C.R.S. Section 25-8-903
Testing for the presence of lead in drinking water in child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools

  • remediation
  • maintenance of records
  • training
  • inspections
  • enforcement
  • reimbursement
  • technical assistance
  • exemptions
  • opt out by family child care home
  • reports




Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Except as described in subsection (1)(a)(II) of this section, on or before May 31, 2023, each child care center, family child care home, and eligible school shall test its drinking water sources by having a state-certified laboratory measure the lead content of water drawn from each drinking water source. The testing must be done in accordance with the latest federal guidance on proper sampling for testing for the presence of lead in drinking water, including the “Lead and Copper Rule” of the federal environmental protection agency, 40 CFR 141 et seq., as amended.


Subject to available appropriations, as described in section 25-8-904 (2), an eligible school that serves students in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade shall satisfy the requirement described in subsection (1)(a)(I) of this section on or before November 30, 2024.


Except as described in subsection (2)(a)(V) of this section, within thirty days after receiving the results of a test of a drinking water source, a child care center, family child care home, or eligible school shall:


Make the results, as well as any associated lead remediation plans, publicly available on the child care center’s, family child care home’s, or eligible school’s website, if applicable; and


Report the results to the water quality control commission using a standard form that the commission establishes. The commission shall post the results on its public website within thirty days after receiving them.


Each child care center, family child care home, and eligible school shall establish a testing schedule for its drinking water sources, provide the schedule to its employees and to parents and guardians of children that attend the child care center, family child care home, or eligible school, and make the schedule publicly available. All communications to employees, parents, and guardians must be provided in relevant languages.


The department shall develop and make available a template for child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools to use to provide notifications and post information online as described in this section.




If the results of a test of a drinking water source show that water from the drinking water source contains lead in an amount of five parts per billion or more, a child care center, family child care home, or eligible school shall:


Shut off the drinking water source as soon as practicably possible;


Affix a visible label on the drinking water source, which label indicates that the drinking water source is undergoing remediation for the presence of lead and that water from the drinking water source should not be consumed;


Determine remediation steps within thirty days after receiving the test results, which remediation steps must be demonstrated to reduce lead to below five parts per billion and may include installation or replacement of a filtration system;


Complete all necessary remediation steps as soon as possible but no later than ninety days after receiving the test results; and


Provide notice of the test results to all employees, parents, and guardians within two business days after receiving the results, which notice must be provided in relevant languages and include a summary of the test results and information concerning the availability of the complete test results, a description of any remediation steps that will be taken, general information concerning the health effects and risks posed by lead in drinking water and other sources, and information regarding the availability of additional resources concerning lead in drinking water, including how and where individuals may seek blood-level testing if they are concerned.


While a child care center, family child care home, or eligible school is in the process of remediating a drinking water source, the child care center, family child care home, or eligible school shall ensure that:


No one uses the drinking water source to acquire water for drinking or cooking; and


Adequate drinking water remains available to children, employees, and other individuals who are present in the child care center, family child care home, or eligible school.


Within ninety days after a child care center, family child care home, or eligible school successfully remediates a drinking water source, the child care center, family child care home, or eligible school shall perform a confirmation test of the drinking water source for the presence of lead.


The department may conduct further remediation as necessary to address a drinking water source at a child care center, family child care home, or eligible school.


Maintenance of records.
Each child care center, family child care home, and eligible school shall create and maintain, for at least five years, records of its filter replacement activities, including when a filter is removed and when a new filter is installed, and any remediation efforts, including faucet replacements. Each child care center, family child care home, and eligible school shall provide copies of such records to the department and any member of the public upon request.


Not later than one hundred eighty days after August 10, 2022, the department shall provide training to each child care center, family child care home, and eligible school regarding water filter maintenance, flushing protocols, testing for lead, reporting processes for sampling reports, and other activities relevant to compliance with this part 9. Training may take place in person or virtually and must include the individuals who will take water samples at the child care center, family child care home, or eligible school for the purposes of this part 9. The department shall provide the training in relevant languages.


The department is not required to perform inspections pursuant to this part 9.


The water quality control commission may enforce this part 9 by issuing administrative orders and assessing penalties but is not required to do so.




The department shall develop and implement procedures:


Whereby child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools can satisfactorily demonstrate costs incurred for the purpose of complying with this section and apply to the department for reimbursement of such costs; and


Whereby the department, except as described in section 25-8-902 (6), reimburses child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools for costs incurred for the purpose of complying with this section.


Notwithstanding subsection (7)(a) of this section, the department shall not reimburse an eligible school that serves students in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade until June 1, 2023, for costs incurred for the purpose of complying with this section.


Technical assistance.
The department shall provide technical assistance as needed to child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools in rural areas to help such facilities comply with the requirements of this section.


Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary:


A family child care home established before March 31, 2023, may opt out of the duty to comply with this section so long as the authorized representative of the family child care home provides written notice of such decision to the department on or before March 31, 2023. A family child care home established on or after March 31, 2023, may opt out of the duty to comply with this section so long as the authorized representative of the family child care home provides written notice of such decision to the department within six months after the date upon which the family child care home is established.


A child care center or eligible school is not required to satisfy the requirements of this section if the child care center or eligible school is classified as a public water system under the “Lead and Copper Rule” of the federal environmental protection agency, 40 CFR 141 et seq., as amended, and the child care center or eligible school is in compliance with the requirements of the federal rule. However, a child care center or eligible school that utilizes the exemption described in this subsection (9)(b) shall, in lieu of satisfying the reporting requirement described in subsection (1)(b)(II) of this section, report annually to the water quality control commission the results of the child care center’s or eligible school’s testing of its drinking water sources pursuant to the federal rule.




On or before December 1, 2023, and on or before each December 1 thereafter, the water quality control commission shall submit a report to the public and behavioral health and human services committee of the house of representatives and the health and human services committee of the senate, or to any successor committees, which report:


Summarizes the results of the tests performed by child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools pursuant to this section; and


Identifies any noncompliant child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools.


The water quality control commission shall present testimony concerning the report described in subsection (10)(a) of this section to the public and behavioral health and human services committee of the house of representatives, or any successor committee, at the committee’s request.


Notwithstanding the requirement in section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the requirement to submit the report described in subsection (10)(a) of this section continues indefinitely.

Source: Section 25-8-903 — Testing for the presence of lead in drinking water in child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools - remediation - maintenance of records - training - inspections - enforcement - reimbursement - technical assistance - exemptions - opt out by family child care home - reports, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Interpretation and construction of water quality provisions
Regional wastewater management plans - amendments
Water quality control commission created
Duties of commission - rules
Classification of state waters
Water quality standards
Control regulations
Exemption from control regulations for graywater research - definition
Pollution from agricultural chemicals - rules
Control regulations for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater - food crops - definitions - rules
Control regulations for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater - toilet flushing - definitions - rules
Control regulations for reuse of reclaimed domestic wastewater - industrial hemp - definitions - rules
Prior acts validated
Review of classifications and standards
Emergency rule-making
Water quality designations - rules
Fees established administratively - rules - stakeholding requirement - phase-in period - clean water cash fund - creation - repeal
Administration of water quality control programs
Duties of division
Monitoring, recording, and reporting
Annual report - repeal
Authority to enter and inspect premises and records
Additional authority and duties of division - penalties
Education program - storm water
Authority and procedures for hearings
Procedures to be followed in classifying state waters and setting standards and control regulations
Administrative reconsideration
Judicial review
Samples - secret processes
Administrative stays - renewal permits
Permits required for discharge of pollutants - administration
Permit required for point source water pollution control - definitions - housed commercial swine feeding operations - legislative declaration
Application - definitions - fees - funds created - public participation - repeal
Permits - when required and when prohibited - variances
General permits - process for changing permit requirements
Agricultural wastes
Permit conditions concerning publicly owned wastewater treatment works
Program repeal
Industrial pretreatment program - creation - fees
Permit conditions concerning use and disposal of biosolids
Division to be notified of suspected violations and accidental discharges - penalty
Notice of alleged violations
Hearing procedures for alleged violations
Suspension, modification, and revocation of permit
Cease-and-desist orders
Clean-up orders
Restraining orders and injunctions
Civil penalties - rules - fund created - temporary moratorium on penalties for minor violations - definitions - repeal
Natural disaster grant fund - creation - rules
Criminal pollution - penalties
Falsification and tampering - penalties
Proceedings by other parties
Remedies cumulative
Limitation on actions
Approval for commencement of construction
Storm water management system administrator
Storm water management system administrator audits to support MS4 permittees’ programs
School and child care clean drinking water fund - creation
Testing for the presence of lead in drinking water in child care centers, family child care homes, and eligible schools - remediation - maintenance of records - training - inspections - enforcement - reimbursement - technical assistance - exemptions - opt out by family child care home - reports
Report and recommendation regarding expansion required - legislative declaration
Repeal of part
Division duties - testing water quality at mobile home parks - parameters of testing - notice of results
Action plan
Mobile home water quality grant program - created - grant application and award process - reporting - funding
Mobile home park water quality fund
This part 10 does not affect other statutory protections
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25-8-903’s source at colorado​.gov