C.R.S. Section 25-2-122
Heirloom birth and marriage certificates

  • funds created
  • report
  • rules
  • definitions


As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Heirloom birth certificate” means a birth certificate that is suitable for display and may bear the seal of the state and be signed by the governor.


“Heirloom marriage certificate” means a marriage certificate that is suitable for display and may bear the seal of the state and be signed by the governor.


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In addition to any other birth certificate issued pursuant to section 25-2-112, the state registrar shall issue, upon request and upon payment of a fee established by rule of the state board of health, an heirloom birth certificate representing the birth of the individual named on the original birth certificate. The state registrar may establish procedures for issuing heirloom birth certificates; except that an heirloom birth certificate shall be issued in a form consistent with the need to protect the integrity of vital records, including secure measures designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or otherwise duplicating the birth certificate for fraudulent purposes, pursuant to the federal “Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004”, 5 U.S.C. sec. 301.


An heirloom birth certificate shall have the same status as evidence as that of an original birth certificate.


The fee established pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall be sufficient to cover the direct and indirect costs of producing and issuing the heirloom birth certificate, plus an additional ten dollars. The state registrar shall transmit moneys generated pursuant to this subsection (2), along with an explanation of the number of heirloom birth certificate sales that correspond to such moneys, to the state treasurer, who shall credit:


For each sale of an heirloom birth certificate, ten dollars to the immunization fund created in section 25-4-1708; and


The remainder of such moneys to the vital statistics records cash fund created in section 25-2-121.


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In addition to any other marriage certificate issued pursuant to section 25-2-106, the state registrar shall issue, upon request and upon payment of a fee established by rule of the state board of health, an heirloom marriage certificate representing the marriage of the persons named on the original marriage certificate recorded in the county clerk and recorder’s office. The state registrar may establish procedures for issuing the heirloom marriage certificates; except that an heirloom marriage certificate shall be issued in a form consistent with the need to protect the integrity of vital records.


An heirloom marriage certificate shall have the same status as evidence as that of an original marriage certificate.


The fee established pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall be sufficient to cover the direct and indirect costs of producing and issuing the heirloom marriage certificate, plus an additional ten dollars. The state registrar shall transmit moneys generated pursuant to this subsection (3), along with an explanation of the number of heirloom marriage certificate sales that correspond to such moneys, to the state treasurer, who shall credit:


For each sale of an heirloom marriage certificate, ten dollars to the Colorado domestic abuse program fund created in section 39-22-802, C.R.S.; and


The remainder of such moneys to the vital statistics records cash fund created in section 25-2-121.

Source: Section 25-2-122 — Heirloom birth and marriage certificates - funds created - report - rules - definitions, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Centralized registration system for all vital statistics - office of state registrar of vital statistics created - appointment of registrar - rules
Registration of vital statistics
Vital statistics, reports, and certificates - forms and information to be included
Reports of marriage
Reports of civil unions
Reports of adoption, dissolution of marriage, parentage, and other court proceedings affecting vital statistics - tax on court action affecting vital statistics
Reports of dissolution of civil unions, legal separation of civil unions, or declarations of invalidity of civil unions - fee
Certificates of death
Fetal deaths - treatment of remains
Dead bodies - disposition - removal from state - records
Transfer of fetal tissue from induced termination of pregnancy - legislative declaration
Certificates of birth - filing - establishment of parentage - notice to collegeinvest
Certificates of stillbirth - filing - delayed registration - rules
Social security account numbers - acknowledgments of paternity - to be furnished
Crime of misrepresentation of material information in the preparation of a birth certificate - definitions
New certificates of birth following adoption - parentage determination
Limited access to information upon consent of all parties - voluntary adoption registry - definitions
Birth certificate modernization act - new birth certificate following a change in gender designation - short title - definition
Delayed registration of births and deaths
Alteration of reports and certificates - amended reports and certificates
Institutions to keep records - persons to furnish information
Certified copies furnished - fee
Reports of electroconvulsive treatment
Fee adjustments - vital statistics records cash fund created
Heirloom birth and marriage certificates - funds created - report - rules - definitions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25-2-122’s source at