C.R.S. Section 39-30.5-106
Rural jump-start zone

  • local government requirements


Before the commission may approve a rural jump-start zone as specified in section 39-30.5-104, the following must occur:


An interested distressed county must adopt a resolution affirming that it will provide incentive payments, exemptions, or refunds, as appropriate, to new businesses to eliminate the business personal property tax imposed on all new businesses by the distressed county. The distressed county may adopt an additional resolution affirming that it chooses to provide incentive payments, exemptions, or refunds, as appropriate, to all new businesses to eliminate any other tax imposed on or paid by such new businesses in the distressed county.


Interested municipalities within an interested distressed county must adopt either:


A general resolution affirming that it will provide incentive payments, exemptions, or refunds, as appropriate, to all new businesses to eliminate the business personal property tax imposed on new businesses by the interested municipality. The interested municipality may adopt an additional resolution affirming that it chooses to provide incentive payments, exemptions, or refunds, as appropriate, to all new businesses to eliminate any other tax imposed on or paid by such new businesses in the interested municipality.


A limited resolution affirming that it will provide incentive payments, exemptions, or refunds, as appropriate, to a specific new business to eliminate the business personal property tax imposed on the specific new business by the interested municipality. The interested municipality may adopt an additional resolution affirming that it chooses to provide incentive payments, exemptions, or refunds, as appropriate, to the specific business to eliminate any other tax imposed on or paid by the specific business in the interested municipality.

Source: Section 39-30.5-106 — Rural jump-start zone - local government requirements, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-30.5-106’s source at colorado​.gov