C.R.S. Section 16-22-106

  • probation department
  • community corrections administrator
  • court personnel
  • jail personnel
  • notice


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If a person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103 is sentenced to probation, the probation department, as soon as possible following sentencing, shall provide notice, as described in section 16-22-105, to the person of his or her duty to register in accordance with the provisions of this article with the local law enforcement agency of each jurisdiction in which the person resides, and the notice shall include the requirements for a person who registers as “lacks a fixed residence”. The person shall be required to sign the notice as confirmation of receipt and to provide the person’s date of birth and the address or addresses at which the person resides or a statement that the person lacks a fixed residence. Beginning on May 27, 2004, the court shall specify on the judgment of conviction the duty to register as required in section 16-22-108, including but not limited to the duty to confirm registration if sentenced on or after January 1, 2005, and to reregister.


The probation department shall electronically notify the CBI of the date on which the person’s probation is terminated, and the probation department shall notify the CBI if the person absconds or dies prior to the probation termination date. The CBI shall electronically notify the local law enforcement agency of each jurisdiction in which the person resides of the occurrence of any of the events specified in this paragraph (b).


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If a person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103 receives a direct sentence to community corrections, the administrator for the community corrections program, or his or her designee, as soon as possible following sentencing, shall provide notice, as described in section 16-22-105, to the person of the duty to register in accordance with the provisions of this article with the local law enforcement agency of each jurisdiction in which the person resides. The person shall be required to sign the notice as confirmation of receipt and to provide the person’s date of birth and the address or addresses at which the person resides. The court shall specify on the judgment of conviction the duty to register as required in section 16-22-108, including but not limited to the duty to confirm registration, if sentenced on or after January 1, 2005, and to reregister.


The administrator of the community corrections program, or his or her designee, shall electronically notify the CBI of the date on which the sentence to community corrections is terminated, and the administrator of the community corrections program shall notify the CBI if the person escapes or dies prior to the sentence termination date. The CBI shall electronically notify the local law enforcement agency of each jurisdiction in which the person resides of the occurrence of any of the events specified in this paragraph (b).
(3)(a)(I) If a person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103 is held for more than five business days in a county jail pending court disposition for any offense, the sheriff of the county in which the county jail is located, or his or her designee, shall transmit to the local law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which the person was last registered and to the CBI confirmation of the person’s registration. The confirmation shall be transmitted on a standardized form provided by the CBI and shall include the address or addresses at which the person will reside while in custody of the county jail, the person’s date of birth, a current photograph of the person, and the person’s fingerprints.


If a person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103 is sentenced to a county jail for any offense, the sheriff of the county in which the county jail is located, or his or her designee, as soon as possible following sentencing, shall transmit to the local law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which the person was last registered and to the CBI confirmation of the person’s registration. The confirmation shall be transmitted on a standardized form provided by the CBI and shall include the address or addresses at which the person will reside while in custody of the county jail, the person’s date of birth, a current photograph of the person, and the person’s fingerprints.


The provisions of this paragraph (a) shall apply to persons sentenced on or after January 1, 2005.


At least five days prior to the discharge of the person from custody, the sheriff, or his or her designee, shall provide notice, as described in section 16-22-105, to the person of the duty to register in accordance with the provisions of this article with the local law enforcement agency of each jurisdiction in which the person resides. The person shall be required to sign the notice as confirmation of receipt and to provide the person’s date of birth and the address at which the person intends to reside upon discharge.


Within five days, but not fewer than two days, prior to the discharge of the person from custody, the sheriff, or his or her designee, shall notify the CBI and the local law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which the person intends to reside of the date of the person’s discharge. Such notice, at a minimum, shall include the address at which the person plans to reside upon discharge, provided by the person pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), and the person’s date of birth, fingerprints, and current photograph.


With regard to a person who is required to register within a state, military, or federal jurisdiction other than Colorado, the chief local law enforcement officer, or his or her designee, of the Colorado jurisdiction in which the person resides shall provide notice, as described in section 16-22-105, to the person as soon as possible after discovering the person’s presence in the jurisdiction, of the duty to register in accordance with the provisions of this article with the local law enforcement agency of each Colorado jurisdiction in which the person resides. The person shall be required to sign the notice as confirmation of receipt and to provide the person’s date of birth and the address or addresses at which the person resides.


For any person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103, who is not committed to the department of human services, and who is not sentenced to probation, community corrections, county jail, or the department of corrections, the judge or magistrate who has jurisdiction over the person shall, at sentencing, provide notice, as described in section 16-22-105, to the person of the duty to register in accordance with the provisions of this article with the local law enforcement agency of each jurisdiction in which the person resides, and the notice shall include the requirements for a person who registers as “lacks a fixed residence”. The person shall be required to sign the notice as confirmation of receipt and to provide the person’s date of birth and the address or addresses at which the person resides or a statement that the person lacks a fixed residence.

Source: Section 16-22-106 — Duties - probation department - community corrections administrator - court personnel - jail personnel - notice, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-16.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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§ 16-22-106’s source at colorado​.gov