C.R.S. Section 7-63-116
Dissolution and termination


An association shall have indefinite duration and shall continue until terminated as provided in this section. An association shall continue even though it has only one member or only one person owning all of the interests in the association. An association may be dissolved by a vote of all of its members or upon the other events or circumstances as may be provided in the bylaws.


After an association is dissolved, its business and affairs shall be wound up and its property distributed; except that the property of the association shall be applied first to the satisfaction of its liabilities and indebtedness and then to distributions among the members with respect to their interests as members.


If assets of an association have been distributed to members in the winding up of the association before its liabilities and indebtedness have been paid or adequately provided for, the association before its termination, and, after its termination, the creditors of an association shall have a claim against members receiving distributions for such liabilities and indebtedness not barred by applicable statutes of limitation; except that a member’s total liability for all claims under this section may not exceed the total value of assets distributed to the member, as such value is determined at the time of distribution. Any member required to return any portion of the value of assets received by the member in liquidation shall be entitled to contribution from all other members. Each such contribution shall be in accordance with the contributing member’s rights and interests and shall not exceed the value of the assets received by the contributing member in dissolution.


Distributions among members shall be in accordance with the priorities and proportions of their respective claims and interests.


Upon the apparent completion of the winding up and distribution, the association shall file articles of dissolution with the secretary of state stating the domestic entity name of the association, the principal office address of the association’s principal office, and that the association is dissolved. After the filing of articles of dissolution, the association’s managers and agents shall continue to have authority to convey any real or personal property held in the domestic entity name of the association and otherwise act as provided in the bylaws or, subject to the bylaws, as provided in this article to complete the winding up or distribution.


Subsections (1) and (4) of this section are default rules, subject to the bylaws.
(7)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 1448, § 153, effective July 1, 2004.)

Source: Section 7-63-116 — Dissolution and termination, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-07.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 7-63-116’s source at colorado​.gov