C.R.S. Section 1-2-204
Questions answered by elector

  • rules




In addition, each elector shall correctly answer the following:


The elector’s name in full;


The elector’s place of residence, including municipal address with street number or, if there is no street number, by legal description of the land upon which the residence sits, including lot, block, addition, division, or subdivision, as applicable. In all other cases, the residence shall be described by the section or subdivision in the township and range as established and numbered by the United States government survey. If the place of residence is an apartment house, rooming house, dormitory, hotel, or motel, the number of the floor and the number of the apartment or room shall also be given. Except as allowed by section 1-2-102 (1)(a), no vacant lot or business address shall be considered a residence. A post office box number shall not be used as a place of residence for the purposes of this subsection (2).


Whether the elector is a citizen of the United States;


The elector’s gender identity, if the elector wishes to state it;


The elector’s date of birth;


The elector’s deliverable mailing address if different from the elector’s address of record;


The address where the elector wishes to receive his or her ballot if different from the address of record;


The elector’s current and valid Colorado driver’s license number, the number of the current and valid identification card issued to the elector in accordance with part 3 of article 2 of title 42, or the last four digits of the elector’s social security number. If the elector does not have a social security number or a current and valid Colorado driver’s license or identification card, the elector shall answer that he or she does not have a social security number or a current and valid Colorado driver’s license or identification card.




Whether or not the elector is registered to vote in another county of this state;


Whether or not the elector was registered to vote in another state;


The elector’s affiliation, if any, if the eligible elector desires to affiliate with any political party or political organization. If this question is not answered, the elector shall be registered as “unaffiliated”. Only the eligible elector personally shall declare the eligible elector’s affiliation.


and (k) Repealed.


The question “Do you affirm that you meet the voter registration qualifications and that the information you have provided in this application is true to the best of your knowledge and belief?”.


If an applicant for voter registration has not been issued a current and valid Colorado driver’s license, a current and valid identification card issued by the department of revenue in accordance with the requirements of part 3 of article 2 of title 42, C.R.S., or a social security number, the secretary of state shall assign the applicant a number that will serve to identify the applicant for voter registration purposes. Insofar as the department of state has created a computerized statewide voter registration list in accordance with the requirements of part 3 of this article and the list assigns unique identifying numbers to registrants, the number assigned under this subsection (2.5) shall be the unique identifying number assigned under the list.


The form used for registration of electors shall contain a statement that the applicant must comply with the requirements of paragraph (f.5) of subsection (2) of this section, that an applicant who is qualified to vote in this state but does not have a driver’s license, state-issued identification card, or social security number may still register to vote, and that the secretary of state will assign an identifying number to such an applicant for voter registration purposes.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


If the county clerk and recorder has reasonable cause to believe that an applicant has falsified any answers to the questions set forth in this section, the county clerk and recorder shall certify the same to the district attorney for investigation and appropriate action.


If the elector states that the elector’s present address is the elector’s sole legal residence and that the elector claims no other place as the elector’s legal residence and if the elector meets the qualifications of section 1-2-101, the county clerk and recorder shall proceed to register the elector.


If the elector does not comply with the requirements of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the county clerk and recorder shall not register the elector.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


If the registration record of a registered elector does not contain the last four digits of the elector’s social security number, the county clerk and recorder shall request the elector to provide the last four digits of the elector’s social security number. The request may be made of the registered elector by the county clerk and recorder:


In any written communication by mail from the county clerk and recorder to the registered elector;


At any voter service and polling center in the registered elector’s county;




In materials to be returned by the registered elector with a mail ballot.


No registered elector shall be prohibited from voting at any election for failure to provide the last four digits of the elector’s social security number or the elector’s full social security number.


Any social security number or the last four digits of a social security number of an elector that is obtained by the county clerk and recorder from such elector pursuant to this section shall be held confidential and shall not be published or be open to or available for public inspection. The county clerk and recorder shall develop appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality of such numbers.


The last four digits of a social security number described in this section shall not be considered a social security number for purposes of section 7 of the federal “Privacy Act of 1974”, Pub.L. 93-579.


This section does not apply to a covered voter, as defined in section 1-8.3-102, who is registering to vote pursuant to section 1-8.3-107.


The secretary of state shall promulgate rules in accordance with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., as may be necessary to determine the identity of a resident of a group residential facility, as defined in section 1-1-104 (18.5), and any rules necessary to ensure the consistent application of such identification rules.

Source: Section 1-2-204 — Questions answered by elector - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Qualifications for registration - preregistration
Rules for determining residence
Military service - students - inmates - persons with behavioral or mental health disorders - confinement
Additional qualifications
Registration required - deadlines - additional identifying information to be provided by first-time registrants
Registration by county clerk and recorder
Online voter registration - online changes in elector information
Registration on Indian reservations
Questions answered by elector - rules
Self-affirmation made by elector
Registration for congressional vacancy elections
Registration of and voting by persons in custody of division of youth services - definitions
Registration at driver’s license examination facilities
Transfer of new voter registration records from department of revenue
State institutions of higher education - electronic voter registration option - information to students
Certificate of registration
Change of address
Registration on or immediately prior to election day - locations - rules - legislative declaration
Change of name
Declaration of affiliation
Changing or withdrawing declaration of affiliation
Errors in recording of affiliation
Names transferred when precinct boundaries changed
Custody and preservation of records
Residence - false information - penalty
Centralized statewide registration system - secretary of state to maintain computerized statewide voter registration list - county computer records - agreement to match information - definition
Maintenance of computerized statewide voter registration list - confidentiality
Change of address search - rules
Multiple registration - most recent date of registration determines precinct in which allowed to vote
Postelection procedures - voting history - definitions
Legislative declaration
Registration by high school deputy registrars - rules
Training and registration materials for high school deputy registrars - processing applications
Form for mail and agency registration - procedures for registration by mail for first-time electors - additional identifying information to be provided by first-time registrants
Form for agency registration
Transfer of voter registration information to secretary of state
Voter registration agencies - reports - transfer of records for voter registration
Availability of forms
Voter registration agencies
Services at voter registration agencies - services to persons with disabilities
Transmittal of voter registration applications - when
Receipt of voter registration applications - effective dates - legislative intent
Reviewing voter registration applications - notification
Public disclosure of voter registration activities
Prosecutions of violations
Withdrawal of registration
Deceased electors
Notification that elector has moved and registered in different county
Cancellation of electors with multiple registrations
Canceling registration - procedures
Cancellation by reason of criminal conviction in federal court
Registration of voter registration drive - training - rules
Conducting a voter registration drive
Violations - penalties
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-2-204’s source at colorado​.gov