C.R.S. Section 1-11-209
Depositions in contests for state senator or representative


Either party, at the time the statement or answer is served, may serve upon the adverse party reasonable notice of taking depositions to be used at trial of the contest for state senator or state representative. Immediately after joining issue of fact, both parties shall proceed with all reasonable diligence to take any depositions they may desire to use at trial. Nothing in this subsection (1) shall abridge the right of either party to take depositions upon reasonable notice prior to the joining of issue in relation to any of the matters in controversy; but a failure to take depositions before the joining of issue shall not be held as laches against either party to the contest.


If, upon the completion of taking any depositions, the adverse party has any witnesses present before the officer taking the depositions whose testimony the adverse party may wish to use in rebuttal of the depositions, the adverse party may proceed immediately to take the deposition of the rebutting witness before the officer, upon giving written notice to the other party or the other party’s attorney. The officer shall attach to the depositions a copy of the notice with proof of service and shall return the rebuttal depositions in the same manner provided for returning depositions in chief. The party taking a deposition shall pay all costs of taking the deposition and its return.


The time for taking depositions to be used at trial of the contest shall expire three days prior to the meeting of the next general assembly. Both parties may take depositions at the same time, but neither party shall take depositions at more than one place at the same time. Nothing in this subsection (3) shall be construed to abridge the right of either house of the general assembly, upon good cause shown, to extend the time to take depositions, or to send for and examine any witness, or to take any testimony it may desire to use on trial of the contest, or to order a recount of the ballots if there has been an error in surveying the returns in any county or precinct.


Any county or district judge of or for a county in the judicial district where a contested election case arises may issue subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, take depositions, and certify depositions according to the rules of the district court.


The officer before whom the depositions are taken, upon the completion thereof, shall certify the depositions immediately, shall enclose the depositions, and the notices for taking the depositions, and the proofs of service of the notices in an envelope, and shall seal and transmit the envelope by mail or in person by a sworn officer, to the secretary of state, with an endorsement showing the nature of the papers, the names of the contesting parties, and the house of the general assembly before which the contest is to be tried.

Source: Section 1-11-209 — Depositions in contests for state senator or representative, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Tie votes at partisan elections
Tie votes in nonpartisan elections
Ballot issue and ballot question - majority required
Certificates of election for nonpartisan, ballot issue, or ballot question elections
Certificates of election for county and precinct officers
Certificates of election for national, state, and district officers
Delivery of certified list of results
Lists of presidential electors
Causes of contest
Who may contest election
Contests arising out of primary elections
Contests concerning ballot order or ballot title - ballot issue or ballot question elections
Contests for presidential elector
Contests for state officers
Evidence in contests for state officers
Rules for conducting contests for state officers
Contests for state senator or representative
Certification of questions to administrative law judge
Depositions in contests for state senator or representative
Secretary of state to transmit papers in contests for state senator or representative
Contests for district attorneys
Contests for county and nonpartisan officers - ballot issues and ballot questions
Contests concerning bond elections
Rules for conducting contests in district court
Trial and appeals in contests for county and nonpartisan elections
Recount in contests for county and nonpartisan elections
Judgment in contests for county and nonpartisan elections
Judgment in election contests - creation of financial obligation
Costs of election contest
Violations by the governing body
Legislative declaration
Causes of special legislative election
Call for special legislative election
Date of election
Notice of special legislative election
Withdrawal from special legislative election
Conduct of special legislative election
Survey of returns
Special legislative elections subject to “Fair Campaign Practices Act”
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-11-209’s source at colorado​.gov