C.R.S. Section 1-2-301
Centralized statewide registration system

  • secretary of state to maintain computerized statewide voter registration list
  • county computer records
  • agreement to match information
  • definition


The secretary of state shall implement, in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner, a single, uniform, official, centralized, interactive, computerized statewide voter registration system defined, maintained, and administered at the state level, which system shall contain a computerized statewide voter registration list maintained by the secretary of state that contains the name and registration information of every legally registered voter in the state and that assigns a unique identifier to each legally registered voter. The single, uniform, official, centralized, interactive, computerized statewide voter registration system required by this subsection (1) is referred to in this part 3 as the “centralized statewide registration system”. The centralized statewide registration system and the computerized statewide voter registration list must be fully compliant with all applicable requirements specified in section 303 of the federal “Help America Vote Act of 2002”, 52 U.S.C. 20901 et seq.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


On and after January 1, 2006, the county clerk and recorder of each county shall maintain voter registration information by utilizing the centralized statewide registration system developed or acquired by the department of state under subsection (1) of this section. Prior to the implementation of the computerized statewide voter registration list required by subsection (1) of this section, if the county chooses to maintain voter registration information on its own computer system, the information required by law to be transmitted to the secretary of state shall be transmitted in a media format acceptable to the secretary of state and within the time prescribed by the secretary of state, by this section, and by section 1-2-302.


(3)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2001, p. 514, § 1, effective January 1, 2002.)(4)(a)(I)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 2073, § 9, effective May 22, 2003.)(II) The centralized statewide registration system shall enable county clerk and recorders to maintain voter registration information and shall include such additional capabilities as may be necessary or desirable to enable county clerk and recorders and the secretary of state to carry out their responsibilities related to the conduct of elections. Such additional capabilities may include but need not be limited to the preparation of ballots, the identification of voting districts for each address, access by county clerk and recorders to the master list of registered electors and, on or after January 1, 2006, the computerized statewide voter registration list maintained pursuant to this section and section 1-2-302, the management of mail ballots, the preparation of official abstracts of votes cast, the transmission of voting data from county clerk and recorders to the secretary of state, and reporting of voting results on election night. County clerk and recorders shall have access to the digitized signatures of electors in the centralized statewide registration system for the purpose of comparing an elector’s signature in the system with the signature on the return envelope of a mail ballot, including by using a signature verification device in accordance with section 1-7.5-107.3 (5).


Subject to available appropriations, the department of state is responsible for the cost of acquiring computer hardware and providing necessary training for the centralized statewide registration system. The secretary of state shall promulgate rules specifying whether such hardware is owned by the department or the counties or whether and to what extent ownership may be shared between the department and the counties. If the department provides system hardware to any county clerk and recorder, it may transfer ownership of the hardware to that clerk and recorder. The secretary of state may promulgate rules providing that the county clerk and recorders shall be solely responsible for the support and maintenance of the hardware provided to the counties. On or after January 1, 2006, the department shall make the centralized statewide registration system software available at no charge to the clerk and recorder of each county.


As soon as practicable, the department of state shall make the master list of registered electors available at no charge on the internet to the county clerk and recorders. This paragraph (b) shall not be construed to require the department to provide or pay for internet connection services for any county.
(c)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 2073, § 9, effective May 22, 2003.)(5)(a) For elections conducted by mail ballot under the “Colorado Municipal Election Code of 1965”, article 10 of title 31, C.R.S., after March 30, 2018, a clerk must be given access to the digitized signatures for each elector contained in the lists provided to the clerk pursuant to section 31-10-910 (1), C.R.S., in the centralized statewide voter registration system for the purpose of comparing an elector’s signature in the system with the signature on the self-affirmation on the return envelope of a mail ballot, including by using a signature verification device, in accordance with section 31-10-910.3, C.R.S.


As used in this subsection (5), “clerk” has the same meaning set forth in section 31-10-102, C.R.S.


By July 1, 2021, the department of state shall, in consultation with county clerk and recorders, further develop the statewide voter registration database to minimize wait times at polling locations. Specifically, the department of state shall develop the database to:


Streamline the voter check-in process; and


Provide a simple and intuitive user interface for election judges at voter service and polling centers.

Source: Section 1-2-301 — Centralized statewide registration system - secretary of state to maintain computerized statewide voter registration list - county computer records - agreement to match information - definition, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Qualifications for registration - preregistration
Rules for determining residence
Military service - students - inmates - persons with behavioral or mental health disorders - confinement
Additional qualifications
Registration required - deadlines - additional identifying information to be provided by first-time registrants
Registration by county clerk and recorder
Online voter registration - online changes in elector information
Registration on Indian reservations
Questions answered by elector - rules
Self-affirmation made by elector
Registration for congressional vacancy elections
Registration of and voting by persons in custody of division of youth services - definitions
Registration at driver’s license examination facilities
Transfer of new voter registration records from department of revenue
State institutions of higher education - electronic voter registration option - information to students
Certificate of registration
Change of address
Registration on or immediately prior to election day - locations - rules - legislative declaration
Change of name
Declaration of affiliation
Changing or withdrawing declaration of affiliation
Errors in recording of affiliation
Names transferred when precinct boundaries changed
Custody and preservation of records
Residence - false information - penalty
Centralized statewide registration system - secretary of state to maintain computerized statewide voter registration list - county computer records - agreement to match information - definition
Maintenance of computerized statewide voter registration list - confidentiality
Change of address search - rules
Multiple registration - most recent date of registration determines precinct in which allowed to vote
Postelection procedures - voting history - definitions
Legislative declaration
Registration by high school deputy registrars - rules
Training and registration materials for high school deputy registrars - processing applications
Form for mail and agency registration - procedures for registration by mail for first-time electors - additional identifying information to be provided by first-time registrants
Form for agency registration
Transfer of voter registration information to secretary of state
Voter registration agencies - reports - transfer of records for voter registration
Availability of forms
Voter registration agencies
Services at voter registration agencies - services to persons with disabilities
Transmittal of voter registration applications - when
Receipt of voter registration applications - effective dates - legislative intent
Reviewing voter registration applications - notification
Public disclosure of voter registration activities
Prosecutions of violations
Withdrawal of registration
Deceased electors
Notification that elector has moved and registered in different county
Cancellation of electors with multiple registrations
Canceling registration - procedures
Cancellation by reason of criminal conviction in federal court
Registration of voter registration drive - training - rules
Conducting a voter registration drive
Violations - penalties
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-2-301’s source at