C.R.S. Section 25-8-205
Control regulations


The commission may promulgate control regulations for the following purposes:


To describe prohibitions, standards, concentrations, and effluent limitations on the extent of specifically identified pollutants, including, but not limited to, those mentioned in section 25-8-204, that any person may discharge into any specified class of state waters;


To describe pretreatment requirements, prohibitions, standards, concentrations, and effluent limitations on wastes any person may discharge into any specified class of state water from any specified type of facility, process, activity, or waste pile including, but not limited to, all types specified in section 306 (b)(1)(A) of the federal act;


To describe precautionary measures, both mandatory and prohibitory, that must be taken by any person owning, operating, conducting, or maintaining any facility, process, activity, or waste pile that does cause or could reasonably be expected to cause pollution of any state waters in violation of control regulations or that does cause the quality of any state waters to be in violation of any applicable water quality standard;


To adopt toxic effluent standards and pretreatment standards for pollutants which interfere with, pass through, or are otherwise incompatible with sewage treatment works;


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (1)(e) is effective until July 1, 2026.]
To describe requirements, prohibitions, standards, and concentration limitations on the use and disposal of biosolids to protect public health and to prevent the discharge of pollutants into state waters, except as authorized by permit. The commission requirements described pursuant to this paragraph (e) shall be no more restrictive than the requirements adopted for solid wastes disposal sites and facilities pursuant to part 1 of article 20 of title 30, C.R.S., except as necessary to be consistent with section 405 of the federal act. Fees shall be established as set forth in section 30-20-110.5, C.R.S., and the commission shall have no authority to levy additional or duplicative fees.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (1)(e) is effective July 1, 2026.]
To describe requirements, prohibitions, standards, and concentration limitations on the use and disposal of biosolids to protect public health and to prevent the discharge of pollutants into state waters, except as authorized by permit. The commission requirements described pursuant to this subsection (1)(e) must not be more restrictive than the requirements adopted for solid wastes disposal sites and facilities pursuant to part 1 of article 20 of title 30, except as necessary to be consistent with section 405 of the federal act. Fees must be established as set forth in rules adopted by the commission pursuant to section 25-8-210.


In accordance with sections 25-8-205.7, 25-8-205.8, and 25-8-205.9, to describe requirements, prohibitions, standards, and concentration limitations on the reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater for purposes other than drinking that will protect public health and encourage the reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater;


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


To describe requirements, prohibitions, and standards for the use of graywater for nondrinking purposes, to encourage the use of graywater, and to protect public health and water quality.


Except as authorized in section 25-8-205.3, graywater may be used only in areas where the local city, city and county, or county has adopted an ordinance or resolution approving the use of graywater pursuant to section 30-11-107 (1)(kk) or 31-15-601 (1)(m). The city, city and county, or county that has adopted an ordinance or resolution approving the use of graywater pursuant to section 30-11-107 (1)(kk) or 31-15-601 (1)(m) has exclusive enforcement authority regarding compliance with the ordinance or resolution.


Use of graywater shall be allowed only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the decrees, contracts, and well permits applicable to the use of the source water rights or source water and any return flows therefrom, and no use of graywater shall be allowed that would not be allowed under such decrees, contracts, or permits if the graywater ordinance or resolution did not exist.


A local city, city and county, or county may only authorize the use of graywater in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements.


In the formulation of each control regulation, the commission shall consider the following:


The need for regulations that control discharges of specified pollutants that are the subject of water quality standards for the receiving state waters;


The need for regulations that specify treatment requirements for various types of discharges;


The degree to which any particular type of discharge is subject to treatment, the availability, practicality, and technical and economic feasibility of treatment techniques, and the extent to which the discharge to be controlled is significant;


Control requirements promulgated by agencies of the federal government;


The continuous, intermittent, or seasonal nature of the discharge to be controlled;


Whether a regulation that is to be applicable to discharges into flowing water should be written in such a way that the degree of pollution tolerated or treatment required will be dependent upon the volume of flow of the receiving water or the extent to which the discharge is diluted therein, or the capacity of the receiving water to assimilate the discharge; and


The need for specification of safety precautions that should be taken to protect water quality including, but not limited to, requirements for the keeping of logs and other records, requirements to protect subsurface waters in connection with mining and the drilling and operation of wells, and requirements as to settling ponds, holding tanks, and other treatment facilities for water that will or might enter state waters.


Control regulations may be promulgated for use in connection with any one or more of the classes of state waters authorized pursuant to section 25-8-203 and may be made applicable with respect to any designated portion of state waters or to all state waters.


The commission shall coordinate and cooperate with the state engineer, the Colorado water conservation board, the energy and carbon management commission created in section 34-60-104.3 (1), the state board of health, and other state agencies having regulatory powers in order to avoid adopting control regulations that would be either redundant or unnecessary.


The commission shall not adopt control regulations that require agricultural nonpoint source dischargers to utilize treatment techniques that require additional consumptive or evaporative use which would cause material injury to water rights. With regard to nonpoint source water pollution control related to agricultural practices, the commission and division shall pursue incentive, grant, and cooperative programs in preference to the promulgation of control regulations. When interested water conservation districts, water conservancy districts, and conservation districts recommend nonpoint source control activities related to agricultural practices to the division and commission, the division and commission, after consultation with such districts, shall give substantial weight to the recommendations of such districts into the approved program. Except as provided by section 25-8-205.5, control regulations related to agricultural practices shall be promulgated only if incentive, grant, and cooperative programs are determined by the commission to be inadequate and such regulations are necessary to meet state law or the federal act. This subsection (5) does not allocate wasteloads or relieve any source from participation in wasteload allocations determined necessary under any duly promulgated regulations established by the water quality control commission under this section.


The division may issue a variance from a control regulation of general applicability, based upon a determination that the benefits derived from meeting the control regulation do not bear a reasonable relationship to the economic, environmental, or energy impacts or other factors which are particular to the applicant in complying with the control regulation; except that such variance shall be consistent with the purposes of this article including the protection of existing beneficial uses. No variance shall be issued for longer than five years. Variances shall be granted or renewed according to the procedure established in section 25-8-401 (5).

Source: Section 25-8-205 — Control regulations, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Interpretation and construction of water quality provisions
Regional wastewater management plans - amendments
Water quality control commission created
Duties of commission - rules
Classification of state waters
Water quality standards
Control regulations
Exemption from control regulations for graywater research - definition
Pollution from agricultural chemicals - rules
Control regulations for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater - food crops - definitions - rules
Control regulations for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater - toilet flushing - definitions - rules
Control regulations for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater - industrial hemp - definitions - rules
Prior acts validated
Review of classifications and standards
Emergency rule-making
Water quality designations - rules
Fees established administratively - rules - stakeholding requirement - phase-in period - clean water cash fund - creation - repeal
Administration of water quality control programs
Duties of division
Monitoring, recording, and reporting
Annual report - repeal
Authority to enter and inspect premises and records
Additional authority and duties of division - penalties
Education program - storm water
Authority and procedures for hearings
Procedures to be followed in classifying state waters and setting standards and control regulations
Administrative reconsideration
Judicial review
Samples - secret processes
Administrative stays - renewal permits
Permits required for discharge of pollutants - administration
Permit required for point source water pollution control - definitions - housed commercial swine feeding operations - legislative declaration
Application - definitions - fees - funds created - public participation - repeal
Permits - when required and when prohibited - variances
General permits - process for changing permit requirements
Agricultural wastes
Permit conditions concerning publicly owned wastewater treatment works
Program repeal
Industrial pretreatment program - creation - fees
Permit conditions concerning use and disposal of biosolids
Division to be notified of suspected violations and accidental discharges - penalty
Notice of alleged violations
Hearing procedures for alleged violations
Suspension, modification, and revocation of permit
Cease-and-desist orders
Clean-up orders
Restraining orders and injunctions
Civil penalties - rules - fund created - temporary moratorium on penalties for minor violations - definitions - repeal
Natural disaster grant fund - creation - rules
Criminal pollution - penalties
Falsification and tampering - penalties
Proceedings by other parties
Remedies cumulative
Limitation on actions
Approval for commencement of construction
Storm water management system administrator
Storm water management system administrator audits to support MS4 permittees’ programs
School and child care clean drinking water fund - creation
Testing for the presence of lead in drinking water in child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools - remediation - maintenance of records - training - inspections - enforcement - reimbursement - technical assistance - exemptions - opt out by family child care home - reports
Report and recommendation regarding expansion required - legislative declaration
Repeal of part
Division duties - testing water quality at mobile home parks - parameters of testing - notice of results
Action plan
Mobile home water quality grant program - created - grant application and award process - reporting - funding
Mobile home park water quality fund
This part 10 does not affect other statutory protections
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25-8-205’s source at colorado​.gov