C.R.S. Section 43-10-102

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Aircraft” means any FAA-certificated vehicle used or designed for aviation or flight in the air.


“Airport” means any area of land or water which is used or intended for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, any appurtenant areas which are used or intended for airport buildings or other airport facilities or rights-of-way, and all airport buildings and facilities.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


“Aviation purposes” means any objective that provides direct and indirect benefits to the state aviation system and includes, but is not limited to:


Any work involved in constructing, planning, or repairing a public airport or portion thereof and may include any work involved in constructing or maintaining access roads;


The removal, lowering, relocation, and marking and lighting of any hazard to the safe operation of aircraft utilizing federal rules and regulations as guidelines for determining such hazards;


The acquisition of navigational aids used by aircraft landing at or taking off from such airport;


The acquisition of safety equipment necessary for the enhancement of the state aviation system;


Any research study, proposal, or plan for the expansion, location, or distribution of aviation facilities or resources that are directly related to the state aviation system;


The promotion of economic development which is related to the promotion, development, operation, or maintenance of the state aviation system;


Any acquisition of land, of any interest therein, or of any easement through or other interest in airspace, including land for future airport development, which is necessary to permit any such work or to remove, mitigate, prevent, or limit the establishment of any hazard to the safe operation of aircraft; and


Any informal education or training made available to the public concerning aviation in the state or any informational materials for dissemination to the public concerning aviation.


Subsidization of airlines is expressly prohibited as an aviation purpose except for the promotion and marketing of air service at airport facilities.


“Board” means the Colorado aeronautical board.


“Director” means the director of the aeronautics division.


“Division” means the aeronautics division in the department of transportation.


“FAA” means the federal aviation administration or its successor.


“Regional aviation plan” means an aviation plan developed by a regional planning commission pursuant to section 30-28-110, C.R.S.


“State aviation system” means the network of facilities which includes airports, navigational aids, and safety-related facilities.


“State aviation systems plan” means a plan produced and maintained by the state which: Addresses the aviation needs within the state, including those needs relating to airports, navigational aids, and flight safety; identifies and evaluates alternatives to meet those needs; and recommends preferred solutions for the aviation needs of the state.

Source: Section 43-10-102 — Definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-43.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 43-10-102’s source at