Compacts recognized and declared to exist 24‑60‑102
Attorney general commissioner for Colorado 24‑60‑103
Compacts designed to suppress crime and enforce the criminal laws, etc 24‑60‑104
Commissioner to be furnished legal and clerical assistance 24‑60‑105
When commissioner to perform duties 24‑60‑106
Powers of commissioner 24‑60‑107
Compensation - traveling expenses 24‑60‑201
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑202
Compact 24‑60‑203
Peace officers enter other states without interference 24‑60‑204
Legal requirements to obtain extradition waived 24‑60‑205
Use of jails for temporary lodging recognized 24‑60‑206
Subpoenas, summons and court orders recognized as valid 24‑60‑207
When person on probation or parole may be permitted to reside in other states 24‑60‑208
Supervision over probationers or parolees 24‑60‑209
Probationers or parolees may be retaken 24‑60‑210
Officer shall transport without interference 24‑60‑211
Attorney generals make rules and regulations 24‑60‑212
Compact operative upon ratification 24‑60‑213
Remain in effect until renounced 24‑60‑401
Authority to enter into compacts 24‑60‑402
Compacts to provide rates 24‑60‑403
Prior compacts ratified 24‑60‑501
Disposal of detainers against prisoner based on untried charges 24‑60‑502
Appropriate court - definitions 24‑60‑503
Enforcement - cooperation 24‑60‑504
Habitual criminals - application of part 5 24‑60‑505
Escapes 24‑60‑506
Surrender of inmates 24‑60‑507
Administration 24‑60‑601
Compact 24‑60‑701
Definitions 24‑60‑702
Execution of compact 24‑60‑703
Administrator 24‑60‑704
Supplementary agreements 24‑60‑705
Financial arrangements 24‑60‑706
Responsibility of parents 24‑60‑707
Fee - counsel or guardian ad litem 24‑60‑708
Enforcement 24‑60‑801
Execution of compact 24‑60‑802
Transfer of inmates 24‑60‑803
Enforcement of compact 24‑60‑804
Hearings 24‑60‑805
Contracts 24‑60‑901
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑902
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑903
Approval of compact 24‑60‑904
Commissioner appointed - alternate 24‑60‑905
Retirement benefits 24‑60‑906
Other agencies cooperate 24‑60‑907
State contribution limited 24‑60‑908
Compact effective - when 24‑60‑909
Filing of documents 24‑60‑910
Budget submitted 24‑60‑911
Inspection of accounts 24‑60‑912
Governor executive head 24‑60‑1001
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1002
Compact administrator 24‑60‑1003
Supplementary agreements 24‑60‑1004
Annual budget 24‑60‑1005
Court review 24‑60‑1006
Authenticated copies of compact 24‑60‑1101
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1102
Definition of “licensing authority” 24‑60‑1103
Compact administrator - expenses 24‑60‑1104
Executive head - definition 24‑60‑1105
Offenses - assessment of points 24‑60‑1106
Operator’s license under compact 24‑60‑1107
Review by district court 24‑60‑1201
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1202
State education council created 24‑60‑1203
Commission to file bylaws 24‑60‑1204
Membership on commission 24‑60‑1301
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1302
Article XX of state constitution not modified 24‑60‑1303
Executive director to represent state - alternate 24‑60‑1304
Consulting committee 24‑60‑1305
Advisory committee created 24‑60‑1306
Interstate audits 24‑60‑1307
Effective dates 24‑60‑1308
Applicability of article IV of compact 24‑60‑1401
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1402
Governor to appoint member of the board - alternate 24‑60‑1403
Bylaws to be filed with secretary of state 24‑60‑1404
Workers’ compensation act and related acts - applicability 24‑60‑1501
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1502
Limitations on interstate library districts 24‑60‑1503
State political subdivisions to comply with laws 24‑60‑1504
State library agency 24‑60‑1505
State aid to library district located partly within state 24‑60‑1506
Commissioner of education to administer compact 24‑60‑1507
Withdrawal from compact 24‑60‑1601
Short title 24‑60‑1602
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1603
Administration 24‑60‑1701
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1702
When compact effective 24‑60‑1801
Short title 24‑60‑1802
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1803
Additional provisions and definitions 24‑60‑1901
Ratification of compact 24‑60‑1902
Interstate agency created 24‑60‑1903
Appointment of members of compact commission 24‑60‑1904
Payment of expenses of compact commission 24‑60‑1905
Commissioners exempt from civil liability 24‑60‑1906
Commission - authority to borrow money - authority to accept funds 24‑60‑1907
Railroad loan retirement fund - fees 24‑60‑1908
Loans - tax-exempt 24‑60‑2001
Short title 24‑60‑2002
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2003
Interstate agency created 24‑60‑2004
Members of compact commission 24‑60‑2005
Commissioners exempt from civil liability 24‑60‑2006
Administration 24‑60‑2101
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑2102
Licensing authority - definition 24‑60‑2103
Compact administrator - expenses 24‑60‑2104
Jurisdiction executive - definition 24‑60‑2201
Short title 24‑60‑2202
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2203
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑2204
Definitions 24‑60‑2205
Administration - application of other laws 24‑60‑2206
Site recommendation by counties 24‑60‑2207
Statewide assessment of facility sites 24‑60‑2208
State surcharge 24‑60‑2209
Governor to appoint member to compact board 24‑60‑2211
Coordination with other programs and agencies 24‑60‑2212
Regulation of fees 24‑60‑2301
Transfer or exchange of foreign nationals convicted of a crime - authorization by governor 24‑60‑2401
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑2402
Definitions 24‑60‑2403
Compacts authorized 24‑60‑2404
Contents of compact 24‑60‑2405
Rules and regulations 24‑60‑2501
Short title 24‑60‑2502
Execution of agreement 24‑60‑2601
Short title 24‑60‑2602
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2603
Licensing authority - definition 24‑60‑2604
Compact administrator - expenses 24‑60‑2701
Short title 24‑60‑2702
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2801
Short title 24‑60‑2802
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2803
Limitation on assessment 24‑60‑2901
Short title 24‑60‑2902
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3001
Interstate insurance product regulation compact 24‑60‑3101
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑3102
Definitions 24‑60‑3103
Model legislation - compacts authorized 24‑60‑3301
Execution of compact 24‑60‑3401
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑3402
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3501
Short title 24‑60‑3502
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3601
Short title 24‑60‑3602
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3701
Short title 24‑60‑3702
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3801
Short title 24‑60‑3802
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3901
Short title 24‑60‑3902
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3903
Notice to revisor of statutes 24‑60‑4001
Short title 24‑60‑4002
Execution of agreement 24‑60‑4003
Reaffirmation of Colorado law 24‑60‑4004
Conflicting provisions of law 24‑60‑4101
Approved and ratified 24‑60‑4201
Short title 24‑60‑4202
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑4203
Construction of terms 24‑60‑4204
Notice to revisor of statutes 24‑60‑4301
Short title 24‑60‑4302
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑4303
Construction of terms 24‑60‑4304
Notice to revisor of statutes - effective date of compact 24‑60‑4401
Short title 24‑60‑4402
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑4403
Notice to revisor of statutes 24‑60‑4404
Repeal of part
Compacts recognized and declared to exist 24‑60‑102
Attorney general commissioner for Colorado 24‑60‑103
Compacts designed to suppress crime and enforce the criminal laws, etc 24‑60‑104
Commissioner to be furnished legal and clerical assistance 24‑60‑105
When commissioner to perform duties 24‑60‑106
Powers of commissioner 24‑60‑107
Compensation - traveling expenses 24‑60‑201
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑202
Compact 24‑60‑203
Peace officers enter other states without interference 24‑60‑204
Legal requirements to obtain extradition waived 24‑60‑205
Use of jails for temporary lodging recognized 24‑60‑206
Subpoenas, summons and court orders recognized as valid 24‑60‑207
When person on probation or parole may be permitted to reside in other states 24‑60‑208
Supervision over probationers or parolees 24‑60‑209
Probationers or parolees may be retaken 24‑60‑210
Officer shall transport without interference 24‑60‑211
Attorney generals make rules and regulations 24‑60‑212
Compact operative upon ratification 24‑60‑213
Remain in effect until renounced 24‑60‑401
Authority to enter into compacts 24‑60‑402
Compacts to provide rates 24‑60‑403
Prior compacts ratified 24‑60‑501
Disposal of detainers against prisoner based on untried charges 24‑60‑502
Appropriate court - definitions 24‑60‑503
Enforcement - cooperation 24‑60‑504
Habitual criminals - application of part 5 24‑60‑505
Escapes 24‑60‑506
Surrender of inmates 24‑60‑507
Administration 24‑60‑601
Compact 24‑60‑701
Definitions 24‑60‑702
Execution of compact 24‑60‑703
Administrator 24‑60‑704
Supplementary agreements 24‑60‑705
Financial arrangements 24‑60‑706
Responsibility of parents 24‑60‑707
Fee - counsel or guardian ad litem 24‑60‑708
Enforcement 24‑60‑801
Execution of compact 24‑60‑802
Transfer of inmates 24‑60‑803
Enforcement of compact 24‑60‑804
Hearings 24‑60‑805
Contracts 24‑60‑901
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑902
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑903
Approval of compact 24‑60‑904
Commissioner appointed - alternate 24‑60‑905
Retirement benefits 24‑60‑906
Other agencies cooperate 24‑60‑907
State contribution limited 24‑60‑908
Compact effective - when 24‑60‑909
Filing of documents 24‑60‑910
Budget submitted 24‑60‑911
Inspection of accounts 24‑60‑912
Governor executive head 24‑60‑1001
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1002
Compact administrator 24‑60‑1003
Supplementary agreements 24‑60‑1004
Annual budget 24‑60‑1005
Court review 24‑60‑1006
Authenticated copies of compact 24‑60‑1101
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1102
Definition of “licensing authority” 24‑60‑1103
Compact administrator - expenses 24‑60‑1104
Executive head - definition 24‑60‑1105
Offenses - assessment of points 24‑60‑1106
Operator’s license under compact 24‑60‑1107
Review by district court 24‑60‑1201
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1202
State education council created 24‑60‑1203
Commission to file bylaws 24‑60‑1204
Membership on commission 24‑60‑1301
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1302
Article XX of state constitution not modified 24‑60‑1303
Executive director to represent state - alternate 24‑60‑1304
Consulting committee 24‑60‑1305
Advisory committee created 24‑60‑1306
Interstate audits 24‑60‑1307
Effective dates 24‑60‑1308
Applicability of article IV of compact 24‑60‑1401
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1402
Governor to appoint member of the board - alternate 24‑60‑1403
Bylaws to be filed with secretary of state 24‑60‑1404
Workers’ compensation act and related acts - applicability 24‑60‑1501
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1502
Limitations on interstate library districts 24‑60‑1503
State political subdivisions to comply with laws 24‑60‑1504
State library agency 24‑60‑1505
State aid to library district located partly within state 24‑60‑1506
Commissioner of education to administer compact 24‑60‑1507
Withdrawal from compact 24‑60‑1601
Short title 24‑60‑1602
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑1603
Administration 24‑60‑1701
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1702
When compact effective 24‑60‑1801
Short title 24‑60‑1802
Execution of compact 24‑60‑1803
Additional provisions and definitions 24‑60‑1901
Ratification of compact 24‑60‑1902
Interstate agency created 24‑60‑1903
Appointment of members of compact commission 24‑60‑1904
Payment of expenses of compact commission 24‑60‑1905
Commissioners exempt from civil liability 24‑60‑1906
Commission - authority to borrow money - authority to accept funds 24‑60‑1907
Railroad loan retirement fund - fees 24‑60‑1908
Loans - tax-exempt 24‑60‑2001
Short title 24‑60‑2002
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2003
Interstate agency created 24‑60‑2004
Members of compact commission 24‑60‑2005
Commissioners exempt from civil liability 24‑60‑2006
Administration 24‑60‑2101
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑2102
Licensing authority - definition 24‑60‑2103
Compact administrator - expenses 24‑60‑2104
Jurisdiction executive - definition 24‑60‑2201
Short title 24‑60‑2202
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2203
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑2204
Definitions 24‑60‑2205
Administration - application of other laws 24‑60‑2206
Site recommendation by counties 24‑60‑2207
Statewide assessment of facility sites 24‑60‑2208
State surcharge 24‑60‑2209
Governor to appoint member to compact board 24‑60‑2211
Coordination with other programs and agencies 24‑60‑2212
Regulation of fees 24‑60‑2301
Transfer or exchange of foreign nationals convicted of a crime - authorization by governor 24‑60‑2401
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑2402
Definitions 24‑60‑2403
Compacts authorized 24‑60‑2404
Contents of compact 24‑60‑2405
Rules and regulations 24‑60‑2501
Short title 24‑60‑2502
Execution of agreement 24‑60‑2601
Short title 24‑60‑2602
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2603
Licensing authority - definition 24‑60‑2604
Compact administrator - expenses 24‑60‑2701
Short title 24‑60‑2702
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2801
Short title 24‑60‑2802
Execution of compact 24‑60‑2803
Limitation on assessment 24‑60‑2901
Short title 24‑60‑2902
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3001
Interstate insurance product regulation compact 24‑60‑3101
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑3102
Definitions 24‑60‑3103
Model legislation - compacts authorized 24‑60‑3301
Execution of compact 24‑60‑3401
Legislative declaration 24‑60‑3402
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3501
Short title 24‑60‑3502
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3601
Short title 24‑60‑3602
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3701
Short title 24‑60‑3702
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3801
Short title 24‑60‑3802
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3901
Short title 24‑60‑3902
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑3903
Notice to revisor of statutes 24‑60‑4001
Short title 24‑60‑4002
Execution of agreement 24‑60‑4003
Reaffirmation of Colorado law 24‑60‑4004
Conflicting provisions of law 24‑60‑4101
Approved and ratified 24‑60‑4201
Short title 24‑60‑4202
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑4203
Construction of terms 24‑60‑4204
Notice to revisor of statutes 24‑60‑4301
Short title 24‑60‑4302
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑4303
Construction of terms 24‑60‑4304
Notice to revisor of statutes - effective date of compact 24‑60‑4401
Short title 24‑60‑4402
Compact approved and ratified 24‑60‑4403
Notice to revisor of statutes 24‑60‑4404
Repeal of part