C.R.S. Section 8-2-111.5
Certain employment references

  • exception to blacklisting prohibition


The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the intent and purpose of the provisions of sections 8-2-110 and 8-2-111 which prohibit the maintenance or use of blacklists were enacted to protect employees from retribution and harassment in the pursuit of their lawful activities. The general assembly further finds, determines, and declares that these prohibitions against blacklisting have in some instances been abused and have been used as a shield for persons responsible for thefts and other misappropriations of funds from financial institutions regulated under title 11, C.R.S., or under federal law in securing employment from other such financial institutions. These abuses of the antiblacklisting provisions have resulted in pattern and serial criminal activities at great expense and harm to such financial institutions and their customers.


In response to a request by another bank, savings and loan association, credit card or travel and entertainment card company, trust company, credit union, or other state or federally chartered lending institution operating in Colorado, it is not unlawful or a violation of the prohibitions against blacklisting specified in sections 8-2-110 and 8-2-111 for a bank, savings and loan association, credit card or travel and entertainment card company, trust company, credit union, or other state or federally chartered lending institution operating in Colorado, when acting in good faith, to disclose any information about any involvement in a theft, embezzlement, misappropriation, or other defalcation by an employee or former employee.


No bank, savings and loan association, credit card or travel and entertainment card company, trust company, credit union, or other state or federally chartered lending institution operating in Colorado or any officer, director, or employee thereof is civilly liable for providing an employment reference described in subsection (2) of this section upon request if the information is provided in good faith.


The provision of such employment information shall not constitute a violation of the prohibition against blacklisting as provided in sections 8-2-110 and 8-2-111, nor shall it constitute an unfair labor practice in violation of any provision of article 3 of this title.


A bank, savings and loan association, credit card or travel and entertainment card company, trust company, credit union, or other state or federally chartered lending institution operating in Colorado or any officer, director, or employee thereof who discloses information under this section is presumed to be acting in good faith unless it is shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the institution, officer, director, or employee intentionally or recklessly disclosed false information about the employee or former employee.

Source: Section 8-2-111.5 — Certain employment references - exception to blacklisting prohibition, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Combination of employees for peaceable objects lawful
Coercion of employees unlawful
Penalty for coercing employees
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Workman engaged by false representations to recover damages
Unlawful for employer to prevent employees participating in politics
Rights of person charged with contempt
Unlawful to publish blacklist
Penalty for blacklisting
Certain employment references - exception to blacklisting prohibition
Health-care employers - immunity from civil liability - requirements - exception to blacklisting prohibition - legislative declaration
Employees working with persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities - immunity from civil liability - requirements - exception to blacklisting prohibition - legislative declaration - definitions
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Immunity from civil liability for employer disclosing information - employer shall not maintain blacklist - credit lists excepted
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Awards of back pay - deduction of unemployment compensation
Residency requirements prohibited for public employment - legislative declaration - definitions
Employment verification requirements - audits - fine for fraudulent documents - cash fund created - definitions
Health-care workers - retaliation prohibited - definitions
Electronic verification program - availability - notice to employers - definitions
Identification of workers engaged in off-site work - permissible forms of identification - exceptions - definitions
Employer use of consumer credit information - violation - short title - definitions
Prohibitions of employer - requiring access to personal electronic communication devices - definitions - rules
Prohibitions of employer - requiring social security number - exceptions
Access to personnel files and records - definitions - exemptions
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Damages - fellow servant rule abolished - limitation on admission of criminal history
Damages in case of death - limit
Who may sue - consolidation of actions
Limitation of actions - limit of damages
Assumption of risk abolished
Agricultural employers - agricultural employees - violations - penalties - definitions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 8-2-111.5’s source at colorado​.gov