C.R.S. Section 25.5-10-207.5
Strategic plan for long- term services and supports

  • joint hearing
  • appropriation
  • reporting
  • legislative declaration
  • rules


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The general assembly finds that:


Colorado has a long commitment to supporting persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in communities of their choosing;


Coloradans with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are eligible for state services and supports should be able to access services and supports in a timely manner to allow them to benefit from those services and supports and lead lives that build on their independence;


Providing early and timely access to services and supports for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities is an excellent and cost-effective investment that results in substantial future savings;


The presence of a waiting list as long as fifteen years for essential services and supports contradicts Colorado’s commitment to supporting persons in the least restrictive environment of their choosing;


Colorado must have accurate data concerning the need for services and supports for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families and must regularly forecast this data to ensure that effective policy and programs are directed to meet these needs;


The waiting list includes persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are at risk of experiencing a crisis due to the advanced age, reduced capacity, and illness of their caregivers;


After a lifetime of providing continuous support, these caregivers deserve the comfort of knowing that their loved one will have needed services and supports; and


Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers should not have to experience a crisis before getting needed assistance, as each crisis puts undue hardship and strain on the person and caregiver, and the services system.


Therefore, the general assembly declares that Colorado is committed to developing a strategic plan to ensure that Coloradans with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families will be able to access the services and supports they need and want at the time that they need and want those services and supports.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
During each regular session of the general assembly, the joint budget committee and the health and human services committees of the senate and the house of representatives, or any successor committees, shall hold a joint hearing and take public testimony on the status of the waiting lists for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are waiting for enrollment into a home- and community-based services program or a program provided pursuant to this article 10 and the availability of general fund money to reduce the number of persons on the waiting lists and the amount of time eligible persons wait for such services. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the state department shall present testimony, including the information provided in the report pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, as well as information concerning the ongoing implementation of the strategic plan required pursuant to subsection (4) of this section, including any revisions to the strategic plan. Additionally, the state department, community-centered boards, and providers shall report on the use and effectiveness of any money appropriated in the preceding state fiscal year for increasing system capacity. The goal of the hearing is to propose an appropriation from the general fund to the intellectual and developmental disabilities services cash fund.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2) is effective July 1, 2024.]
During each regular session of the general assembly, the joint budget committee and the health and human services committees of the senate and the house of representatives, or any successor committees, shall hold a joint hearing and take public testimony on the status of the waiting lists for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are waiting for enrollment into a home- and community-based services program or a program provided pursuant to this article 10 and the availability of general fund money to reduce the number of persons on the waiting lists and the amount of time eligible persons wait for such services. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the state department shall present testimony, including the information provided in the report pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, as well as information concerning the ongoing implementation of the strategic plan required pursuant to subsection (4) of this section, including any revisions to the strategic plan. Additionally, the state department, case management agencies, and providers shall report on the use and effectiveness of any money appropriated in the preceding state fiscal year for increasing system capacity. The goal of the hearing is to propose an appropriation from the general fund to the intellectual and developmental disabilities services cash fund.


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Notwithstanding the provisions of section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), on or before November 1, 2014, and November 1 of each year thereafter, in accordance with section 24-1-136 (9), the state department shall report to the general assembly the total number of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are waiting at the time of the report for enrollment into a home- and community-based services program or a program provided pursuant to this article 10. The report must also include information concerning the ongoing implementation of the strategic plan required pursuant to subsection (4) of this section, including any revisions to the strategic plan.


The information reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) relating to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are waiting for enrollment into a home- and community-based services program or a program provided pursuant to this article shall be disaggregated by:


The specific medicaid waiver program or other intellectual and developmental disabilities program, service, or support;


The persons who need services immediately but who are not currently receiving services;


The persons who need services immediately who are currently receiving some services; and


The persons who are eligible for services but who do not need services at this time.


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[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (4)(a) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
On or before November 1, 2014, the state department shall develop, in consultation with intellectual and developmental disability system stakeholders, a comprehensive strategic plan including administrative procedures and adequate funding to enroll eligible persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities into home- and community-based services programs and programs provided pursuant to this article at the time those persons choose to enroll in the programs or need the services or supports. As part of developing the strategic plan, the state department shall review the statutory definition of “waiting list” set forth in section 25.5-10-202 and make recommendations concerning amendments to the definition. In engaging stakeholders, the state department shall include both persons and families receiving services, as well as persons and families waiting for enrollment into programs, services, or supports. These persons and families shall include, at a minimum, persons and families who reside in each community-centered, board-designated service area within the state. In developing the strategic plan, the state department shall review relevant recommendations from the community living advisory group created in the office pursuant to the governor’s executive order D 2012-027, as well as other relevant information. The strategic plan shall include specific recommendations and annual benchmarks for achieving this enrollment goal by July 1, 2020, including recommendations relating to increasing system capacity. The state department shall review the strategic plan annually and revise the plan as needed to meet the enrollment goal. Nothing in this section precludes the state department from considering changes in the structure of the state’s intellectual and developmental disabilities programs, including medicaid waiver modification.


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[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (4)(a) is effective July 1, 2024.]
On or before November 1, 2014, the state department shall develop, in consultation with intellectual and developmental disability system stakeholders, a comprehensive strategic plan including administrative procedures and adequate funding to enroll eligible persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities into home- and community-based services programs and programs provided pursuant to this article 10 at the time those persons choose to enroll in the programs or need the services or supports. As part of developing the strategic plan, the state department shall review the statutory definition of “waiting list” set forth in section 25.5-10-202 and make recommendations concerning amendments to the definition. In engaging stakeholders, the state department shall include both persons and families receiving services, as well as persons and families waiting for enrollment into programs, services, or supports. These persons and families must include, at a minimum, persons and families who reside in each defined service area within the state. In developing the strategic plan, the state department shall review relevant recommendations from the community living advisory group created in the office pursuant to the governor’s executive order D 2012-027, as well as other relevant information. The strategic plan must include specific recommendations and annual benchmarks for achieving this enrollment goal by July 1, 2020, including recommendations relating to increasing system capacity. The state department shall review the strategic plan annually and revise the plan as needed to meet the enrollment goal. Nothing in this section precludes the state department from considering changes in the structure of the state’s intellectual and developmental disabilities programs, including medicaid waiver modification.


The state department shall submit the strategic plan to the general assembly in accordance with section 24-1-136 (9), C.R.S., and shall present the strategic plan to the joint budget committee on or before December 1, 2014.


In its annual submission of the state department’s budget request to the joint budget committee, the governor’s office of state planning and budgeting shall reference the number of persons who are waiting at the time of the November 1 report for enrollment into a home- and community-based services program or a program provided pursuant to this article and shall indicate to the joint budget committee those budget requests related specifically to achieving the enrollment goal set forth in the strategic plan required pursuant to this section.


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Subject to the availability of reserve capacity enrollment, a person with an intellectual and developmental disability who is on the waiting list for services and who is at risk of experiencing an emergency due to any of the criteria included in subsection (6)(b) of this section and who meets other applicable criteria for enrollment established by the state board shall be offered enrollment into the home- and community-based services developmental disabilities waiver using a person-centered transition process.


No later than June 1, 2019, the state board shall promulgate rules regarding the criteria for reserve capacity enrollments for those persons described in subsection (6)(a) of this section, which criteria must include but is not limited to:


The age of the custodial parent or caregiver;


The loss of the custodial parent or caregiver;


Incapacitation of the custodial parent or caregiver;


Any life-threatening or serious persistent illness of the custodial parent or caregiver; and


A threat to health or safety that the custodial parent or caregiver places on the person with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


As part of the rule-making process for reserve capacity enrollment pursuant to subsection (6)(b) of this section, the state board shall solicit feedback from persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and family members of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


During the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, the state department shall initiate three hundred nonemergency enrollments from the waiting list for the home- and community-based services developmental disabilities waiver.


Beginning July 2018, and continuing monthly thereafter, the state department shall include in its monthly premiums, expenditures, and caseload report the number of persons who were moved off the developmental disabilities waiting list, specifying the enrollments initiated under the order of selection and the enrollments initiated under the reserve capacity criteria.

Source: Section 25.5-10-207.5 — Strategic plan for long- term services and supports - joint hearing - appropriation - reporting - legislative declaration - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­5.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Office of community living - creation - transfer of duties and functions - rules - legislative declaration
Legislative declaration
Definitions - repeal
Division of intellectual and developmental disabilities - creation - functions - reporting - legislative declaration
Duties of the executive director - state board rules - definitions - repeal
Community-centered boards and service agencies - local public procurement units
Authorized long-term services and supports - conditions of funding - purchase of services and supports - adult protective services data system check - boards of county commissioners - appropriation
Strategic plan for long- term services and supports - joint hearing - appropriation - reporting - legislative declaration - rules
Service agencies and case management agencies - money - rules - repeal
Community-centered boards - designation - purchase of services and supports - performance audits - Colorado local government audit law - public disclosure of board administration and operations - repeal
Cross-system behavioral health crisis response - comprehensive care coordination and treatment model - training - legislative declaration
Case management agencies - certification - purchase of services and supports - rules - repeal
Revocation of designation - repeal
Eligibility determination - individualized plan - periodic review - rules - repeal
Conflict-free case management - implementation - legislative declaration - definition - repeal
Procedure for resolving disputes over eligibility, modification of services or supports, and termination of services or supports
Discharge - repeal
Community residential home - licenses - rules
Compliance with local government zoning regulations - notice to local governments - provisional licensure
Imposition of legal disability - removal of legal right
Conduct of court proceedings
Persons’ rights
Right to individualized plan or individualized family service plan - repeal
Right to medical care and treatment
Right to humane treatment
Right to religious belief, practice, and worship
Rights to communications and visits
Right to fair employment practices
Right to vote
Records and confidentiality of information pertaining to eligible persons or their families - repeal
Right to personal property
Right to influence policy
Right to notification
Sterilization rights
Competency to give consent to sterilization
Court-ordered sterilization
Confidentiality of sterilization proceedings
Limitations on sterilization
Civil action and attorney fees
Federal funds
Evaluations to determine whether a defendant is mentally retarded or has an intellectual and developmental disability for purposes of class 1 felony trials
Retaliation prohibited
Host home provider stakeholder collaboration - report
Legislative declaration
Administration - duties of department
Family support councils
Authorized family support services
Family support services fund - creation
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25.5-10-207.5’s source at colorado​.gov