C.R.S. Section 40-8.7-104
Energy assistance program

  • creation
  • energy assistance contribution
  • energy assistance system benefit charge


There is hereby created the low-income energy assistance program to collect and disburse an optional energy assistance contribution and an energy assistance system benefit charge in Colorado in accordance with this article 8.7.


Except as otherwise provided in this article 8.7, every utility doing business in Colorado shall participate in the energy assistance program and provide the opportunity for utility customers to make an optional energy assistance contribution on the monthly remittance device on their utility billing statement. Each utility shall provide the opportunity for customers to donate the optional energy assistance contribution as provided in section 40-8.7-105 (2).


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Except as provided in subsections (2.5)(b) and (2.5)(c) of this section, commencing with a customer’s billing statement covering electric or gas usage in the month of October 2021, every investor-owned utility doing business in Colorado shall collect a monthly energy assistance system benefit charge from each of its utility customers pursuant to section 40-8.7-105.5 (1).


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For each month that an investor-owned utility collects the monthly energy assistance system benefit charge, the utility shall include on its customers’ billing statements a conspicuous notification in both English and Spanish that substantially complies with the following language:
If you’re struggling to pay your utility bills, you might qualify for exemption from a monthly charge related to energy assistance and be eligible for utility bill payment assistance. Please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP to see if you qualify.


The organization shall notify each investor-owned utility of any customer of the investor-owned utility who is exempted from payment of the charge by virtue of having received direct utility bill payment assistance from the organization in the previous twelve months.


Each investor-owned utility shall review readily available information it has received from the state department of human services and the organization to determine which customers have received any direct utility bill payment assistance from the state department or the organization in the previous twelve months and, as a result, are eligible for exemption from payment of the charge.


Upon receiving notification from the organization pursuant to subsection (2.5)(b)(II) of this section or upon its own determination that a customer is eligible for exemption from the charge, an investor-owned utility shall remove the charge from the customer’s monthly billing statements for the succeeding twelve months.


For each month that an investor-owned utility collects the monthly energy assistance system benefit charge, the utility shall include on its customers’ billing statements within its explanation of charges a phone number or e-mail address through which a customer may opt out of paying the monthly energy assistance system benefit charge.


Any reasonable costs that a utility incurs in connection with the program, including the initial costs of setting up the collection mechanism and reformatting its billing systems to solicit the optional contribution and to impose and collect the charge, shall be reimbursed from the money collected for the program. The utility must submit a calculation of the amount of money to be reimbursed to the public utilities commission for its approval of prudently incurred costs. The reimbursed amounts must be transmitted to the utilities before the remaining money is distributed to the organization.

Source: Section 40-8.7-104 — Energy assistance program - creation - energy assistance contribution - energy assistance system benefit charge, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-40.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 40-8.7-104’s source at colorado​.gov