C.R.S. Section 9-4-112
Regulations common to all types and services of boilers


Each boiler shall be supported by masonry or structural supports of sufficient strength and rigidity to safely support the boiler. There shall be no excessive vibration in either the boiler or its connecting piping.


All boilers shall be so located that adequate space on each side will be provided for proper operation of the boiler and its appurtenances, for the inspection of all surfaces, tubes, water walls, piping, valves, and other equipment, and for their necessary maintenance and repair.


Inflammable or volatile materials shall not be stored in boiler rooms. Gas meters shall not be installed in boiler rooms.


There shall be provided to all boiler installations sufficient air to assure adequate combustion of fuel. There shall be ventilating air provided to prevent undue overheating in the boiler room. Nationally accepted standards such as the publications of the national fire protection association shall be followed in determining the adequacy of combustion and ventilating air.


Safety or safety relief valves, or both, shall be of adequate capacity to prevent accumulation of excess pressure with fixed settings not in excess of the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler to which they are attached. All new safety relief valves shall bear stamping which indicates that they have been capacity-rated according to national board standards and that they have been constructed according to A.S.M.E. standards.


The use of weighted-lever safety valves shall be prohibited, and these valves shall be replaced by direct spring-loaded safety or safety relief valves that conform to the requirements of the A.S.M.E. boiler and pressure vessel code.


Safety valves having either a seat or disc of cast-iron construction are prohibited.


The safety or safety relief valve shall be connected directly to the hottest part of the boiler, independent of any other connection, without a shutoff valve of any description between the safety or safety relief valve and the boiler.


Each automatically fired boiler shall be equipped with a flame failure safeguard device which will positively discontinue flow of fuel to the firing chamber in event of absence of flame. Discontinuation must occur in time to prevent an explosive accumulation of fuel in the firing chamber and connecting passages.


Every safety or safety relief valve shall be connected to the boiler in an upright position with spindle vertical and shall be equipped with a try lever to test opening of the valve.


When a discharge pipe is attached to a safety or safety relief valve, it shall not be reduced less than the valve outlet and shall be as short and straight as possible and arranged to avoid undue stresses on the valve. There shall be no shutoff valve in such discharge pipe.


The discharge opening of safety or safety relief valves shall be so located that the released fluids and vapors cannot come into harmful contact with attendants or other persons. All safety or safety relief valve discharges shall be located or piped to clear running boards or platforms. Ample provision for gravity drain shall be made in the discharge pipe at or near each safety valve and where condensation may collect. Any discharge pipe extending above the safety or safety relief valve shall be equipped with a drain hole which will prevent accumulation of fluid above the valve disc.


All electric wiring to boilers and to electrically operated automatic devices and control mechanisms shall be of a high temperature resistant insulation, and wiring shall be in conduit or other approved covering.


All fuel and fluid piping valves and appliances shall be of materials listed in nationally approved standards, installed in a workmanlike manner, with such support as is necessary to prevent vibration. They shall be maintained so as to be free of leakage.


Repairs shall be made in accordance with the regulations set forth in the national board inspection code. Major repairs shall be reported to the section before being performed. The major repair procedure and the shop performing the repair must be approved by the section or the authorized insurer and an inspection made by a state or special boiler inspector before the boiler is used.


All boilers, unless exempt by this article, are subject to regular inspections as provided for in section 9-4-103 (4). Each boiler shall be prepared by the owner or user for inspections or hydrostatic test whenever necessary when notified by the inspector or the section. The owner or user shall prepare each boiler for internal inspection, when so requested by a state boiler inspector, in the manner prescribed in the national board inspection code.


If the boiler is jacketed so that longitudinal seams of shells, drums, or domes cannot be seen, enough of the jacketing, setting, wall, or other form of casing or housing shall be removed to permit the inspection of the size of the rivets, pitch of the rivets, and other data necessary to determine the safety of the boiler if such information cannot be determined by other means.


No person shall remove or tamper with any safety appliances prescribed by this article except for the purpose of making repairs.


All insurance companies insuring boilers operated in this state shall notify the section within thirty days after any insurance policy insuring a boiler has been written, canceled, not renewed, or suspended because of unsafe conditions.


If upon an external inspection there is evidence of a leak or crack, enough of the covering of the boiler shall be removed to permit a boiler inspector to determine the safety of the boiler; or, if the covering cannot be removed immediately, he may order the operation of the boiler stopped until such time as the covering can be removed and proper examination made.

Source: Section 9-4-112 — Regulations common to all types and services of boilers, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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