Short title 32‑9‑102
Legislative declaration 32‑9‑103
Definitions 32‑9‑104
Liberal construction 32‑9‑105
Creation of district 32‑9‑106.1
District area 32‑9‑106.6
Additional district areas as a result of annexation 32‑9‑106.7
Additional district area - petition or election - required filings - definitions 32‑9‑106.8
Additional district areas - annexation of unincorporated territory that is entirely surrounded by the district 32‑9‑106.9
District area - town of Castle Rock in Douglas county 32‑9‑107
Mass transportation system 32‑9‑107.5
Regional fixed guideway mass transit system - authorization 32‑9‑107.7
Regional fixed guideway mass transit systems - construction - authorization 32‑9‑109.5
Board of directors - membership - powers 32‑9‑111
Election of directors - dates - terms 32‑9‑112
Vacancies - appointments - recall 32‑9‑113
Fidelity bonds 32‑9‑114
Board’s administrative powers 32‑9‑115
Records of board - audits 32‑9‑116
Meetings of board 32‑9‑117
Compensation of directors 32‑9‑118
Conflicts in interest prohibited 32‑9‑119
Additional powers of district 32‑9‑119.1
Transportation expansion plan - utility relocation - legislative declaration - definitions 32‑9‑119.3
Elections for sales tax rate increase 32‑9‑119.4
Election for a sales tax rate increase - petition requirement 32‑9‑119.5
Competition to provide vehicular service within the regional transportation district - definition 32‑9‑119.7
Cost efficiency of transit services - reporting - plans 32‑9‑119.8
Provision of retail and commercial goods and services at district transfer facilities - residential and other uses at district transfer facilities permitted - definitions 32‑9‑119.9
Limited authority to charge fees for parking - reserved parking spaces - penalties - definitions 32‑9‑120
Levy of taxes - limitations 32‑9‑121
Levies to cover deficiencies 32‑9‑122
Levying and collecting taxes - lien 32‑9‑123
Delinquent taxes 32‑9‑123.5
Prohibition on borrowing by district 32‑9‑124
Forms of borrowing 32‑9‑125
Issuance of notes 32‑9‑126
Issuance of warrants 32‑9‑127
Maturities of notes and warrants 32‑9‑128
Incurrence of special obligations 32‑9‑128.5
Private activity and exempt facility bonds 32‑9‑129
Issuance of temporary bonds 32‑9‑130
Issuance of interim notes 32‑9‑131
Pledge of proceeds of sales taxes and revenues 32‑9‑132
Ranking among different issues 32‑9‑133
Ranking in same issue 32‑9‑134
Payment recital in securities 32‑9‑135
Incontestable recital in securities 32‑9‑136
Limitation upon payment 32‑9‑137
Security details 32‑9‑138
Negotiability 32‑9‑139
Single bonds 32‑9‑140
Sale of securities 32‑9‑141
Application of proceeds 32‑9‑142
Use of unexpended proceeds 32‑9‑143
Covenants in security proceedings 32‑9‑144
Remedies of security holders 32‑9‑145
Limitations upon liabilities 32‑9‑146
Interest after maturity 32‑9‑147
Refunding bonds 32‑9‑148
Issuance of interim notes 32‑9‑149
Elections 32‑9‑150
Election resolution 32‑9‑151
Conduct and costs of elections 32‑9‑156
District - tax exempted 32‑9‑158
Merger, consolidation, or assumption of district 32‑9‑159
Freedom from judicial process 32‑9‑160
Misdemeanors 32‑9‑161
Eminent domain 32‑9‑162
Money management 32‑9‑163
Investment management 32‑9‑164
Short title 32‑9‑102
Legislative declaration 32‑9‑103
Definitions 32‑9‑104
Liberal construction 32‑9‑105
Creation of district 32‑9‑106.1
District area 32‑9‑106.6
Additional district areas as a result of annexation 32‑9‑106.7
Additional district area - petition or election - required filings - definitions 32‑9‑106.8
Additional district areas - annexation of unincorporated territory that is entirely surrounded by the district 32‑9‑106.9
District area - town of Castle Rock in Douglas county 32‑9‑107
Mass transportation system 32‑9‑107.5
Regional fixed guideway mass transit system - authorization 32‑9‑107.7
Regional fixed guideway mass transit systems - construction - authorization 32‑9‑109.5
Board of directors - membership - powers 32‑9‑111
Election of directors - dates - terms 32‑9‑112
Vacancies - appointments - recall 32‑9‑113
Fidelity bonds 32‑9‑114
Board’s administrative powers 32‑9‑115
Records of board - audits 32‑9‑116
Meetings of board 32‑9‑117
Compensation of directors 32‑9‑118
Conflicts in interest prohibited 32‑9‑119
Additional powers of district 32‑9‑119.1
Transportation expansion plan - utility relocation - legislative declaration - definitions 32‑9‑119.3
Elections for sales tax rate increase 32‑9‑119.4
Election for a sales tax rate increase - petition requirement 32‑9‑119.5
Competition to provide vehicular service within the regional transportation district - definition 32‑9‑119.7
Cost efficiency of transit services - reporting - plans 32‑9‑119.8
Provision of retail and commercial goods and services at district transfer facilities - residential and other uses at district transfer facilities permitted - definitions 32‑9‑119.9
Limited authority to charge fees for parking - reserved parking spaces - penalties - definitions 32‑9‑120
Levy of taxes - limitations 32‑9‑121
Levies to cover deficiencies 32‑9‑122
Levying and collecting taxes - lien 32‑9‑123
Delinquent taxes 32‑9‑123.5
Prohibition on borrowing by district 32‑9‑124
Forms of borrowing 32‑9‑125
Issuance of notes 32‑9‑126
Issuance of warrants 32‑9‑127
Maturities of notes and warrants 32‑9‑128
Incurrence of special obligations 32‑9‑128.5
Private activity and exempt facility bonds 32‑9‑129
Issuance of temporary bonds 32‑9‑130
Issuance of interim notes 32‑9‑131
Pledge of proceeds of sales taxes and revenues 32‑9‑132
Ranking among different issues 32‑9‑133
Ranking in same issue 32‑9‑134
Payment recital in securities 32‑9‑135
Incontestable recital in securities 32‑9‑136
Limitation upon payment 32‑9‑137
Security details 32‑9‑138
Negotiability 32‑9‑139
Single bonds 32‑9‑140
Sale of securities 32‑9‑141
Application of proceeds 32‑9‑142
Use of unexpended proceeds 32‑9‑143
Covenants in security proceedings 32‑9‑144
Remedies of security holders 32‑9‑145
Limitations upon liabilities 32‑9‑146
Interest after maturity 32‑9‑147
Refunding bonds 32‑9‑148
Issuance of interim notes 32‑9‑149
Elections 32‑9‑150
Election resolution 32‑9‑151
Conduct and costs of elections 32‑9‑156
District - tax exempted 32‑9‑158
Merger, consolidation, or assumption of district 32‑9‑159
Freedom from judicial process 32‑9‑160
Misdemeanors 32‑9‑161
Eminent domain 32‑9‑162
Money management 32‑9‑163
Investment management 32‑9‑164