C.R.S. Section 1-11-208.5
Certification of questions to administrative law judge


The house of the general assembly in which any contest for senator or representative, as applicable, is to be tried shall certify questions to the office of administrative courts for referral to an administrative law judge. The questions shall relate exclusively to the election returns in the district and the number of votes cast for each of the candidates for the contested seat. No question may be certified regarding the eligibility or qualification of any person for the contested office.


Upon certification pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the house of the general assembly in which the contest is to be tried shall transmit to the administrative law judge any papers submitted by the secretary of state pursuant to section 1-11-210 or any other documents submitted to that house in connection with the election contest.


The administrative law judge shall have jurisdiction to make findings of fact on the questions certified by a house of the general assembly pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. Further evidence upon the points specified in such questions may be submitted by the contestor, the contestee, or both, in such contest. The administrative law judge may take and consider such additional evidence but shall limit its findings of fact to the questions certified.


Any issues of law or findings of fact decided in a prior judicial proceeding that affect a party that contests an election for state senator or representative pursuant to section 1-11-208 shall not be conclusive upon an administrative law judge conducting fact finding or making recommendations pursuant to this section.


The administrative law judge shall hold a hearing within twenty days after the date that questions were certified to the administrative law judge pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. The administrative law judge’s findings of fact and recommendations shall be completed not more than ten days after the date of the hearing. Such findings of fact and recommendations shall take precedence over all other business of the administrative law judge.


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If the administrative law judge finds that, based on a preponderance of the evidence, an accurate and verifiable vote count can be determined in the contested district showing that a person had the highest number of votes cast in the district for the contested state senate or state house of representatives seat, the administrative law judge shall make recommendations to the house that certified the questions, including, but not limited to, that such person be seated as the senator or representative from the contested district.


If the administrative law judge finds that, based on a preponderance of the evidence, irregularities in the votes cast or counted in the district for the contested state senate or state house of representatives seat both prevented an accurate and verifiable vote count and may have directly affected the outcome of the election, the administrative law judge shall make recommendations to the house that certified the questions, including, but not limited to, that such house further resolve the election contest or call a special legislative election pursuant to section 1-11-303.


The administrative law judge shall transmit all the files and records of the proceedings to the presiding officer of the house in which the contest for senator or representative was filed.


The administrative law judge’s findings of fact and recommendations shall be final and not be subject to review by any other court.


Upon receipt of such findings of fact and recommendations, the house in which the contest for senator or representative arose may take appropriate action, including, but not limited to:


A trial of the election contest;


Declaration of the duly elected member in the contested district in accordance with the findings of the administrative law judge; or


Adoption of a resolution pursuant to section 1-11-302 calling for a special legislative election.

Source: Section 1-11-208.5 — Certification of questions to administrative law judge, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Tie votes at partisan elections
Tie votes in nonpartisan elections
Ballot issue and ballot question - majority required
Certificates of election for nonpartisan, ballot issue, or ballot question elections
Certificates of election for county and precinct officers
Certificates of election for national, state, and district officers
Delivery of certified list of results
Lists of presidential electors
Causes of contest
Who may contest election
Contests arising out of primary elections
Contests concerning ballot order or ballot title - ballot issue or ballot question elections
Contests for presidential elector
Contests for state officers
Evidence in contests for state officers
Rules for conducting contests for state officers
Contests for state senator or representative
Certification of questions to administrative law judge
Depositions in contests for state senator or representative
Secretary of state to transmit papers in contests for state senator or representative
Contests for district attorneys
Contests for county and nonpartisan officers - ballot issues and ballot questions
Contests concerning bond elections
Rules for conducting contests in district court
Trial and appeals in contests for county and nonpartisan elections
Recount in contests for county and nonpartisan elections
Judgment in contests for county and nonpartisan elections
Judgment in election contests - creation of financial obligation
Costs of election contest
Violations by the governing body
Legislative declaration
Causes of special legislative election
Call for special legislative election
Date of election
Notice of special legislative election
Withdrawal from special legislative election
Conduct of special legislative election
Survey of returns
Special legislative elections subject to “Fair Campaign Practices Act”
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-11-208.5’s source at colorado​.gov