C.R.S. Section 11-110-111

  • fee
  • financial statements and reports to commissioner
  • change in control


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The commissioner may examine the books and records of a licensee using risk-based criteria and considering other available regulatory mechanisms as directed by the banking board; shall make and file in the office of the commissioner a correct report in detail disclosing the results of the examination; and shall mail a copy of the report to the licensee examined. If the licensee’s records are located outside this state, the licensee shall, at the option of the licensee, either make them available to the commissioner at a convenient location within this state or pay the reasonable and necessary expenses for the commissioner or the commissioner’s representative to examine them at the place where they are maintained. The commissioner may designate representatives, including comparable officials of the state in which the records are located, to inspect them on behalf of the commissioner. For the examination, the commissioner shall charge a fee in an amount set by the banking board pursuant to section 11-102-104 (11). If any licensee refuses to permit the commissioner to make an examination, the licensee shall be subject to such penalty as the commissioner may assess, not in excess of one hundred dollars for each day any such refusal shall continue.


In lieu of any examination required by this section to be made by the commissioner, the commissioner may accept the audit of an independent certified public accountant or an independent registered accountant, but the cost of the audit shall be borne by the licensee.


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Every licensee shall file an annual financial statement with the commissioner, audited by an independent certified public accountant or an independent registered accountant, within one hundred fifty days following the close of the licensee’s fiscal year. The financial statements shall include a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, and a statement of retained earnings of the licensee and the licensee’s agents and subagents resulting from selling or issuing exchange under this article 110. The financial statements shall be accompanied by copies of the engagement and management letters issued by the independent auditor.


Every licensee shall file with the commissioner:


Not less than three reports during each calendar year according to the form prescribed by the commissioner. Each report must exhibit in detail, as may be required by the commissioner, the resources and liabilities of the licensee at the close of business on the day specified by the commissioner in writing.


A written notification within fifteen days after the occurrence of any of the following:


A change in the licensee’s managing official;


The filing of a petition by or against the licensee under the United States bankruptcy code, 11 U.S.C. secs. 101 to 110, as amended, for bankruptcy or reorganization;


The filing of a petition by or against the licensee for receivership or the commencement of any other judicial or administrative proceeding for its dissolution or reorganization;


The commencement of a proceeding to revoke or suspend its license in a state or country in which the licensee engages in business or is licensed; or


A felony conviction of the licensee or of a managing official, principal member, principal shareholder, or agent of the licensee.


If any licensee fails to submit any statement or report to the commissioner as required by this subsection (2), the licensee shall pay to the commissioner a penalty of two hundred fifty dollars for each additional day of delinquency as set by the banking board pursuant to section 11-102-104 (11); except that, if in the opinion of the banking board the delay is excusable for good cause shown, no penalty shall be paid.

Source: Section 11-110-111 — Examination - fee - financial statements and reports to commissioner - change in control, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 11-110-111’s source at colorado​.gov