C.R.S. Section 17-1-101
Executive director

  • creation
  • division heads
  • medical personnel


The governor, with the consent of the senate, shall appoint an executive director of the department of corrections, who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. The reappointment of an executive director after initial election of a governor shall be subject to the provisions of section 24-20-109, C.R.S.


There is hereby created, within the department of corrections, the division of correctional industries, the division of adult parole, and such other divisions and programs as are deemed necessary by the executive director for the safe and efficient operation of the department. The executive director shall organize such divisions and programs in an appropriate manner. Subject to the provisions of section 13 of article XII of the state constitution, the executive director shall appoint the heads of such divisions, and the heads of such divisions shall appoint such personnel as are necessary to carry out the functions of the divisions.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Medical personnel employed at any of the institutions subject to the control of the executive director, the medical director of which is licensed to practice medicine in this state, shall be exempt from the provisions of the “Colorado Medical Practice Act”, article 240 of title 12, with respect to service rendered to bona fide patients or inmates at said institutions, if such personnel are licensed to practice medicine in any other state of the United States or any province of Canada, have satisfactorily completed an internship of not less than one year in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico in a hospital approved for that purpose by the American Medical Association, have satisfactorily completed three years of postgraduate residency training, or its equivalent, in their particular specialty in a hospital approved for that purpose by the American Medical Association, and can read, write, speak, and understand the English language. Proof of said requirements shall be submitted to and approved or disapproved by the executive director.


All such personnel as cannot satisfy all of the requirements set forth in subsection (3)(a) of this section shall be exempt from the “Colorado Medical Practice Act”, article 240 of title 12, with respect to services rendered to bona fide patients or inmates at said institutions, if such personnel are of good moral character, are graduates of an approved medical college as defined in section 12-240-104 (3), have completed an approved internship of at least one year as defined in section 12-240-104 (2), and, within nine months after first being employed, pass the examinations approved by the Colorado medical board under the provisions of the “Colorado Medical Practice Act” and the National Board of Medical Examiners, the National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, or the Federation of State Medical Boards, or their successor organizations, on subjects relating to the basic sciences, are able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language, and, in the case of personnel who are not citizens of the United States, become citizens within the minimum period of time within which the particular individual can become a citizen according to the laws of the United States and the regulations of the immigration and naturalization service of the United States, or any successor agency, or within such additional time as may be granted by said boards.


Medical personnel granted exemption under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (3) may not practice medicine except as described in this subsection (3) without first complying with all of the provisions of said “Colorado Medical Practice Act”.

Source: Section 17-1-101 — Executive director - creation - division heads - medical personnel, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Executive director - creation - division heads - medical personnel
Duties of the executive director
Executive director - inspector general - investigators - duties
Correctional facilities - locations - security level - report
Incarceration of inmates from other states - private contract prison facilities
Planning and review requirements - legislative intent
Custody levels for state inmates at private prisons - correctional emergency - definition
Powers of executive director
Accreditation of private contract prisons
Contract rates
Department may accept gifts, donations, and grants
State criminal alien assistance program cash fund - creation
Transfer of inmates
Duties and functions of the warden
Correctional facility employees - rules
Certain provisions of the administrative procedure act not to apply
Expenses - reimbursement by department - report
Medical visits - charge to inmates - legislative declaration
Administration or monitoring of medications to persons in correctional facilities
Continuity of care for persons released from correctional facility
Opioid treatment for a person in custody - definitions
Inmates held in correctional facilities - medical benefits application assistance - county of residence - rules
Menstrual hygiene products for a person in custody - definition
Prohibition against the use of restraints on pregnant inmates in the custody of correctional facilities and private contract prisons - report
Persons with serious behavioral or mental health disorders - long-term isolated confinement - work group - medication-assisted treatment - appropriation - repeal
Use of administrative segregation for state inmates - reporting
Pool of funds - continuance of community supervision
Incarceration of a person in custody with the capacity for pregnancy - report
Correctional law enforcement agencies to provide identification cards to retired peace officers upon request - definitions
Prison sexual assault prevention program
Prevention of sexual assaults on youthful inmates - compliance with federal law - report - definition
Corrections officer staffing - report - double shift criteria - definition
Incentives for mental health professionals - report - legislative declaration
Corrections expansion reserve fund
Lethal perimeter security systems for correctional facilities - governmental immunity - limitations
Compilation of data related to inmates with children attending school
Prison population management measures
Department duties - parole plan - report
Use of restraints for state inmates - criteria - documentation - intake assessment - report - rules - definitions
Duties of department
Requests for competitive proposals and contract requirements
Private prison planning process
Powers and duties not delegable to contractor
Background checks
Contract termination - control of a correctional facility by the department
Inmates in custody of the department
Preparole release and revocation facility - community return-to-custody facility
Applicability of part
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 17-1-101’s source at