C.R.S. Section 40-8.7-108
Energy outreach Colorado

  • administration of energy assistance contributions and the system benefit charge


The organization shall hold and administer all money collected for energy assistance pursuant to this article 8.7 delivered to it by the utilities pursuant to section 40-8.7-107 in a separately identifiable account, which shall be restricted to the purposes set forth in this article 8.7. The organization shall maintain its books and records pertaining to the energy assistance contributions and the energy assistance system benefit charge in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and, in addition, shall maintain records adequate to identify the money collected by each utility. If the organization commingles the money collected and delivered with other assets of the organization for investment purposes, the organization shall maintain accurate accounts of the investment money and shall credit or charge a pro rata portion of all investment earnings, gains, or losses to the account that holds the optional energy assistance collections and energy assistance system benefit charges.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Except as provided in subsection (2)(b) of this section, the organization shall use the money collected from the optional energy assistance contributions and the energy assistance system benefit charge to provide low-income energy assistance and to improve energy efficiency. The organization shall pay the financial assistance money to each utility as vendor payments. The organization shall not use the money for propane, gas, or electric assistance for customers whose propane, gas, electric, or gas and electric companies or cooperative electric associations do not participate in the program. The organization may use up to five percent of the money collected for administration of the energy assistance program in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; however, the organization shall not use any money collected from the energy assistance system benefit charge to pay employee salaries or bonuses.


In accordance with the payment amounts reflected in the organization’s budget prepared pursuant to subsection (3)(b) of this section and approved by the legislative commission on low-income energy and water assistance pursuant to section 40-8.5-103.5 (6)(c), the organization shall transmit a portion of the money collected from the energy assistance system benefit charge to the state treasurer, and the state treasurer shall credit that amount to the supplemental utility assistance fund created in section 26-2-307 (2)(a) for use by the department of human services in accordance with section 26-2-307 (1).
(3)(a)(I) Subject to the allocation requirements set forth in subsections (3)(a)(II) and (3)(a)(III) of this section, the organization shall, on an annual basis, develop a budget for the energy assistance program to determine the allocation of the money collected from the optional energy assistance contributions and the energy assistance system benefit charge, with not more than fifty percent of the total amount allocated to direct utility bill payment assistance. To improve and increase enrollment in the utility assistance programs, the budget must include an allocation of at least two percent of the money collected from the charge to be used to engage the assistance of community-based organizations that are active in outreach to, engagement of, and education for income-qualified communities, communities of color, and immigrant communities to help provide outreach and education about the utility assistance programs. The organization shall submit a copy of the budget to the Colorado energy office for its review.


Subject to subsection (3)(a)(IV) of this section, before the organization begins allocating an amount of the money collected from the energy assistance system benefit charge to be credited to the supplemental utility assistance fund created in section 26-2-307 (2)(a), the organization, after allocating at least two percent of the money collected to community outreach as described in subsection (3)(a)(I) of this section, shall:


If the projected amount collected in the federal fiscal year, as determined by the organization by April 30, will not exceed ten million dollars, allocate forty percent to the Colorado energy office created in section 24-38.5-101 for its weatherization assistance program and retain forty-five percent for the organization’s energy assistance programs, with the legislative commission on low-income energy and water assistance, referred to in this subsection (3)(a) as the “legislative commission”, determining the allocation of the remaining money between the two entities pursuant to its budget approval authority under section 40-8.5-103.5 (6)(c); and


If the projected amount collected in the federal fiscal year, as determined by the organization by April 30, will exceed ten million dollars, allocate forty-five percent to the Colorado energy office for its weatherization assistance program and retain forty-five percent for the organization’s energy assistance programs, with the legislative commission determining the allocation of the remaining money between the two entities pursuant to its budget approval authority.


Subject to subsection (3)(a)(IV) of this section, once the organization begins allocating an amount of the money collected from the energy assistance system benefit charge to be credited to the supplemental utility assistance fund created in section 26-2-307 (2)(a), the organization, after allocating money for the supplemental utility assistance fund and for community outreach as described in subsection (3)(a)(I) of this section, shall:


If the projected amount collected in the federal fiscal year, as determined by the organization by April 30, will not exceed ten million dollars, allocate forty percent to the Colorado energy office for its weatherization assistance program and retain forty-five percent for the organization’s energy assistance programs, with the legislative commission determining the allocation of the remaining money between the two entities pursuant to its budget approval authority under section 40-8.5-103.5 (6)(c); and


If the projected amount collected in the federal fiscal year, as determined by the organization by April 30, will exceed ten million dollars, allocate forty-five percent to the Colorado energy office for its weatherization assistance program and retain forty-five percent for the organization’s energy assistance programs, with the legislative commission determining the allocation of the remaining money between the two entities pursuant to its budget approval authority.


If any money allocated to the Colorado energy office or retained by the organization is not expended in the year for which it was allocated, the legislative commission may take that unexpended money into consideration in allocating money in the following year’s budget pursuant to this subsection (3)(a).


As part of the budget developed pursuant to subsection (3)(a) of this section, the organization shall calculate the amount of money from the energy assistance system benefit charge to transmit to the state treasurer pursuant to subsection (2)(b) of this section and the amount of the fuel assistance payments that the department of human services makes in accordance with section 26-2-307 (1).

Source: Section 40-8.7-108 — Energy outreach Colorado - administration of energy assistance contributions and the system benefit charge, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-40.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 40-8.7-108’s source at colorado​.gov