C.R.S. Section 6-26-101
Complaints to federal trade commission

  • attorney general to provide guidance


The attorney general or the attorney general’s designee, in collaboration with the broadband deployment board created in section 24-37.5-119, shall develop written guidance for consumers seeking to file a complaint with the federal trade commission to allege that an internet service provider, as defined in section 40-15-209 (4)(b), has engaged in any practice that violates federal law regarding interference with the open internet.


On or before October 1, 2019, the department of law shall post the written guidance developed pursuant to subsection (1) of this section on its public website.


The attorney general, in collaboration with the broadband deployment board, shall update the written guidance as needed.

Source: Section 6-26-101 — Complaints to federal trade commission - attorney general to provide guidance, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-06.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 6-26-101’s source at colorado​.gov