C.R.S. Section 24-92-103.5
Construction of public projects

  • invitation for best value bids


All construction contracts for public projects that do not receive federal moneys may be awarded through competitive sealed best value bidding pursuant to this section.


An invitation for bids under competitive sealed best value bidding shall be made in the same manner as provided in section 24-92-103 (2), (3), and (4); except that adequate public notice of the invitation for bids shall be given at least thirty days prior to the date set forth therein for the opening of bids.


The invitation for competitive sealed best value bids must identify the evaluation factors upon which the award will be made. When making the award determination, the responsible officer shall evaluate the factors specified in the invitation for bids and shall not evaluate any other factors other than those specified in the invitation for bids. The factors that must be included in the invitation for bids and that the responsible officer shall consider include, but need not be limited to:


The project price stated in the bid;


The bidder’s design and technical approach to the public project;


The experience, past performance, and expertise of the bidder and the bidder’s primary subcontractors in connection with prior construction contracts, including its performance in the areas of cost, quality, schedule, safety, compliance with plans and specifications, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations;


The bidder’s project management plan for the construction contract that identifies the key management personnel that will be used for the project, the proposed project schedule, the bidder’s quality control program and project safety program, financial resources, equipment, and any other information that demonstrates the bidder’s competency to perform the contract, including technical qualifications and resources;


The bidder’s staffing plan;


The bidder’s safety plan and safety record;


The bidder’s job standards, including the bidder’s method of personnel procurement, employment of Colorado workers, workforce development and long-term career opportunities of workers, the availability of training programs, including apprenticeships registered by the United States department of labor’s office of apprenticeship or a state apprenticeship agency recognized by that office, the benefits provided to workers, including health-care and defined benefit or defined contribution retirement benefits, and whether the bidder pays industry-standard wages; and


The availability and use of domestically produced iron, steel, and related manufactured goods to execute the contract.


The contract shall be awarded with reasonable promptness by written notice to the bidder whose bid is determined in writing to be the most advantageous to the state and that represents the best overall value to the state, taking into consideration the price and other evaluation factors set forth in the invitation for bids in accordance with subsection (3) of this section. The contract file maintained by the state must contain the basis on which the award determination was made.


An invitation for best value bids issued pursuant to this section must otherwise comply with the requirements of section 24-103-203 concerning requests for proposals for nonconstruction contracts to the extent that such requirements do not conflict with this section. In the case of a conflict, the provisions of this section supersede.


To ensure that the best value bidding process pursuant to this section is open and transparent to the greatest possible degree:


After selection of most qualified participants, all statements of qualification shall be made available to the public; and


After the contract has been awarded, all requests for proposals shall be made public with the score sheets used to make the bid selection, omitting any confidential corporate information.

Source: Section 24-92-103.5 — Construction of public projects - invitation for best value bids, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Construction of public projects - invitation for bids
Construction of public projects - invitation for best value bids
Disclosure - invitation for bids - invitation for best value bids
Exemptions - applicability
Solicitation of bids by electronic online access - department of transportation
Cancellation of invitations for bids
Responsibility of bidders and offerors
Prequalification of contractors
Types of contracts
Agency of government to submit cost estimate
Rules and regulations
Finality of determinations
Reporting of anticompetitive practices
Prohibition of dividing work of public project
Apprenticeship utilization requirements - mechanical, electrical, and plumbing contracts - public projects - definition
Department of transportation - reporting requirements
Maximum global warming potential for materials used in eligible projects - buildings - projects that are not roads, highways, or bridges - environmental product declaration - short title - report - definitions
Maximum global warming potential for materials used in public projects - road - highway - bridge projects - environmental product declaration - short title - report - definitions
Contractors subject to provisions - weekly payment of employees - rules
Prevailing rate of wages and other payments - specifications in solicitations and contract - repeal
Specification in contract - payment of wages - amount and frequency - unclaimed prevailing wages special trust fund - creation
Investigation and determination of prevailing wages - filing of schedule - repeal
Statutory provisions included in contracts
Prevailing wage rates - posting
Apprenticeship contribution rate
Enforcement - rules
Private right of action to collect wages or benefits - definition
Short title
Legislative declaration
Energy sector public works projects - craft labor employment - training - wage requirements
Energy sector public works projects - record keeping - reporting - craft labor certification - sanctions - compliance with best value employment metrics
Energy sector public works projects - use of project labor agreements
Energy sector public works projects - existing authority of the public utilities commission
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-92-103.5’s source at colorado​.gov