C.R.S. Section 24-34-104
General assembly review of regulatory agencies and functions for repeal, continuation, or reestablishment

  • legislative declaration
  • repeal


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The general assembly finds that state government actions have produced a substantial increase in numbers of agencies, growth of programs, and proliferation of rules and that the process developed without sufficient legislative oversight, regulatory accountability, or a system of checks and balances. The general assembly further finds that regulatory agencies tend to become unnecessarily restrictive. The general assembly further finds that, by establishing a system for the repeal, continuation, or reestablishment of regulatory agencies and by providing for the analysis and evaluation of regulatory agencies to determine the least restrictive regulation consistent with the public interest, the general assembly will be in a better position to evaluate the need for the continued existence of existing and future regulatory bodies.


It is the intent of the general assembly that the system set forth in this section for repeal, continuation, or reestablishment of agencies in the department of regulatory agencies be extended to the functions of certain specified agencies and to certain specified boards, thereby providing for the review of these functions and boards in the most cost-effective manner.


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The divisions in the department of regulatory agencies, the boards and agencies in the division of professions and occupations, and the functions of the specified agencies and the specified boards will repeal according to the repeal schedule outlined in this section. A requirement for periodic reports to the general assembly will expire as set forth in section 24-1-136 (11) and is treated as a function of an agency for purposes of this section except as otherwise provided in this section.


Upon repeal, an agency continues in existence, or, in the case of the repeal of a function, the function continues to be performed, until the date that is one year after the specified repeal date for the purpose of winding up affairs. During the wind-up period, the repeal does not reduce or otherwise limit the powers or authority of the agency; except that a license issued or renewed during the wind-up period expires at the end of the period and original license and renewal fees are prorated accordingly. Upon the expiration of one year after the repeal, the agency shall cease all activities or, in the case of the repeal of a function, the function must cease. When a license issued or renewed before repeal is scheduled to expire after the cessation of activities, the license expires at the end of the wind-up period, and the agency shall refund the portion of the license fee paid that is attributable to the period following the cessation of activities. Any criminal penalty for engaging in a profession or activity without being licensed is not enforceable with respect to activities that occur after an agency has ceased its activities pursuant to this section.


As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, “agency” includes a division or board within an agency that is subject to review pursuant to this section.


If the state constitution imposes powers, duties, or functions on an agency or officer that is subject to the provisions of this section and the agency or officer is repealed and the general assembly does not designate another agency or officer to exercise the powers or perform the duties and functions, the agency or officer continues in existence, after the one-year wind-up period, under the principal department as if the agency or officer were transferred to the department by a
type 2
transfer, as defined in section 24-1-105, until the general assembly otherwise designates.


The existence of a newly created agency or function in the department of regulatory agencies may not exceed ten years and is subject to the provisions of this section. The general assembly may continue or reestablish the existence of an agency or function that is scheduled for repeal under this section for up to fifteen years. The general assembly, acting by bill, may reschedule the repeal date for an agency or function to a later date if the rescheduled date does not violate the appropriate maximum life provision described in this subsection (4).


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The department of regulatory agencies shall analyze and evaluate the performance of each agency or function scheduled for repeal under this section. In conducting the analysis and evaluation, the department of regulatory agencies shall take into consideration, but need not be limited to considering, the factors listed in paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of this section. The department of regulatory agencies shall submit a report and supporting materials to the office of legislative legal services no later than October 15 of the year preceding the date established for repeal and shall make a copy of the report available to each member of the general assembly.


The department of regulatory agencies shall submit its report to the office of legislative legal services for the preparation of draft legislation based solely on specific recommendations for legislation set forth in the report. The department of regulatory agencies shall submit the report to the office of legislative legal services no later than October 15 of the year preceding the date established for repeal. The office of legislative legal services shall prepare the draft legislation before the next regular session of the general assembly for the committee of reference designated in section 2-3-1201, C.R.S., and shall submit the report from the department of regulatory agencies to the designated committee of reference. The designated committee of reference shall determine the title of the legislation drafted pursuant to this paragraph (b).


This subsection (5) is exempt from the provisions of section 24-1-136 (11), and the periodic reporting requirement of this subsection (5) remains in effect until changed by the general assembly acting by bill.


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Before the repeal, continuation, or reestablishment of an agency or function, a legislative committee of reference designated in section 2-3-1201, C.R.S., shall hold public hearings to receive testimony from the public, the executive director of the department of regulatory agencies, and the agencies involved. In the hearing, each agency has the burden of demonstrating that there is a public need for the continued existence of the agency or function and that its regulation is the least restrictive regulation consistent with the public interest.


In the hearings, the determination as to whether an agency has demonstrated a public need for the continued existence of the agency or function and for the degree of regulation it practices is based on the following factors, among others:


Whether regulation or program administration by the agency is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare;


Whether the conditions that led to the initial creation of the program have changed and whether other conditions have arisen that would warrant more, less, or the same degree of governmental oversight;


If the program is necessary, whether the existing statutes and regulations establish the least restrictive form of governmental oversight consistent with the public interest, considering other available regulatory mechanisms;


If the program is necessary, whether agency rules enhance the public interest and are within the scope of legislative intent;


Whether the agency operates in the public interest and whether its operation is impeded or enhanced by existing statutes, rules, procedures, and practices and any other circumstances, including budgetary, resource, and personnel matters;


Whether an analysis of agency operations indicates that the agency or the agency’s board or commission performs its statutory duties efficiently and effectively;


Whether the composition of the agency’s board or commission adequately represents the public interest and whether the agency encourages public participation in its decisions rather than participation only by the people it regulates;


Whether regulatory oversight can be achieved through a director model;


The economic impact of the program and, if national economic information is not available, whether the agency stimulates or restricts competition;


If reviewing a regulatory program, whether complaint, investigation, and disciplinary procedures adequately protect the public and whether final dispositions of complaints are in the public interest or self-serving to the profession or regulated entity;


If reviewing a regulatory program, whether the scope of practice of the regulated occupation contributes to the optimum use of personnel;


Whether entry requirements encourage equity, diversity, and inclusivity;


If reviewing a regulatory program, whether the agency, through its licensing, certification, or registration process, imposes any sanctions or disqualifications on applicants based on past criminal history and, if so, whether the sanctions or disqualifications serve public safety or commercial or consumer protection interests. To assist in considering this factor, the analysis prepared pursuant to subsection (5)(a) of this section must include data on the number of licenses, certifications, or registrations that the agency denied based on the applicant’s criminal history, the number of conditional licenses, certifications, or registrations issued based upon the applicant’s criminal history, and the number of licenses, certifications, or registrations revoked or suspended based on an individual’s criminal conduct. For each set of data, the analysis must include the criminal offenses that led to the sanction or disqualification.


Whether administrative and statutory changes are necessary to improve agency operations to enhance the public interest.


A legislative committee of reference that conducts a review pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (6) shall determine whether an agency or function should be repealed, continued, or reestablished and whether its functions should be revised and, if advisable, may recommend the consideration of a proposed bill to carry out its recommendations.


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If a legislative committee of reference recommends a bill for consideration pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (6), the bill must be introduced in the house of representatives in even-numbered years and in the senate in odd-numbered years. The chair of each legislative committee of reference that recommends a bill for consideration shall assign the proposed bill for sponsorship as follows:


To one or more of the members of the committee of reference; or


To one or more of the members of the general assembly who are not members of the committee of reference if a majority of the committee’s members vote to approve the sponsorship.


A member of the general assembly may not sponsor more than two bills introduced pursuant to this subsection (6) in a single legislative session.


After consulting with the minority leader of the house of representatives and the senate, respectively, and receiving permission from the representative or senator to be added as the bill sponsor:


The speaker of the house of representatives shall assign the proposed bill to a representative for sponsorship in the house of representatives in odd-numbered years; and


The president of the senate shall assign the proposed bill to a senator for sponsorship in the senate in even-numbered years.


A bill recommended for consideration by a committee of reference pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (6) does not count against the number of bills to which members of the general assembly are limited by law or joint rule of the senate and house of representatives.


Before the repeal, continuation, reestablishment, or revision of an agency’s functions, a committee of reference in each house of the general assembly designated by section 2-3-1201, C.R.S., shall hold a public hearing to consider the report from the department of regulatory agencies and any bill recommended for consideration pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (6). The hearing must include the factors and testimony set forth in paragraph (b) of this subsection (6).


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Pursuant to the process established in this section, a committee of reference may not continue, reestablish, or amend the functions of more than one division, board, or agency in any one bill for an act, and the title of the bill must include the name of the division, board, or agency. This paragraph (a) does not apply to requirements for periodic reports to the general assembly.


This section shall not cause the dismissal of a claim or right of a person through or against an agency, or a claim or right of an agency, that has ceased its activities pursuant to this section, which claim is or may be subject to litigation. A person may pursue a claim or right through or against the department of regulatory agencies, the agency that performed the repealed function, or, in the case of a repealed board that is not in the department of regulatory agencies, the specified department in which the board is located. The claims and rights of an agency that has ceased its activities shall be assumed by the department of regulatory agencies, the agency that performed the repealed function, or the specific department.


This section does not affect the general assembly’s authority to otherwise consider legislation affecting a division, board, agency, or similar body.


If an agency or function repeals pursuant to the provisions of this section and the general assembly reestablishes the agency or function during the wind-up period with substantially the same powers, duties, and functions, the agency or function continues.


The purpose of this section is to provide a listing of the divisions, boards, agencies, and functions that are subject to review and scheduled for repeal. The provisions of this section do not effectuate the repeal of a statute; the provisions that effectuate the repeal of a statute creating or governing an agency or function are set forth in the substantive statute that creates the agency or function. The repeal provision in a substantive statute does not invalidate the wind-up period allowed by subsection (2) of this section or the provisions of subsection (3) of this section.


to (21) Repealed.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on July 1, 2022:


and (II) Repealed.


This subsection (22) is repealed, effective July 1, 2024.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2022:


to (XI) Repealed.


The Colorado resiliency office created in section 24-32-121.


This subsection (23) is repealed, effective September 1, 2024.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2023:


to (XIII) Repealed.


This subsection (24) is repealed, effective September 1, 2025.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2024:


The division of financial services created in article 44 of title 11;


The licensing functions of the banking board and the state bank commissioner specified in article 110 of title 11 regarding persons who transmit money;


The division of banking and the banking board created in article 102 of title 11;


The state board of licensure for architects, professional engineers, and professional land surveyors in the department of regulatory agencies created in section 12-120-103;


The state plumbing board created in article 155 of title 12;


The functions of the broadband deployment board created in section 24-37.5-119;


The evidential breath-testing cash fund created in section 42-4-1301.1 (9);


The veterans assistance grant program created in section 28-5-712;


The underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission created in part 3 of article 1 of title 13;


The regulation of private occupational schools and their agents under article 64 of title 23, including the functions of the private occupational school division created in section 23-64-105, and the private occupational school board created in section 23-64-107;


The licensing and regulation of respiratory therapists by the division of professions and occupations in the department of regulatory agencies in accordance with article 300 of title 12;


The Colorado commission for the deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind created in article 21 of title 26;


The regulation of persons registered to practice mortuary science by sections 12-135-110 and 12-135-111 and cremation by sections 12-135-303 and 12-135-304, and the administration thereof in accordance with part 4 of article 135 of title 12, and the regulation of nontransplant tissue banks by section 12-140-103;


The functions specified in part 2 of article 19 of title 5 of the administrator designated pursuant to section 5-6-103 and the registration of debt-management service providers;


The licensing of bingo and other games of chance through the secretary of state in accordance with part 6 of article 21 of this title 24;


The Colorado bingo-raffle advisory board created in section 24-21-630;


The functions of the public utilities commission with regard to the administration of the high cost support mechanism created in section 40-15-208;


The licensing of physical therapists by the physical therapy board in accordance with part 1 of article 285 of title 12;


The certification of physical therapist assistants by the physical therapy board in accordance with part 2 of article 285 of title 12;




The harm reduction grant program created in section 25-20.5-1101;


The rule-making function of the executive director of the department of early childhood pursuant to section 26.5-1-105 (1).


This subsection (25) is repealed, effective September 1, 2026.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2025:


The Colorado dental board created in article 220 of title 12;


The accreditation of health-care providers under the workers’ compensation system in accordance with section 8-42-101 (3.5) and (3.6), C.R.S.;


The regulation of outfitters by the director of the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 145 of title 12;


The rural alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treatment program created pursuant to section 27-80-117 in the behavioral health administration in the department of human services;


The identity theft and financial fraud board created in part 17 of article 33.5 of this title;


The Colorado fraud investigators unit created in part 17 of article 33.5 of this title;


The functions of the department of public health and environment regarding community integrated health-care service agencies pursuant to part 13 of article 3.5 of title 25, C.R.S.;


The primary care payment reform collaborative established in section 10-16-150;


The HOA information and resource center created in section 12-10-801;




The licensing and regulation of persons by the department of agriculture in accordance with article 36 of title 35;


The motorcycle operator safety training program created in part 5 of article 5 of title 43;


The public utilities commission’s regulation of towing carriers under part 4 of article 10.1 of title 40.


This subsection (26) is repealed, effective September 1, 2027.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2026:


The regulation of barbers, hairstylists, cosmetologists, estheticians, nail technicians, and registered places of business under section 12-105-112 by the director of the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 105 of title 12;


The division of securities created in section 11-51-701, C.R.S.;


The securities board created in section 11-51-702.5, C.R.S.;


The registration and regulation of vessels by the department of natural resources in accordance with article 13 of title 33, C.R.S.;


The office of combative sports, including the Colorado combative sports commission, created in article 110 of title 12;


The division of real estate, including the real estate commission, created in part 2 of article 10 of title 12, and its functions under parts 2, 3, and 5 of article 10 of title 12;


The regulation of professional cash-bail agents and cash-bonding agents in accordance with article 23 of title 10;


The Colorado podiatry board created in article 290 of title 12;


The biomass utilization grant program implemented by the state forest service pursuant to section 23-31-317;


The cold case task force created in section 24-33.5-109;


The record-keeping, licensing, and central registry functions of the behavioral health administration in the department of human services relating to substance use disorder treatment programs under which controlled substances are compounded, administered, or dispensed in accordance with part 2 of article 80 of title 27;


The licensing of pet animal facilities by the commissioner of agriculture in accordance with article 80 of title 35;


The fire suppression programs of the division of fire prevention and control created in sections 24-33.5-1204.5, 24-33.5-1206.1, 24-33.5-1206.2, 24-33.5-1206.3, 24-33.5-1206.4, 24-33.5-1206.5, 24-33.5-1206.6, and 24-33.5-1207.6;


The Colorado medical board created in article 240 of title 12;


The regulation of dialysis treatment clinics and hemodialysis technicians in accordance with section 25-1.5-108;


The Colorado public utilities commission created in article 2 of title 40;


The legal requirements pertaining to home warranty service contracts under part 9 of article 10 of title 12;


The assistance program for disability benefits under part 22 of article 30 of this title 24.




This subsection (27) is repealed, effective September 1, 2028.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2027:


The regulation of motor vehicle and powersports vehicle sales by the motor vehicle dealer board and the director of the auto industry division, under the supervision of the executive director of the department of revenue, in accordance with parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of article 20 of title 44;


The Colorado civil rights division, including the Colorado civil rights commission, created in part 3 of this article 34;


The state board of nursing created in article 255 of title 12;


The state board of nursing created in article 255 of title 12 and the functions of the board, including the functions related to the certification of nurse aides;


The regulation of radon professionals licensed in accordance with article 165 of title 12;


The justice reinvestment crime prevention initiative created in section 24-32-120;


The use of digital number plates by the owner of a registered vehicle pursuant to section 42-3-201 (8);


The domestic violence offender management board created in section 16-11.8-103;


The certification of persons in connection with the control of asbestos in accordance with part 5 of article 7 of title 25;


The wildfire mitigation incentives for local government grant program created in section 23-31-318 (2).


This subsection (28) is repealed, effective September 1, 2029.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2028:


The licensing of landscape architects in accordance with article 130 of title 12;


The administration of the “Colorado Fair Debt Collection Practices Act” by the administrator of the “Uniform Consumer Credit Code”, articles 1 to 9 of title 5, in accordance with article 16 of title 5;


The issuance of licenses and certificates related to measurement standards by the commissioner of agriculture and the department of agriculture in accordance with article 14 of title 35;


The functions of the underground damage prevention safety commission related to underground facilities specified in sections 9-1.5-104.2, 9-1.5-104.4, 9-1.5-104.7, and 9-1.5-104.8;


The functions of the commissioner of agriculture related to seed potatoes under article 27.3 of title 35;


In-home support services established in part 12 of article 6 of title 25.5;


The licensing of river outfitters through the parks and wildlife commission and the division of parks and wildlife in accordance with article 32 of title 33;


The functions of the department of public health and environment relating to the licensing of home care agencies and the registering of home care placement agencies in accordance with article 27.5 of title 25;


The medical marijuana program created in section 25-1.5-106;


and (XI) Repealed.


The “Colorado Marijuana Code”, article 10 of title 44;


The administration of the “Michael Skolnik Medical Transparency Act of 2010” by the director of the division of professions and occupations in accordance with section 12-30-102;


The registration of surgical assistants and surgical technologists pursuant to article 310 of title 12;


The registration of direct-entry midwives by the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 225 of title 12;


Notwithstanding subsection (7)(a) of this section, the office of the utility consumer advocate and the utility consumers’ board created in article 6.5 of title 40;


The community crime victims grant program created in section 25-20.5-801;


The grant program to provide funding to eligible community-based organizations that provide reentry services to people on parole or inmates transitioning through community corrections described in section 17-33-101 (7);


The regulation of nursing home administrators by the board of examiners of nursing home administrators in accordance with article 265 of title 12;


The sex offender management board created in section 16-11.7-103.


This subsection (29) is repealed, effective September 1, 2030.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2029:


The automobile theft prevention authority and the automobile theft prevention board created in section 42-5-112;


The licensing of mortgage loan originators and the registration of mortgage companies in accordance with part 7 of article 10 of title 12;


The regulation of persons working in coal mines by the department of natural resources through the coal mine board of examiners in accordance with article 22 of title 34;


The Colorado state board of chiropractic examiners created in article 215 of title 12;


The registration of naturopathic doctors in accordance with article 250 of title 12;


Notwithstanding subsection (7)(a) of this section, the functions of the boards specified in article 245 of title 12 relating to the licensing, registration, or certification of and grievances against a person licensed, registered, or certified pursuant to article 245 of title 12;


The regulation of preneed funeral contracts in accordance with article 15 of title 10;


The direct care workforce stabilization board created in article 7.5 of title 8.


This subsection (30) is repealed, effective September 1, 2031.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2030:


The functions of the division of insurance in the department of regulatory agencies specified in article 1 of title 10, other than the functions of the division related to the licensing of bail bonding agents and the regulation of preneed funeral contracts;


The state board of accountancy created in article 100 of title 12;


The passenger tramway safety board created in section 12-150-104;


The functions of professional review committees specified in article 30 of title 12;


The licensing of occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants in accordance with article 270 of title 12;


The state board of pharmacy and the regulation of the practice of pharmacy in accordance with parts 1 to 3, 5, and 6 of article 280 of title 12;


The functions of the circular economy development center created in section 25-17-602;


Human trafficking prevention training pursuant to section 24-33.5-523;


The veterans one-stop center, known as the “western region one source”, established pursuant to section 28-5-713;


The Colorado produced water consortium created in section 34-60-135 (2)(a).


This subsection (31) is repealed, effective September 1, 2032.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2031:


The registration functions of the commissioner of agriculture specified in article 27 of title 35;


The licensing of egg dealers in accordance with article 21 of title 35;


The water and wastewater facility operators certification board created in section 25-9-103;


The licensing of hearing aid providers by the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 230 of title 12;


The licensing of audiologists by the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 210 of title 12;


The regulation of athletic trainers by the director of the division of professions and occupations in the department of regulatory agencies in accordance with article 205 of title 12;


The licensure of massage therapists by the director of the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 235 of title 12;


The board of real estate appraisers created in part 6 of article 10 of title 12;


The regulation of conveyances and conveyance mechanics, contractors, and inspectors by the director of the division of oil and public safety within the department of labor and employment in accordance with article 5.5 of title 9;


The Colorado prescription drug affordability review board created in section 10-16-1402.


This subsection (32) is repealed, effective September 1, 2033.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2032:


The state electrical board created in article 23 of title 12;


The workers’ compensation classification appeals board created in article 55 of title 8;


The responsible gaming grant program created in section 44-30-1702;


The regulation of the custom processing of meat animals by the department of agriculture in accordance with article 33 of title 35;


The division of racing events, including the Colorado racing commission, created in article 32 of title 44;


The appointment of notaries public through the secretary of state in accordance with part 5 of article 21 of this title 24;


The “Natural Medicine Health Act of 2022”, article 170 of title 12;


The “Colorado Natural Medicine Code”, article 50 of title 44.


This subsection (33) is repealed, effective September 1, 2034.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2033:


The issuance of permits for specific weather modification operations through the executive director of the department of natural resources in accordance with article 20 of title 36;


The authority of the director of the division of workers’ compensation to impose fines on employers pursuant to section 8-43-409 (1.5) for failure to carry workers’ compensation insurance;


The regulation of speech-language pathologists by the director of the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 305 of title 12;


The licensing of persons who practice acupuncture by the director of the division of professions and occupations in accordance with article 200 of title 12;


The state board of veterinary medicine created in article 315 of title 12;


The state board of optometry created in article 275 of title 12;


The division of gaming created in part 2 of article 30 of title 44;


The closed landfill remediation grant program and the closed landfill remediation grant program advisory committee created in section 30-20-124.


This subsection (34) is repealed, effective September 1, 2035.


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2034:


The regulation of produce safety on farms by the commissioner of agriculture in accordance with article 77 of title 35;


The licensing and regulation of psychiatric technicians by the state board of nursing in accordance with article 295 of title 12;


The licensing of public livestock markets in accordance with article 55 of title 35;


The air quality enterprise created by section 25-7-103.5.


The regulation of the application of pesticides by the commissioner of agriculture in accordance with article 10 of title 35;


This subsection (35) is repealed, effective September 1, 2036.


and (37) (Reserved).


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The following agencies, functions, or both, are scheduled for repeal on September 1, 2037:


The Colorado resiliency office created in section 24-32-121 and the functions of the office described in section 24-32-122.


This subsection (38) is repealed, effective September 1, 2039.

Source: Section 24-34-104 — General assembly review of regulatory agencies and functions for repeal, continuation, or reestablishment - legislative declaration - repeal, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Department created - executive director
General assembly review of regulatory agencies and functions for repeal, continuation, or reestablishment - legislative declaration - repeal
General assembly sunrise review of new regulation of occupations and professions - definition - repeal
Cost of reports - charges
Professions and occupations - alternative to existing disciplinary actions
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules
Consumer outreach and education program - creation - cash fund - fine surcharge
Posting summary transparency reports required by federal law
Civil rights division - director - powers and duties
Civil rights commission - membership
Division and commission subject to termination - repeal of part
Powers and duties of commission
Charge - complaint - hearing - procedure - exhaustion of administrative remedies
Judicial review and enforcement
Enforcement of federal law prohibited
Public education - service and assistance animals - form used in housing
Legislative declaration
Discriminatory or unfair employment practices - affirmative defense - definition
Prohibition of discrimination - pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions - reasonable accommodations required - notice of rights - definitions
Unlawful prohibition of legal activities as a condition of employment
Unlawful action against employees seeking protection
Time limits on filing of charges
Charges by employers and others
Relief authorized - short title
Ruling on unemployment benefits not a bar
Nondisclosure agreements - requirements for enforcement - penalties for noncompliance
Employer record keeping - repository of discrimination complaints - definition
Unfair housing practices prohibited - definition
Unfair or discriminatory housing practices against individuals with disabilities prohibited
Refusal to show housing
Time limits on filing of charges
Charges by other persons
Enforcement by the attorney general
Enforcement by private persons
Probable cause
Conciliation agreements
Injunctive relief
Relief authorized
Enforcement sought by commission
Discrimination in places of public accommodation - definition
Penalty and civil liability
Jurisdiction of county court - trial
Time limits on filing of charges
Relief authorized
Publishing of discriminative matter forbidden
Presumptive evidence
Places of public accommodation - definition
Time limits on filing of charges
Relief authorized
Legislative declaration
Violations - penalties - immunity
Rights of individuals with service animals
Service animals - violations - penalties
Family preservation safeguards for families that include a parent with a disability - protections - legislative declaration - definitions
Proposed continuing education requirements for regulated occupations and professions - review by office of executive director
Legislative declaration
Task force on the rights of Coloradans with disabilities - creation - membership - report
Subcommittee on the rewrite and modernization of the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning civil rights of persons with disabilities - membership - purpose - reporting
Subcommittee on basic access to Colorado outdoors for persons with disabilities - membership - purpose - reporting
Subcommittee on affordability, accessibility, and attainability of housing for persons with disabilities - membership - purpose - reporting
Subcommittee on physical and programmatic basic access within state and local government for persons with disabilities - membership - purpose - reporting
Repeal of part
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-34-104’s source at