C.R.S. Section 37-3-105
Employment of agents


The secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the district and of its corporate seal and shall assist the board of directors in such particulars as it may direct in the performance of its duties. The secretary shall attest, under the corporate seal of the district, all certified copies of the official records and files of the district that may be required of him by this article or by any person ordering the same and paying the reasonable cost of transcription, and any portion of the record so certified and attested shall prima facie import verity. The secretary shall serve also as treasurer of the district unless a treasurer is otherwise provided for by the board of directors. The board shall also have the authority to appoint other members of the board as custodians for district funds. The board may also employ a chief engineer, who may be an individual, partnership, or corporation; an attorney; and such other engineers, attorneys, and agents and assistants as may be needed; and it may provide for their compensation, which, with all other necessary expenditures, shall be part of the cost or maintenance of the improvement.


The employment of the secretary, treasurer, chief engineer, and attorney for the district shall be evidenced by agreements in writing which, so far as possible, shall specify the amounts to be paid for their services. The chief engineer shall be superintendent of all the works and improvements, and shall make a full report to the board of directors each year, or oftener if required by the board, and may make such suggestions and recommendations to the board as he may deem proper. The secretary and treasurer and such other agents or employees of the district as the court may direct shall furnish corporate surety bonds, at the expense of the district, in amount and form fixed and approved by the court, conditioned upon the faithful performance of their respective duties.

Source: Section 37-3-105 — Employment of agents, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 37-3-105’s source at colorado​.gov