C.R.S. Section 12-10-713
Disciplinary actions

  • grounds
  • procedures
  • rules


The board, upon its own motion, may, or upon the complaint in writing of any person, shall, investigate the activities of any mortgage loan originator. The board has the power to impose an administrative fine in accordance with section 12-10-711, deny a license, censure a licensee, place the licensee on probation and set the terms of probation, order restitution, order the payment of actual damages, or suspend or revoke a license when the board finds that the licensee or applicant has performed, is performing, or is attempting to perform any of the following acts:


Knowingly making any misrepresentation or knowingly making use of any false or misleading advertising;


Making any promise that influences, persuades, or induces another person to detrimentally rely on the promise when the licensee could not or did not intend to keep the promise;


Knowingly misrepresenting or making false promises through agents, salespersons, advertising, or otherwise;


Violating any provision of the “Colorado Consumer Protection Act”, article 1 of title 6, and, if the licensee has been assessed a civil or criminal penalty or been subject to an injunction under the act, the board shall revoke the licensee’s license;


Acting for more than one party in a transaction without disclosing any actual or potential conflict of interest or without disclosing to all parties any fiduciary obligation or other legal obligation of the mortgage loan originator to any party;


Representing or attempting to represent a mortgage loan originator other than the licensee’s principal or employer without the express knowledge and consent of that principal or employer;


In the case of a licensee in the employ of another mortgage loan originator, failing to place, as soon after receipt as is practicably possible, in the custody of that licensed mortgage loan originator-employer any deposit money or other money or fund entrusted to the employee by any person dealing with the employee as the representative of that licensed mortgage loan originator-employer;


Failing to account for or to remit, within a reasonable time, any money coming into his or her possession that belongs to others, whether acting as a mortgage loan originator, real estate broker, salesperson, or otherwise, and failing to keep records relative to the money, which records shall contain such information as may be prescribed by the rules of the board relative thereto and shall be subject to audit by the board;


Converting funds of others, diverting funds of others without proper authorization, commingling funds of others with the licensee’s own funds, or failing to keep the funds of others in an escrow or a trustee account with a bank or recognized depository in this state, which account may be any type of checking, demand, passbook, or statement account insured by an agency of the United States government, and to keep records relative to the deposit that contain such information as may be prescribed by the rules of the board relative thereto, which records shall be subject to audit by the board;


Failing to provide the parties to a residential mortgage loan transaction with such information as may be prescribed by the rules of the board;


Unless an employee of a duly registered mortgage company, failing to maintain possession, for future use or inspection by an authorized representative of the board, for a period of four years, of the documents or records prescribed by the rules of the board or to produce the documents or records upon reasonable request by the board or by an authorized representative of the board;


Paying a commission or valuable consideration for performing any of the functions of a mortgage loan originator, as described in this part 7, to any person who is not licensed under this part 7 or is not registered in compliance with the federal “Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008”, 12 U.S.C. sec. 5101 et seq., as amended;


Disregarding or violating any provision of this part 7 or any rule adopted by the board pursuant to this part 7; violating any lawful orders of the board; or aiding and abetting a violation of any rule, order of the board, or provision of this part 7;


Conviction of, entering a plea of guilty to, or entering a plea of nolo contendere to any crime in article 3 of title 18, parts 1 to 4 of article 4 of title 18, article 5 of title 18, part 3 of article 8 of title 18, article 15 of title 18, article 17 of title 18, or any other like crime under Colorado law, federal law, or the laws of other states. A certified copy of the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction of a conviction or other official record indicating that a plea was entered shall be conclusive evidence of the conviction or plea in any hearing under this part 7.


Violating or aiding and abetting in the violation of the Colorado or federal fair housing laws;


Failing to immediately notify the board in writing of a conviction, plea, or violation pursuant to subsection (1)(n) or (1)(o) of this section;


Having demonstrated unworthiness or incompetency to act as a mortgage loan originator by conducting business in such a manner as to endanger the interest of the public;


Procuring, or attempting to procure, a mortgage loan originator’s license or renewing, reinstating, or reactivating, or attempting to renew, reinstate, or reactivate, a mortgage loan originator’s license by fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit or by making a material misstatement of fact in an application for the license;


Claiming, arranging for, or taking any secret or undisclosed amount of compensation, commission, or profit or failing to reveal to the licensee’s principal or employer the full amount of the licensee’s compensation, commission, or profit in connection with any acts for which a license is required under this part 7;


Exercising an option to purchase in any agreement authorizing or employing a licensee to sell, buy, or exchange real estate for compensation or commission except when the licensee, prior to or coincident with election to exercise the option to purchase, reveals in writing to the licensee’s principal or employer the full amount of the licensee’s profit and obtains the written consent of the principal or employer approving the amount of the profit;


Fraud, misrepresentation, deceit, or conversion of trust funds that results in the payment of any claim pursuant to this part 7 or that results in the entry of a civil judgment for damages;
Any other conduct, whether of the same or a different character than specified in this subsection (1), that evinces a lack of good faith and fair dealing;


Having had a mortgage loan originator’s license suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction or having had any disciplinary action taken against the mortgage loan originator in any other jurisdiction. A certified copy of the order of disciplinary action shall be prima facie evidence of the disciplinary action.
Engaging in any unfair or deceptive practice toward any person;


Obtaining property by fraud or misrepresentation;


Soliciting or entering into a contract with a borrower that provides, in substance, that the mortgage loan originator may earn a fee or commission through the mortgage loan originator’s best efforts to obtain a loan even though no loan is actually obtained for the borrower;


Soliciting, advertising, or entering into a contract for specific interest rates, points, or other financing terms unless the terms are actually available at the time of the solicitation, advertisement, or contract;


Failing to make a disclosure to a loan applicant or a noninstitutional investor as required by section 12-10-725 and any other applicable state or federal law;


Making, in any manner, any false or deceptive statement or representation with regard to the rates, points, or other financing terms or conditions for a residential mortgage loan or engaging in bait and switch advertising;


Negligently making any false statement or knowingly and willfully omitting a material fact in connection with any reports filed by a mortgage loan originator or in connection with any investigation conducted by the division;


In any advertising of residential mortgage loans or any other applicable mortgage loan originator activities covered by the following federal acts, failing to comply with any requirement of the “Truth in Lending Act”, 15 U.S.C. sec. 1601 and Regulation Z, 12 CFR 226 and 12 CFR 1026; the “Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974”, 12 U.S.C. sec. 2601 and Regulation X, 12 CFR 1024 et seq.; the “Equal Credit Opportunity Act”, 15 U.S.C. sec. 1691 and Regulation B, 12 CFR 202.9, 202.11, and 202.12 and 12 CFR 1002; Title V, Subtitle A of the “Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999”, also known as the “Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act”, 15 U.S.C. secs. 6801 to 6809, and the federal trade commission’s privacy rules, 16 CFR 313 and 314, mandated by the “Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act”; the “Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975”, 12 U.S.C. sec. 2801 et seq. and Regulation C, home mortgage disclosure, 12 CFR 203 and 12 CFR 1003; the “Federal Trade Commission Act” of 1914, 15 U.S.C. sec. 45 (a) and 16 CFR 233; and the “Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act”, 15 U.S.C. secs. 6101 to 6108, and the federal trade commission’s telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310, as amended. The board may adopt rules requiring mortgage loan originators to comply with other applicable state and federal statutes and regulations.


Failing to pay a third-party provider, no later than thirty days after the recording of the loan closing documents or ninety days after completion of the third-party service, whichever comes first, unless otherwise agreed or unless the third-party service provider has been notified in writing that a bona fide dispute exists regarding the performance or quality of the third-party service; or


Collecting, charging, attempting to collect or charge, or using or proposing any agreement purporting to collect or charge any fee prohibited by section 12-10-725 or 12-10-726.


Upon request of the board, when any mortgage loan originator is a party to any suit or proceeding, either civil or criminal, arising out of any transaction involving a residential mortgage loan and the mortgage loan originator participated in the transaction in his or her capacity as a licensed mortgage loan originator, the mortgage loan originator shall supply to the board a copy of the complaint, indictment, information, or other initiating pleading and the answer filed, if any, and advise the board of the disposition of the case and of the nature and amount of any judgment, verdict, finding, or sentence that may be made, entered, or imposed therein.


This part 7 shall not be construed to relieve any person from civil liability or criminal prosecution under the laws of this state.


Complaints of record in the office of the board and board investigations, including board investigative files, are closed to public inspection. Stipulations and final agency orders are public record and subject to sections 24-72-203 and 24-72-204.


When a complaint or an investigation discloses an instance of misconduct that, in the opinion of the board, does not warrant formal action by the board but that should not be dismissed as being without merit, the board may send a letter of admonition by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the licensee against whom a complaint was made and a copy of the letter of admonition to the person making the complaint, but the letter shall advise the licensee that the licensee has the right to request in writing, within twenty days after proven receipt, that formal disciplinary proceedings be initiated to adjudicate the propriety of the conduct upon which the letter of admonition is based. If the request is timely made, the letter of admonition shall be deemed vacated, and the matter shall be processed by means of formal disciplinary proceedings.


All administrative fines collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit them to the division of real estate cash fund created in section 12-10-215.


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The board shall not consider an application for licensure from an individual whose license has been revoked until two years after the date of revocation.


If an individual’s license was suspended or revoked due to conduct that resulted in financial loss to another person, no new license shall be granted, nor shall a suspended license be reinstated, until full restitution has been made to the person suffering the financial loss. The amount of restitution shall include interest, reasonable attorney fees, and costs of any suit or other proceeding undertaken in an effort to recover the loss.


When the board or the division becomes aware of facts or circumstances that fall within the jurisdiction of a criminal justice or other law enforcement authority upon investigation of the activities of a licensee, the board or division shall, in addition to the exercise of its authority under this part 7, refer and transmit the information, which may include originals or copies of documents and materials, to one or more criminal justice or other law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution as authorized by law.

Source: Section 12-10-713 — Disciplinary actions - grounds - procedures - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

License required
Application for license - rules - definition
Errors and omissions insurance required - rules
Licenses - issuance - contents - display
Real estate commission - created - compensation - immunity
Division of real estate - creation - director, clerks, and assistants
Resident licensee - nonresident licensee - consent to service
Record of licensees - publications
Compilation and publication of passing rates per educational institution for real estate licensure examinations - definition - rules
Change of license status - inactive - cancellation
License fees - partnership, limited liability company, and corporation licenses - rules
Renewal of license - continuing education requirement - rules
Disposition of fees
Fee adjustments - cash fund created
Records - evidence - inspection
Investigation - revocation - actions against licensee or applicant - definition
Affiliated business arrangements - definitions - disclosures - enforcement and penalties - reporting - rules - investigation information shared with the division of insurance
Hearing - administrative law judge - review - rules
Radon disclosure - rules
Broker remuneration
Acts of third parties - broker’s liability
Subpoena compelling attendance of witnesses and production of records and documents
Failure to obey subpoena - penalty
Powers of commission - injunctions
HOA homeowners’ rights task force - creation - membership - duties - reporting - definitions - repeal
Metropolitan district homeowners’ rights task force - creation - membership - duties - reporting - definition - repeal
Repeal of part - subject to review
When entitled to commission
Objections on account of title
When owner must perfect title
Referral fees - conformity with federal law required - remedies for violation - definitions
Repeal of part - subject to review
Legislative declaration
Relationships between brokers and the public - definition - rules
Broker engagement contracts - residential premises - prohibited terms - definition
Single agent engaged by seller or landlord
Single agent engaged by buyer or tenant
Dual agent
Broker disclosures
Duration of relationship
Registration required
Application for registration
Registration of developers
Refusal, revocation, or suspension of registration - letter of admonition - probation
Powers of commission - injunction - rules
Violation - penalty
Repeal of part - subject to review
Legislative declaration
Board of real estate appraisers - creation - compensation - immunity - legislative declaration - subject to review - repeal of part
Powers and duties of the board - rules
Fees, penalties, and fines collected under part 6
Qualifications for licensing and certification of appraisers - continuing education - rules - evaluations - definitions
Appraisal management companies - application for license - exemptions
Errors and omissions insurance - duties of the division - certificate of coverage - group plan made available - rules
Bond required
Expiration of licenses - renewal - penalties - fees - rules
Licensure or certification by endorsement - temporary practice
Denial of license or certificate - renewal - definition
Prohibited activities - grounds for disciplinary actions - procedures
Appraisal management companies - prohibited activities - grounds for disciplinary actions - procedures - rules
Judicial review of final board actions and orders
Unlawful acts - penalties
Appraisal management company license required - violations - injunction
Injunctive proceedings
Special provision for appraiser employees of county assessors
Duties of board under federal law
Business entities
Provisions found not to comply with federal law null and void - severability
Scope of article - regulated financial institutions - de minimis exemption
Short title
Board of mortgage loan originators - creation - compensation - enforcement of part after board creation - immunity
License required - rules
Registration required - rules
License or registration inactivation
Errors and omissions insurance - duties of the board - certificate of coverage - when required - group plan made available - effect - rules
License renewal
Exemptions - definition - rules
Originator’s relationship to borrower - rules
Powers and duties of the board - rules
Powers and duties of the board over mortgage companies - fines - rules
Disciplinary actions - grounds - procedures - rules
Hearing - administrative law judge - review - rules
Subpoena - petty offense
Bond required - rules
Attorney general - district attorney - jurisdiction
Violations - injunctions
Prohibited conduct - influencing a real estate appraisal
Rule-making authority
Acts of employee - mortgage loan originator’s liability
Dual status as real estate broker - requirements
Written disclosure of fees and costs - contents - limits on fees - rules
Fee, commission, or compensation - when permitted - amount
Mortgage call reports - reports of violations
Unique identifier - clearly displayed
Repeal of part - subject to review
HOA information and resource center - creation - duties - rules - subject to review - repeal
Purchase of service contract not compulsory
Contract requirements
Penalty for violation
Repeal of part - subject to review
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-10-713’s source at colorado​.gov