C.R.S. Section 9-4-106.5
Owner to report boilers taken out of service


It is the duty of the owner or user of boilers used in this state, except those boilers exempt from the provisions of this article under section 9-4-104, to report to the section the location and state serial number of boilers that have been taken out of service but not removed from the premises. For purposes of this article, a boiler is not “taken out of service” if it is temporarily shut down for routine maintenance or minor repairs.


The section, under the direction of the director, shall formulate rules for the safe removal from service of boilers condemned pursuant to section 9-4-105 (3) or voluntarily taken out of service by the owner or user.


A boiler that has been condemned or voluntarily taken out of service may be placed back in service, subject to any applicable requirements for satisfactory repair, imposed pursuant to section 9-4-105 (3), and subject to compliance with section 9-4-106. For purposes of section 9-4-106, such a boiler shall be treated as a new boiler.

Source: Section 9-4-106.5 — Owner to report boilers taken out of service, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-09.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 9-4-106.5’s source at colorado​.gov