C.R.S. Section 22-32-120
Food services

  • facilities
  • school food authorities
  • rules


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A board of education may establish, maintain, equip, and operate a food-service facility, and expend the moneys of the district therefor, for pupils enrolled in the public schools of the district, for persons participating in or attending a school-sponsored activity, and for the employees of the district. Any such food-service facility shall be deemed to be an integral part of the program of the district and shall be maintained, operated, and governed in the same manner as the schools of the district.


A school food authority may establish, maintain, equip, and operate a food-service facility for pupils enrolled in a district charter school or institute charter school that contracts with the school food authority, for persons participating in or attending a district charter school-sponsored or institute charter school-sponsored activity, and for the employees of a district charter school or institute charter school that contracts with the school food authority.


All food shall be sold by a food-service facility as nearly as practicable on a nonprofit basis, but a school food authority may sell food at lower than cost and may provide food free of charge to those pupils entitled thereto pursuant to the provisions of the federal “Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1751 et seq. Capital outlay and rental costs shall not be included in computing the cost of the meals served.


Upon the written request from a parent or guardian of a school-age pupil enrolled in a school, such pupil shall not be required to participate in a food-service program or remain on the school premises during the lunch period.


If a district charter school requests in writing that the school district of the district charter school provide food services pursuant to a contract with the district charter school that includes terms specified by the district charter school, the school district board of education may attempt to negotiate the terms of the contract with the district charter school. If the school district board of education and the district charter school attempt to negotiate contract terms that are mutually satisfactory, and the negotiations fail to produce such mutually satisfactory terms, the school district board of education shall:


Agree to provide food services to the district charter school according to the terms requested by the district charter school; or


Allow the district charter school to transfer the maintenance, supervision, and operation of the district charter school’s food-service facility from the district to a school food authority.


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Using the timeline and procedures established by rules promulgated by the state board of education pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section, a district charter school or an institute charter school may apply to the department of education for authorization as a school food authority.


Using the timeline, standards, and procedures established by rules promulgated by the state board of education pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of this section, the department of education shall grant or deny authorization as a school food authority to a district charter school or an institute charter school that applies for the authorization pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (5).


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On and after May 4, 2009, a district charter school or an institute charter school may submit a written request to the department of education for provisional authorization as a school food authority.


On and after May 4, 2009, the commissioner of education or his or her designee may grant or deny provisional authorization as a school food authority to a district charter school or institute charter school that submits a written request for such authorization to the department of education.


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Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (c), if the commissioner of education or his or her designee grants provisional authorization to a district charter school or an institute charter school as a school food authority pursuant to this subsection (6), the department of education shall review the provisional authorization and, using the standards established by rules promulgated by the state board of education pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of this section, grant or deny authorization as a school food authority to the district charter school or institute charter school.


Before granting authorization as a school food authority to a district charter school or an institute charter school that was granted provisional authorization as a school food authority pursuant to this subsection (6), the department of education shall ensure that the district charter school or institute charter school has completed one full fiscal year of operation as a school food authority under the provisional authorization granted pursuant to this subsection (6), that the district charter school or institute charter school has submitted its governmental audit required pursuant to section 22-30.5-112 (7) to the department, and that the district charter school or institute charter school has successfully complied with the requirements of the “Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1751 et seq., as determined by the department’s compliance review evaluation process and has taken any necessary corrective actions identified by the department. The department shall grant or deny authorization as a school food authority to a district charter school or institute charter school within forty-five days after the school has satisfied the requirements of this subparagraph (II).


Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (6) to the contrary, the commissioner of education or his or her designee shall not grant provisional authorization as a school food authority to more than six applicant district charter schools or institute charter schools.
(e)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1013), ch. 399, p. 1900, § 9, effective June 10, 2010.)(7) On or before October 1, 2009, the state board of education shall promulgate rules establishing:


A timeline and procedures by which a district charter school or an institute charter school may apply to the department of education for authorization as a school food authority; and


A timeline, standards, and procedures for the department of education to use in granting or denying authorization as a school food authority to a district charter school or an institute charter school. The standards shall include, at a minimum, the following requirements:


The district charter school or institute charter school shall serve at least a minimum number of children, specified by rule, who are enrolled in the district charter school or institute charter school;


The district charter school or institute charter school shall demonstrate its sound financial status to the satisfaction of the department of education;


The district charter school or institute charter school shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the department of education, its capacity to operate a food service program;


The district charter school or institute charter school shall include in its application a statement of its willingness to contract, to the extent practicable, with other district charter schools and institute charter schools to provide a food service program; and


The department of education shall not grant authorization as a school food authority to more than ten applicant district charter schools or institute charter schools until July 1, 2016, including any district charter schools or institute charter schools that have been granted provisional authorization pursuant to subsection (6) of this section.


As used in this section, “school food authority” means:


A school district or the state charter school institute;


A charter school collaborative formed pursuant to section 22-30.5-603;


A board of cooperative services created pursuant to article 5 of this title that elects to operate as a school food authority pursuant to section 22-5-120; or


A district charter school or an institute charter school that:


The commissioner of education or his or her designee provisionally authorizes as a school food authority pursuant to subsection (6) of this section; or


The department of education authorizes as a school food authority pursuant to subsection (5) of this section.

Source: Section 22-32-120 — Food services - facilities - school food authorities - rules, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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Power of eminent domain
Oil and gas leases
Transportation of pupils - when
Transportation by parents of own children
Tuition for resident school-age children
Exclusion of nonresidents - exception
Extracurricular and interscholastic activities - definitions
Miscellaneous fees
Summer schools - continuation, evening, and community education programs
Intervention strategies - students at risk of dropping out - legislative declaration
Intervention strategies - improving mathematics outcomes - definitions
Kindergartens - definition
Full-day kindergarten - phase-in plan - report - legislative declaration
Food services - facilities - school food authorities - rules
Facsimile signature
Contract services, equipment, and supplies
Building codes - zoning - planning - fees - rules - definitions
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Principals - employment and authority
Leases or installment purchases for periods exceeding one year
Use of school vehicles by residents of district
Voter approval of repayment of loans for capital improvements made to a growth district
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American sign language
Computer science courses - legislative declaration
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Children’s nutrition - healthful alternatives - information - facilities - local wellness policy - competitive foods
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Educational stability grant program - application - grants - fund created - rules - report - definition
Food allergies and anaphylaxis policy required
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Student awaiting trial as adult - educational services - definitions
Parent engagement - policy - communications - incentives
Local fiscal impact summaries
Restorative justice practices - legislative declaration
Native American language and culture instruction - general credit
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Use of restraints on students - certain restraints prohibited - reports and review process - rules - definitions
Food donations to nonprofit organizations encouraged
District scholarship programs - authorized
Contracting for facial recognition service by schools prohibited - definition - repeal
Testing for the presence of lead in drinking water in eligible schools - compliance with public health requirements - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-32-120’s source at