, and natural resources committee and the finance committee of the house of representatives and the agriculture, natural resources, and energy committee and the finance committee of the senate, or their successor committees, containing the following information, as of September 1, 2013, and September 1, 2017:


A schedule of the fees charged for all classes of licenses issued under this article and for renewal of those licenses;


The total revenue received by the department as a result of the fees charged for licenses and renewals under this article; and


The total number of personnel employed by the department to administer this article.


On or before February 1, 2015, and annually thereafter, the commissioner shall provide a written report to the executive committee of the legislative council, the agriculture, livestock, and natural resources committee of the house of representatives, and the agriculture, natural resources, and energy committee of the senate, or their successor committees, explaining the need for and purposes of any increase in the fee charged for any class of licenses issued under this article or for renewal of those licenses, including without limitation a statement of the number of inspections performed per month before and after the increase.

Source: Section 35-80-117 — Repeal of article - sunset review - report to general assembly, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 35-80-117’s source at colorado​.gov