C.R.S. Section 1-2-202.5
Online voter registration

  • online changes in elector information


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An elector may register to vote, and a registered elector may change his or her residence in the registration record or change or withdraw his or her affiliation, by completing an electronic form on the official website of the secretary of state if the elector’s signature is stored in digital form in the database systems maintained by the department of state pursuant to section 1-2-301 (1) or is accessible to the department of state in accordance with the requirements of section 1-2-302 (6), or if the elector provides the last four digits of the elector’s social security number and the number can be validated through the department of revenue pursuant to section 1-2-302 (6.7).


The official website referenced in paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) shall be fully secure. The website shall maintain the confidentiality of all users and preserve the integrity of the data submitted. Further specifications regarding the security of the website may be promulgated by the secretary by rule in accordance with the provisions of section 1-1-107 (2)(a).


A person may preregister pursuant to section 1-2-101 (2) on the official website referenced in, and in accordance with the signature requirements of, subsection (1) of this section, and any person that has preregistered may change his or her information on the registration record by completing an electronic form on the official website referenced in subsection (1) of this section.


The secretary of state shall make available on the secretary of state’s official website electronic forms for persons to apply to register to vote and for a registered elector to change his or her residence or change or withdraw his or her affiliation.


The electronic voter registration form must include:


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The questions “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?”, “Are you at least sixteen years of age?”, “Do you understand that you must be at least seventeen years old and turning eighteen years old on or before the date of the next general election to be eligible to vote in a primary election, and at least eighteen years old to be eligible to vote in any other election?”, “Have you resided in Colorado for at least twenty-two days immediately prior to the election?”,“Do you reside in the precinct in which you intend to register?”, “Is the address you have listed your sole legal place of residence for purposes of voting?”, and “Do you affirm that you will not cast more than one ballot in any election?” and places for the elector to input answers to the questions.


Following the questions listed in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a), the form shall include the statement “If you checked ’no’ in response to any of these questions, do not complete this application because you do not qualify as an eligible elector in accordance with section 1-2-101, Colorado Revised Statutes.”.


The questions specified in section 1-2-204 (2) with places for the elector to input information in response to the questions;


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A place for the elector to input additional information, as determined by the secretary of state, necessary to locate the elector’s signature in the database systems specified in subsection (1) of this section and a place for the elector to assent to the use of the signature for voter registration purposes.


A place for the elector, in the alternative, to enter the last four digits of the elector’s social security number to be validated pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and to upload a signature electronically.


The self-affirmation required under section 1-2-205; and


A statement that notifies the user of the website that it is against the law to knowingly submit false information or to tamper with another person’s voter registration information.


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The electronic form for a registered elector to change his or her residence shall include the information required by section 1-2-216 (1).


The electronic form for a registered elector to change or withdraw his or her affiliation shall include the information required by section 1-2-219 (1).




In addition to any other requirements of this section, in order for a registered elector to access the electronic form to change his or her residence or change or withdraw his or her affiliation, the registered elector shall submit his or her birth date and, if the elector wishes to state them, the last four digits of his or her social security number.


The signature requirement of section 1-2-201 (2) is met by an elector’s assent on the electronic application to the use of his or her signature for voter registration purposes, the return of an elector’s signature in response to a notice sent pursuant to subsection (7)(a) or (7)(b) of this section, or the return of an elector’s signature and copy of the elector’s identification pursuant to section 1-7.5-107.3 (1.5).


The county clerk and recorder shall determine if the information submitted on the electronic form is complete prior to approving a new registration or approving an elector’s change in residence or change in or withdrawal of his or her affiliation.
(7)(a)(I) When a person completes an electronic voter registration form in accordance with subsection (3) of this section and is qualified to register based on the information provided in the form, the county clerk and recorder shall search for the elector’s signature in the database systems specified in subsection (1) of this section. If the signature is found, the county clerk and recorder shall approve the new registration pursuant to subsection (6) of this section and shall add the elector to the computerized statewide voter registration list maintained by the secretary of state pursuant to section 1-2-301 (1).


If a signature is not found, but the elector provided the last four digits of the elector’s social security number, the county clerk and recorder shall:


Approve the new registration pursuant to subsection (6) of this section and shall add the elector to the computerized statewide voter registration list maintained by the secretary of state pursuant to section 1-2-301 (1); and


Send to the elector’s address of record, by nonforwardable mail, notice that the elector has been registered to vote, a postage paid preaddressed return form by which the elector may return a signature, and information on how the elector can upload a signature electronically.


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When a registered elector completes an electronic form to change his or her residence or change or withdraw his or her affiliation, the county clerk and recorder shall search for the registered elector’s signature in the database systems specified in subsection (1) of this section. If the signature is found, the county clerk and recorder shall approve the change in status pursuant to subsection (6) of this section and shall make the changes indicated on the electronic form in the computerized statewide voter registration list maintained by the secretary of state pursuant to section 1-2-301 (1).


If a signature is not found, but the elector provided the last four digits of the elector’s social security number, the county clerk and recorder shall:


Approve the change in status pursuant to subsection (6) of this section and shall make the changes indicated on the electronic form in the computerized statewide voter registration list maintained by the secretary of state pursuant to section 1-2-301 (1); and


Send to the elector’s address of record, by nonforwardable mail, notice of the change in status, a postage paid preaddressed return form by which the elector may return a signature, and information on how the elector can upload a signature electronically.


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A person attempting to register or update his or her residence through the online voter registration system after the eighth day before an election shall be registered and immediately informed that the person must instead visit a voter service and polling center to receive a ballot for the election.


A change or withdrawal of affiliation made in accordance with this section applies to an election if the elector completes the electronic form no later than twenty-two days before the election; except that, if the twenty-second day before an election is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the change or withdrawal applies if made by the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.


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If a notice provided under subsection (7)(a)(II) or (7)(b)(II) of this section is returned as undeliverable within twenty days after the county clerk and recorder mails the notice, the person’s registration or change in status is canceled and the person is deemed never to have registered or changed status. If the notice is returned as undeliverable after twenty days after the county clerk and recorder mails the notice, the person’s registration is marked inactive.


Notwithstanding subsection (7)(d)(I) of this section, if a person votes in an election after submitting the application for registration or change in status but before the notice is returned as undeliverable, the person’s registration or change in status shall not be canceled and the registration shall not be marked inactive.


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No later than July 1, 2011, the secretary of state shall make available on the secretary of state’s official website a link to the department of revenue’s official website, whereby an elector may change his or her address information on file with the department of revenue for driver’s license or identification card purposes.


No sooner than November 1, 2011, and no later than January 1, 2012, the secretary of state shall make available on the secretary of state’s official website a link to the department of revenue’s official website, whereby an elector may change his or her address information for state income tax purposes.

Source: Section 1-2-202.5 — Online voter registration - online changes in elector information, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Qualifications for registration - preregistration
Rules for determining residence
Military service - students - inmates - persons with behavioral or mental health disorders - confinement
Additional qualifications
Registration required - deadlines - additional identifying information to be provided by first-time registrants
Registration by county clerk and recorder
Online voter registration - online changes in elector information
Registration on Indian reservations
Questions answered by elector - rules
Self-affirmation made by elector
Registration for congressional vacancy elections
Registration of and voting by persons in custody of division of youth services - definitions
Registration at driver’s license examination facilities
Transfer of new voter registration records from department of revenue
State institutions of higher education - electronic voter registration option - information to students
Certificate of registration
Change of address
Registration on or immediately prior to election day - locations - rules - legislative declaration
Change of name
Declaration of affiliation
Changing or withdrawing declaration of affiliation
Errors in recording of affiliation
Names transferred when precinct boundaries changed
Custody and preservation of records
Residence - false information - penalty
Centralized statewide registration system - secretary of state to maintain computerized statewide voter registration list - county computer records - agreement to match information - definition
Maintenance of computerized statewide voter registration list - confidentiality
Change of address search - rules
Multiple registration - most recent date of registration determines precinct in which allowed to vote
Postelection procedures - voting history - definitions
Legislative declaration
Registration by high school deputy registrars - rules
Training and registration materials for high school deputy registrars - processing applications
Form for mail and agency registration - procedures for registration by mail for first-time electors - additional identifying information to be provided by first-time registrants
Form for agency registration
Transfer of voter registration information to secretary of state
Voter registration agencies - reports - transfer of records for voter registration
Availability of forms
Voter registration agencies
Services at voter registration agencies - services to persons with disabilities
Transmittal of voter registration applications - when
Receipt of voter registration applications - effective dates - legislative intent
Reviewing voter registration applications - notification
Public disclosure of voter registration activities
Prosecutions of violations
Withdrawal of registration
Deceased electors
Notification that elector has moved and registered in different county
Cancellation of electors with multiple registrations
Canceling registration - procedures
Cancellation by reason of criminal conviction in federal court
Registration of voter registration drive - training - rules
Conducting a voter registration drive
Violations - penalties
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-2-202.5’s source at colorado​.gov