C.R.S. Section 16-22-110
Colorado sex offender registry

  • creation
  • maintenance
  • release of information
  • data collection


The director of the Colorado bureau of investigation shall establish a statewide central registry of persons required to register pursuant to section 16-8-115 or 16-8-118 or as a condition of parole or pursuant to this article, to be known as the Colorado sex offender registry. The CBI shall create and maintain the sex offender registry as provided in this section. In addition, the CBI shall be the official custodian of all registration forms completed pursuant to this article and other documents associated with sex offender registration created pursuant to this article.


The sex offender registry shall provide, at a minimum, the following information to all criminal justice agencies with regard to registered persons:


Identification of a person’s registration status;


A person’s date of birth;


Descriptions of the offenses of unlawful sexual behavior of which a person has been convicted;


Identification of persons who are identified as sexually violent predators;


Notification to local law enforcement agencies when a person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103 fails to register, when a person is required to reregister as provided in section 16-22-108, or when a person reregisters with another jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of section 16-22-108;


Specification of modus operandi information concerning any person who is required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103.


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In addition to the sex offender registry, the CBI shall maintain one or more interactive database systems to provide, at a minimum, cross validation of a registrant’s known names and known addresses with information maintained by the department of revenue concerning driver’s licenses and identification cards issued under article 2 of title 42, C.R.S. Discrepancies between the known names or known addresses listed in the sex offender registry and information maintained by the department of revenue shall be reported through the Colorado crime information center to each local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the location of the person’s last-known residences.


The Colorado integrated criminal justice information system established pursuant to article 20.5 of this title shall be used to facilitate the exchange of information among agencies as required in this subsection (3) whenever practicable.


The Colorado bureau of investigation shall develop an interactive database within the sex offender registry to provide, at a minimum, the following information to all criminal justice agencies in whose jurisdictions an institution of postsecondary education is located:


Identification of all persons required to register pursuant to section 16-22-103 who volunteer or are employed or enrolled at an institution of postsecondary education and the institution at which each such person volunteers, is employed, or is enrolled;


Identification of all persons who are sexually violent predators who volunteer or are employed or enrolled at an institution of postsecondary education and the institution at which each such person volunteers, is employed, or is enrolled.


Upon development of the interactive databases pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, personnel in the judicial department, the department of corrections, and the department of human services shall be responsible for entering and maintaining in the databases the information specified in subsection (2) of this section for persons in those departments’ legal or physical custody. Each local law enforcement agency shall be responsible for entering and maintaining in the databases the information for persons registered with the agency who are not in the physical or legal custody of the judicial department, the department of corrections, or the department of human services.


The CBI, upon receipt of fingerprints and conviction data concerning a person convicted of unlawful sexual behavior, shall transmit promptly such fingerprints and conviction data to the federal bureau of investigation.


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The general assembly recognizes the need to balance the expectations of persons convicted of offenses involving unlawful sexual behavior and the public’s need to adequately protect themselves and their children from these persons, as expressed in section 16-22-112 (1). The general assembly declares, however, that, in making information concerning persons convicted of offenses involving unlawful sexual behavior available to the public, it is not the general assembly’s intent that the information be used to inflict retribution or additional punishment on any person convicted of unlawful sexual behavior or of another offense, the underlying factual basis of which involves unlawful sexual behavior.


Pursuant to a request for a criminal history record check pursuant to part 3 of article 72 of title 24, unless the person who is the subject of the criminal history record check was required to register solely because the person was adjudicated or received a disposition as a juvenile, the CBI may inform the requesting party as to whether the person who is the subject of the criminal history check is on the sex offender registry. If such person is on the sex offender registry solely as a result of being adjudicated or receiving a disposition as a juvenile, the CBI shall not release such information to a person other than law enforcement, probation and parole personnel, the division of child welfare, the division of youth services, or the victim, as defined in section 24-4.1-302 (5).


A person may request from the CBI a list of persons on the sex offender registry. The list must not include persons who are on the sex offender registry solely for having been adjudicated or received dispositions as juveniles.
(d)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2005, p. 611, § 1, effective May 27, 2005.)(e) Any person requesting information pursuant to subsection (6)(c) of this section shall show proper identification.


If information is released pursuant to this subsection (6), it must, at a minimum, include the name, address or addresses, and aliases of the registrant; the registrant’s date of birth; a photograph of the registrant, if requested and readily available; the offense that led to the registration requirement; and the date of the offense resulting in the registrant being required to register pursuant to this article 22. Information concerning victims must not be released pursuant to this section.


Notwithstanding this subsection (6) to the contrary, the CBI may release information, as described in subsection (6)(i) of this section, about the person registered as a result of being adjudicated or receiving a disposition as a juvenile if a person, other than the victim, submits a request to the CBI for the sex offender registry record of a named person who was adjudicated or received a disposition as a juvenile, and the requesting person affirms in writing that the requested record shall not be:


Placed in publication or posted to a website;


Used for the purpose of obtaining a pecuniary gain or financial benefit for any person or entity; or


Used or disseminated in any manner with the intent to harass, intimidate, coerce, or cause serious emotional distress to any person, including the named person.


In addition to the written affirmation required by subsection (6)(g) of this section, the person requesting information shall affirm in writing that he or she has a need for the sex offender information concerning the person who was adjudicated or received a disposition as a juvenile and describe that need in writing.


Upon receipt of the written affirmations required by subsections (6)(g) and (6)(h) of this section, the CBI shall release to the requesting person the sex offender registry record that is limited to include only the person’s registration status, full name, aliases, date of birth, and current address or addresses; a photograph of the registrant, if requested and readily available; the offense that led to the registration; and the date of the offense as such information concerns the person who was adjudicated or received a disposition as a juvenile. Information concerning victims must not be released pursuant to this section.


Nothing in this subsection (6) limits the victim’s access to information pursuant to section 24-4.1-302.5.


The CBI may assess reasonable fees for the search, retrieval, and copying of information requested pursuant to subsection (6) of this section. The amount of such fees shall reflect the actual costs, including but not limited to personnel and equipment, incurred in operating and maintaining the sex offender registry. Any such fees received shall be credited to the sex offender registry fund, which fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The moneys in the sex offender registry fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the costs, including but not limited to personnel and equipment, incurred in operating and maintaining the sex offender registry. The sex offender registry fund shall consist of the moneys credited thereto pursuant to this subsection (7) and subsection (9) of this section and any additional moneys that may be appropriated thereto by the general assembly. All interest derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the sex offender registry fund shall be credited to the fund. At the end of any fiscal year, all unexpended and unencumbered moneys in the sex offender registry fund shall remain therein and shall not be credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.


Any information released pursuant to this section shall include in writing the following statement:
The Colorado sex offender registry includes only those persons who have been required by law to register and who are in compliance with the sex offender registration laws. Persons should not rely solely on the sex offender registry as a safeguard against perpetrators of sexual assault in their communities. The crime for which a person is convicted may not accurately reflect the level of risk.


The CBI shall seek and is hereby authorized to receive and expend any public or private gifts, grants, or donations that may be available to implement the provisions of this article pertaining to establishment and maintenance of the sex offender registry, including but not limited to provisions pertaining to the initial registration of persons pursuant to section 16-22-104 and the transmittal of information between and among local law enforcement agencies, community corrections programs, the judicial department, the department of corrections, the department of human services, and the CBI. Any moneys received pursuant to this subsection (9), except federal moneys that are custodial funds, shall be transmitted to the state treasurer for deposit in the sex offender registry fund created in subsection (7) of this section.


On or before July 1, 2022, and every July 1 thereafter, the CBI shall prepare a report that details the number of requests for sex offender registration information for juveniles received annually pursuant to subsection (6) of this section as well as the number of times such information was released. The CBI shall include the report as a part of its presentation to its committee of reference at a hearing held pursuant to section 2-7-203 of the “State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act”.

Source: Section 16-22-110 — Colorado sex offender registry - creation - maintenance - release of information - data collection, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-16.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 16-22-110’s source at colorado​.gov