Legislative declaration 40‑15‑102
Definitions 40‑15‑103
Application of part 40‑15‑104
Powers of local government 40‑15‑105
Nondiscriminatory access charges 40‑15‑106
Cross-subsidization prohibited - illegal restraint of trade 40‑15‑107
Powers of commission - inspection of books and documents - confidentiality of information obtained through audit 40‑15‑108
Cost methodologies 40‑15‑109
Assurance of interconnections - averaging of rates 40‑15‑110
Provision of regulated and deregulated service 40‑15‑111
Regulation of the discontinuation or rearrangement of basic local exchange service - measured or message rate service not required 40‑15‑112
Unauthorized change of telecommunications provider 40‑15‑113
Unauthorized charge for services 40‑15‑201
Regulation by commission 40‑15‑202
Certificate required 40‑15‑203
Manner of regulation - refraining from regulation 40‑15‑203.5
Simplified regulatory treatment for rural telecommunications providers 40‑15‑204
Transfer of certificate 40‑15‑205
Violations 40‑15‑207
Reclassification of services and products 40‑15‑208
High cost support mechanism - Colorado high cost administration fund - creation - purpose - operation - rules - report - repeal 40‑15‑209
Net neutrality conditions for internet service providers to receive high cost support mechanism money - definitions 40‑15‑301
Regulation by the commission 40‑15‑302
Manner of regulation - rules 40‑15‑302.5
Resellers of toll services - registration required 40‑15‑303
Transfer of certificate 40‑15‑304
Violations 40‑15‑305
Time period for consideration of deregulation of emerging competitive telecommunications service 40‑15‑307
Switched access 40‑15‑401
Services, products, and providers exempt from regulation - definition 40‑15‑402
No regulation by the commission - no certificate required 40‑15‑403
General assembly may reregulate 40‑15‑404
Dispute - interconnection or access 40‑15‑501
Legislative declaration - purpose and scope of part 40‑15‑502
Expressions of state policy 40‑15‑503
Opening of competitive local exchange market - process of negotiation and rule-making - issues to be considered by commission - definition 40‑15‑503.5
Financial assurance - rules 40‑15‑509
Transfer of certificate 40‑15‑510
Violations 40‑15‑601
Definitions 40‑15‑602
Electric easements - commercial broadband service - broadband affiliates - notice required 40‑15‑603
Statute of limitations - damages - limitations on damages 40‑15‑604
Electric utility obligations
Legislative declaration 40‑15‑102
Definitions 40‑15‑103
Application of part 40‑15‑104
Powers of local government 40‑15‑105
Nondiscriminatory access charges 40‑15‑106
Cross-subsidization prohibited - illegal restraint of trade 40‑15‑107
Powers of commission - inspection of books and documents - confidentiality of information obtained through audit 40‑15‑108
Cost methodologies 40‑15‑109
Assurance of interconnections - averaging of rates 40‑15‑110
Provision of regulated and deregulated service 40‑15‑111
Regulation of the discontinuation or rearrangement of basic local exchange service - measured or message rate service not required 40‑15‑112
Unauthorized change of telecommunications provider 40‑15‑113
Unauthorized charge for services 40‑15‑201
Regulation by commission 40‑15‑202
Certificate required 40‑15‑203
Manner of regulation - refraining from regulation 40‑15‑203.5
Simplified regulatory treatment for rural telecommunications providers 40‑15‑204
Transfer of certificate 40‑15‑205
Violations 40‑15‑207
Reclassification of services and products 40‑15‑208
High cost support mechanism - Colorado high cost administration fund - creation - purpose - operation - rules - report - repeal 40‑15‑209
Net neutrality conditions for internet service providers to receive high cost support mechanism money - definitions 40‑15‑301
Regulation by the commission 40‑15‑302
Manner of regulation - rules 40‑15‑302.5
Resellers of toll services - registration required 40‑15‑303
Transfer of certificate 40‑15‑304
Violations 40‑15‑305
Time period for consideration of deregulation of emerging competitive telecommunications service 40‑15‑307
Switched access 40‑15‑401
Services, products, and providers exempt from regulation - definition 40‑15‑402
No regulation by the commission - no certificate required 40‑15‑403
General assembly may reregulate 40‑15‑404
Dispute - interconnection or access 40‑15‑501
Legislative declaration - purpose and scope of part 40‑15‑502
Expressions of state policy 40‑15‑503
Opening of competitive local exchange market - process of negotiation and rule-making - issues to be considered by commission - definition 40‑15‑503.5
Financial assurance - rules 40‑15‑509
Transfer of certificate 40‑15‑510
Violations 40‑15‑601
Definitions 40‑15‑602
Electric easements - commercial broadband service - broadband affiliates - notice required 40‑15‑603
Statute of limitations - damages - limitations on damages 40‑15‑604
Electric utility obligations