C.R.S. Section 19-5-104
Final order of relinquishment


If the court terminates the parent-child legal relationship of both parents or of the only living parent, the court, after taking into account the religious background of the child, shall order guardianship of the person and legal custody transferred to:


The county department of human or social services; or


A licensed child placement agency; or


A relative of the child; or


An individual determined to be of good moral character through a process that includes the assessment made pursuant to section 19-5-206 (2)(g), if such individual shall have had the child living in his or her home for six months or more, including a foster parent or a designated adoptive parent.


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The court shall consider, but shall not be bound by, a request that custody of the child, with the option of applying for adoption, be placed in a grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, or sister of the child or a foster parent. When ordering legal custody of the child, the court shall give preference to a grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, or sister of the child when such relative has made a timely request therefor and the court determines that such placement is in the best interests of the child. Such request must be submitted to the court prior to commencement of the hearing on the petition for relinquishment. If such legal custody is granted, guardianship of the child shall remain with the parent, if the legal parent-child relationship has not been terminated, or the guardianship shall be transferred pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the birth parents or the child placement agency with custody of the child to notify said relatives described in this subsection (2) of the pending relinquishment of parental rights. This subsection (2) shall not apply in cases where the birth parents have designated an adoptive family for the child or the birth parents have designated that legal custody of the child shall not be in a person described in this subsection (2) and where the child has not been in legal custody of a relative requesting guardianship or custody as described in this section or the child has not been in the physical custody of such relative for more than six months.


Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), in cases in which a parent is seeking to relinquish his or her parent-child legal relationship with more than one child of a sibling group at one time, if the county department or child placement agency locates an appropriate, capable, willing, and available joint placement for all of the children in the sibling group, the court shall presume that placement of the entire sibling group in the joint placement is in the best interests of the children. Such presumption may be rebutted by a preponderance of the evidence that placement of the entire sibling group in the joint placement is not in the best interests of a child or of the children.


No person shall be precluded from adopting a child solely because that person has been a child’s foster parent.


The order of relinquishment shall set forth all pertinent facts brought at the hearing, and, in addition, it shall state that the court is satisfied that the counsel and guidance provided for in section 19-5-103 (1) and (5) has been offered the relinquishing parent or parents and any child for whom the court has ordered counseling.


A final order of relinquishment shall divest the relinquishing parent or parents of all legal rights and obligations they may have with respect to the child relinquished, but it shall not modify the child’s status as an heir at law which shall cease only upon a subsequent final decree of adoption; except that the relinquishing parent’s or parents’ obligation to pay for services received by the child through the department, or other support received, shall be terminated upon a subsequent final decree of adoption or by order of the court at the time of relinquishment. The order of relinquishment shall release the relinquished child from all legal obligations with respect to the relinquishing parent or parents.


If one parent files a petition for the relinquishment of a child and the agency or person having custody of the child files a petition to terminate the rights of the other parent pursuant to section 19-5-105, the court shall set a hearing, as expeditiously as possible, on the relinquishment petition. A court may enter an order of relinquishment for the purpose of adoption prior to the relinquishment or termination of the other parent’s parental rights. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (7) of this section, an order of relinquishment is final and irrevocable.


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A relinquishment may be revoked only if, within ninety-one days after the entry of the relinquishment order, the relinquishing parent establishes by clear and convincing evidence that such relinquishment was obtained by fraud or duress.


Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection (7), a relinquishment may not be revoked on the basis that the relinquishment or termination of the other parent’s parental rights was not obtained because the relinquishing parent knew, but did not disclose, the name or whereabouts of such other parent.


If the relinquishment by an individual is revoked pursuant to subsection (7) of this section and no grounds exist under section 19-5-105 or under part 6 of article 3 of this title for terminating the parental rights of that individual, the court shall dismiss any proceeding for adoption and shall provide for the care and custody of the child according to the child’s best interests.


The fact that the relinquishing parent or parents are minors shall in no way affect the validity of the final order of relinquishment.

Source: Section 19-5-104 — Final order of relinquishment, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-19.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration
Applicability of article
Termination of the parent-child legal relationship
Relinquishment hearings - court docket priority
Relinquishment procedure - petition - hearings
Expedited relinquishment procedure - children under one year of age - other birth parents - notice - termination
Anticipated expedited relinquishment - children under one year of age - notice to other or possible parent - administrative procedures
Final order of relinquishment
Proceeding to terminate parent-child legal relationship
Termination of parent-child legal relationship upon a finding that the child was conceived as a result of sexual assault - legislative declaration - definitions
Termination of parent-child legal relationship in a case of an allegation that a child was conceived as a result of sexual assault but in which no conviction occurred - legislative declaration - definitions
When notice of relinquishment proceedings required
Birth parent access to records related to relinquishment of parental rights
Legislative declaration
Who may be adopted
Who may adopt
Adoption hearings - termination appeals - court docket priority - exceptions
Availability for adoption
Confirmatory adoption - short title - definitions
Adoption decree of foreign country approved
Nonpublic agency interstate and foreign adoptions - authority for state department to select agencies - legislative declaration
Placement for purposes of adoption
Written consent and home study report for public adoptions - fingerprint-based criminal history record checks - investigation - rules
Placement of sibling groups
Legislative declaration - standardized home studies - adoptive family resource registry - rules
Petition for adoption - open adoption - post-adoption contact agreement
Petition - written home study reports
Hearing on petition
Legal effects of final decree
Copies of order of adoption - to whom given
Compensation for placing child prohibited
Unauthorized advertising for adoption purposes - exceptions - penalty - definitions
Limitation on annulment of adoption - best interests standard
Increased access for adoption - study
Enforcement or termination of post-adoption contact agreement
Legislative declaration
Commission created - duties
Confidential intermediaries - confidential intermediary services
Access to adoption records - contact with parties to adoption - contact preference form and updated medical history statement - definitions
Access to personal records relating to a former ward of the state home for dependent and neglected children - other eligible parties - definitions
Public information campaign
Child placement agency - transfer of records
Access to nonidentifying information
Authority for department to select agencies
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 19-5-104’s source at colorado​.gov