C.R.S. Section 8-45-118
Treasurer custodian of fund

  • disbursements


The state treasurer shall be the custodian of the Pinnacol Assurance fund, and all disbursements therefrom shall be paid either by the state treasurer upon warrants drawn in accordance with law upon vouchers issued by the board upon order of the chief executive officer, or by or under the direction of the chief executive officer in such other manner as the state treasurer may approve. In every case occurring in which a warrant has been drawn in accordance with law against the state treasurer upon vouchers issued by the board for payment of any sum of money from the Pinnacol Assurance fund, or when another form of payment has been made from such fund by or under the direction of the chief executive officer, and the time within which said warrant or other form of payment shall be presented for payment in order to be valid has not been stamped, printed, or written across the face thereof, or otherwise specified, and a period of six months has elapsed since the issuance of such warrant or other form of payment, during which no person entitled thereto, or the proceeds thereof, has presented the same to the state treasurer for payment, or appeared to claim the funds so authorized to be paid from the hands of the state treasurer or the chief executive officer, such warrant or other form of payment may in the discretion of the chief executive officer be posted for cancellation, and thereafter canceled and set aside.


In every such case in which it is proposed to cancel any such warrant, the chief executive officer shall cause a notice to be drawn in duplicate, with a description of said warrant containing the amount, number, date of issuance, and name of payee, and shall cause one copy of said notice to be posted in a conspicuous place that is open to the public in the office of said board and one copy to be delivered to the state treasurer. If, at the end of one month after the posting of such notice and the delivery of a copy to the state treasurer, such warrant is not presented for payment and no person entitled to the proceeds thereof appears to claim the funds so authorized to be paid in said warrant, said warrant may be canceled as provided in this section.


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The state treasurer shall, upon the request of the chief executive officer, transfer any such funds held to the credit of or for the payment of such warrant back to the credit of the Pinnacol Assurance fund. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), if at any time thereafter application shall be made for the reissuance of such warrant, the same may be reissued, if the claim that it represents appears to be valid and still outstanding. Such reissued warrant shall be made payable from the moneys on deposit in the Pinnacol Assurance fund and shall be made payable to the person entitled to the proceeds thereof.


For warrants issued on or after August 6, 2003, the funds transferred pursuant to subsection (3)(a) of this section shall be subject to the “Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act”, article 13 of title 38, and for purposes of this subsection (3)(b), Pinnacol Assurance shall be considered an insurance company as defined in section 38-13-102 (13).


Except as provided in section 8-45-117, the powers and discretion granted in this section to the chief executive officer and the state treasurer shall obtain in all cases relating to the warrants or other forms of payment drawn on the Pinnacol Assurance fund, anything to the contrary in any statute notwithstanding.

Source: Section 8-45-118 — Treasurer custodian of fund - disbursements, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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