C.R.S. Section 39-21-105


The taxpayer may appeal the final determination of the executive director issued pursuant to section 39-21-103, 39-21-104, or 39-21-104.5 within thirty days after the mailing of such determination. Jurisdiction to hear and determine such appeals is in the district courts of this state.


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Venue is in the district court of the county where the taxpayer resides or has his or her principal place of business. If the taxpayer has neither a residence nor a principal place of business within the state, venue is in the Denver district court.


The district court shall try the case de novo, reviewing all questions of law and fact, such review being conducted in accordance with the Colorado rules of civil procedure. The taxpayer shall present his or her case in the same manner as the plaintiff in other civil actions and the normal rules of evidence shall apply. The taxpayer has the burden of proof with respect to the issues raised in the written notice described in subsection (3) of this section except as to the issue of whether the taxpayer has been guilty of fraud with intent to evade tax. The burden of proof is on the executive director of the department of revenue or his or her delegate to show that a petitioner is liable as a transferee of property of a taxpayer but not to show that the taxpayer was liable for the tax. The district court may affirm, modify, or reverse the determination of the executive director and may enter judgment on its findings.


A taxpayer appeals a final determination of the executive director by filing, with the clerk of the district court of the proper county, a copy of the notice of final determination received by the taxpayer, together with a written notice stating that the taxpayer appeals to the district court and alleging the pertinent facts upon which such appeal is grounded.


Within fifteen days after filing an appeal to the district court from a decision pursuant to section 39-21-104.5, the taxpayer shall file with the district court a surety bond in twice the amount of the taxes, interest, and other charges stated as due in the final determination by the executive director which are contested on appeal. The taxpayer may, at his or her option, satisfy the surety bond requirement by deposit in a savings account or deposit account held in, or purchase a certificate of deposit issued by, a state or national bank or by a state or federal savings and loan association, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-35-101 (1), C.R.S., an amount equal to twice the amount of the taxes, interest, and other charges stated as due in the final determination by the executive director.


Any taxpayer may, at his or her option, deposit the disputed amount with the executive director of the department of revenue within fifteen days after filing an appeal to the district court. If such amount is so deposited, no further interest accrues on the deficiency contested during the pendency of the action. At the conclusion of the action, after appeal to the supreme court or the court of appeals or after the time for such appeal has expired, the funds deposited must be, at the direction of the court, either retained by the executive director and applied against the deficiency or returned in whole or in part to the taxpayer with interest at the rate imposed under section 39-21-110.5. The taxpayer does not need to make a claim for refund of amounts deposited with the executive director of the department of revenue in order for such amounts to be repaid in accordance with the direction of the court.


Upon filing of the written notice described in subsection (3) of this section, the executive director of the department of revenue is deemed to be a party to the appeal, and the clerk of the district court shall docket the cause as a civil action. The appellant shall cause summons to be issued and cause the same to be served upon the executive director, in accordance with the manner provided by law in civil cases. Notice of the date of trial must be mailed to the taxpayer and to the executive director, at least twenty days before the date of the trial.


The final decision made in an appeal of an executive director’s final determination must be entered as a judgment, as in other civil cases, against the taxpayer or against the executive director as the case may be.


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The decision of the district court is reviewable by the supreme court or the court of appeals as is otherwise provided by law; except that C.R.C.P. 62 (d) and C.R.C.P. 121 section 1-23 shall not apply. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (8), if the taxpayer wishes to seek review of a district court ruling that is adverse to the taxpayer in part or in whole, no later than fifteen days after the ruling the taxpayer shall:


File with the district court a surety bond in twice the amount of the taxes, interest, and other charges stated as due in the district court ruling, which are contested on appeal;


Deposit in a savings account or deposit account held in, or purchase a certificate of deposit issued by, a state or national bank or by a state or federal savings and loan association, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-35-101 (1), C.R.S., an amount equal to twice the amount of the taxes, interest, and other charges stated in the district court ruling; or


Deposit the amount stated as due in the district court ruling with the executive director.


If the taxpayer has posted a bond, made a deposit, or deposited the disputed amount with the executive director as specified in subsections (4) and (5) of this section, such previous payment or posting is continued in effect and no further payment or posting may be required.


Upon the taxpayer fulfilling the appeal requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection (8), collection on the judgment is stayed during the pendency of the action.


If the taxpayer deposits the amount stated as due in the district court ruling with the executive director as specified in subparagraph (III) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (8), no further interest shall accrue on the amount deposited during the pendency of the action. At the conclusion of the action, after appeal to the supreme court or after the time for such appeal has expired, the funds deposited must be, at the direction of the court, either retained by the executive director and applied against the deficiency or returned in whole or in part to the taxpayer with interest at the rate imposed under section 39-21-110.5. The taxpayer does not need to make a claim for refund of amounts deposited with the executive director in order for such amounts to be repaid in accordance with the direction of the court.

Source: Section 39-21-105 — Appeals, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Rejection of claims
Frivolous submissions
Notice - first-class mail - definition
Interest on underpayment, nonpayment, or extensions of time for payment of tax
Interest on overpayments - repeal
Rate of interest to be fixed
Jeopardy assessment and demands
Duties and powers of executive director
Reports and returns - rule - repeal
Methods of enforcing collection
Surrender of property subject to levy - definition
Reciprocity with other states for collection of taxes provided
Closing agreements
Penalties - repeal
Saving clause
Criminal penalties - repeal
Filing with executive director - when deemed to have been made
Mandatory electronic filing of returns - mandatory electronic payment - penalty - waiver - definitions
Signature and filing alternatives for tax returns
Unclaimed property offset - definition
Program established
Legislative declaration
Tax profile and expenditure report
Tax expenditure - tax preference performance statement - tax expenditure repeal requirement
Tax expenditure - state auditor evaluation
Legislative declaration
Legislative oversight committee concerning tax policy - creation - duties - report
Task force concerning tax policy - creation - membership - duties
Repeal of part
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-21-105’s source at colorado​.gov