Short title 11‑110‑102
Legislative declaration 11‑110‑103
Definitions 11‑110‑104
Applicability of powers of banking board and bank commissioner to money orders 11‑110‑105
License required - investigations 11‑110‑106
Exemptions 11‑110‑107
Application for license 11‑110‑107.5
Name-based judicial record check 11‑110‑108
Bond - condition - amount - rules 11‑110‑109
Issuance of license 11‑110‑110
Issuance of license - renewal - fee 11‑110‑111
Examination - fee - financial statements and reports to commissioner - change in control 11‑110‑112
Change in control - rule 11‑110‑113
Compliance with federal law 11‑110‑114
Multiple locations 11‑110‑115
Revocation or surrender of license 11‑110‑116
Rules 11‑110‑117
Review 11‑110‑118
Penalty for violations 11‑110‑119
Civil remedies - restraining orders - injunctions 11‑110‑120
Notice - banking board - consumers 11‑110‑121
Repeal of article - review of functions 11‑110‑201
Agent information - rules 11‑110‑202
Applicability - definition 11‑110‑203
Notice of laws - rules 11‑110‑204
Records 11‑110‑205
Agent requirements 11‑110‑206
Short title 11‑110‑102
Legislative declaration 11‑110‑103
Definitions 11‑110‑104
Applicability of powers of banking board and bank commissioner to money orders 11‑110‑105
License required - investigations 11‑110‑106
Exemptions 11‑110‑107
Application for license 11‑110‑107.5
Name-based judicial record check 11‑110‑108
Bond - condition - amount - rules 11‑110‑109
Issuance of license 11‑110‑110
Issuance of license - renewal - fee 11‑110‑111
Examination - fee - financial statements and reports to commissioner - change in control 11‑110‑112
Change in control - rule 11‑110‑113
Compliance with federal law 11‑110‑114
Multiple locations 11‑110‑115
Revocation or surrender of license 11‑110‑116
Rules 11‑110‑117
Review 11‑110‑118
Penalty for violations 11‑110‑119
Civil remedies - restraining orders - injunctions 11‑110‑120
Notice - banking board - consumers 11‑110‑121
Repeal of article - review of functions 11‑110‑201
Agent information - rules 11‑110‑202
Applicability - definition 11‑110‑203
Notice of laws - rules 11‑110‑204
Records 11‑110‑205
Agent requirements 11‑110‑206