C.R.S. Section 40-8.7-105
Customer opt-in provision


The public utilities commission shall determine the mechanism for an opt-in provision whereby the energy assistance contributions described in section 40-8.7-104 will be collected from those customers who give notice of their intent to participate in the energy assistance program.


Each utility shall solicit voluntary donations through a check-off mechanism displayed on the monthly remittance device. Recommended check-off categories of five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars, and “other amount” shall be displayed.


Once a customer voluntarily opts into the program, the appropriate contribution shall be assessed on a monthly basis until the customer notifies the utility of his or her desire to remove the contribution. Each utility shall establish procedures to notify customers about their ability to cancel any voluntary contribution.


Once the utility customer opts into the program, the energy assistance contribution shall appear as a separate line item and shall be identified in the billing statement as a contribution. The line item shall identify the optional low-income contribution, state the amount of the optional contribution, and be included in the total amount due.


In accordance with article 4 of title 24 C.R.S., on or before November 1, 2005, the public utilities commission shall initiate at least one rule-making proceeding to accomplish the following:


Establish a program whereby customers will be solicited to contribute a flat amount on the monthly remittance device on the utility billing statement;


Encourage each utility to provide notification, where feasible, to customers participating in the program about the customer’s ability to continue to contribute when the customer changes his or her address within the service territory;


Require the utility to make additional efforts to inform utility customers about the program to ensure that adequate notice of the opt-in provision is given to all customers;


In addition to notification on the monthly remittance device on the billing statement, require each utility to notify its customers about the opt-in provision prior to September 1, 2006, and require each utility to provide clear, periodic notice of the opt-in provision at least twice per year through bill inserts, in a statement on the bill or envelope, or in other utility communication pieces or through an alternative method approved by the commission. The costs of the insert and any other notification efforts will be considered in the utility’s cost of service.


Require each utility to consider the most cost-effective method possible when implementing the program; and


Ensure that there is a mechanism for customers who make electronic payments to the utility to remove the optional charge from their monthly payments.

Source: Section 40-8.7-105 — Customer opt-in provision, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-40.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 40-8.7-105’s source at colorado​.gov