C.R.S. Section 24-36-113
Investment of state money

  • limitations


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Whenever there are moneys in the state treasury that are not immediately required to be disbursed, the state treasurer is authorized to invest the same in fixed income securities denominated in United States dollars. In making such investments, the state treasurer shall use prudence and care to preserve the principal and to secure the maximum rate of interest consistent with safety and liquidity. The state treasurer shall formulate investment policies regarding liquidity, maturity, and diversification appropriate to each fund or pool of funds in the state treasurer’s custody available for investment.


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If the state treasurer invests state moneys through an investment firm offering for sale corporate stocks, bonds, notes, debentures, or a mutual fund that contains corporate securities, the investment firm shall disclose, in any research or other disclosure documents provided in support of the securities being offered, to the state treasurer whether the investment firm has an agreement with a for-profit corporation that is not a government-sponsored enterprise, whose securities are being offered for sale to the state treasurer and because of such agreement the investment firm:


Had received compensation for investment banking services within the most recent twelve months; or


May receive compensation for investment banking services within the next three consecutive months.


For the purposes of this paragraph (b), “investment firm” means a bank, brokerage firm, or other financial services firm conducting business within this state, or any agent thereof.


Such moneys may be invested, without limitation, in debt obligations of the United States treasury, any agency of the United States government, or United States government-sponsored corporations.


The state treasurer may, in the state treasurer’s discretion, invest such moneys in municipal bonds rated in one of the two highest rating categories by a nationally recognized rating organization.


The state treasurer may, in the state treasurer’s discretion, invest such moneys in repurchase agreements, in banker’s acceptances or bank notes issued by banks rated at least investment grade by a nationally recognized rating organization, in commercial paper of prime quality as so classed by a nationally recognized rating organization, and in money market funds that are registered as an investment company under the federal “Investment Company Act of 1940”, as amended.


The state treasurer may, in the state treasurer’s discretion, invest such moneys in corporate debt obligations rated at least investment grade by a nationally recognized rating organization.


The state treasurer may, in the state treasurer’s discretion, invest such moneys in asset-backed securities and covered bonds rated in one of the two highest rating categories by a nationally recognized rating organization.




The state treasurer may, in the state treasurer’s discretion, invest such moneys in mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations that are issued by any agency of the United States government or a United States government-sponsored corporation or that are rated in one of the two highest rating categories by a nationally recognized rating organization.




The state treasurer may make such arrangements for the custody, safekeeping, and registration of all investment securities as will enable the state treasurer to make prompt delivery thereof upon maturity or in the event of sale.


The state treasurer may engage in reverse repurchase agreements and securities lending programs for any securities in the state treasurer’s custody and may purchase loans if, in the state treasurer’s discretion, the purchase of loans will yield a fair and equitable return to the state.


Notwithstanding any restrictions on the investment of state moneys set forth in this section or in any other provision of law, the state treasurer may authorize the escrow agent appointed pursuant to section 1 of the escrow agreement entered into in connection with, and attached as exhibit B to, the master settlement agreement entered by the court in the case denominated State of Colorado, ex rel. Gale A. Norton, Attorney General v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.; American Tobacco Co., Inc.; Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.; Liggett & Myers, Inc.; Lorillard Tobacco Co., Inc.; Philip Morris, Inc.; United States Tobacco Co.; B.A.T. Industries, P.L.C.; The Council For Tobacco Research--U.S.A., Inc.; and Tobacco Institute, Inc., Case No. 97 CV 3432, in the district court for the city and county of Denver, to invest any tobacco litigation settlement moneys held in escrow for the state of Colorado pursuant to the master settlement agreement and the escrow agreement in any manner permitted by section 5 of the escrow agreement.


The state treasurer may, in the state treasurer’s discretion, invest such money in securities that are issued by a sovereign, national, or supranational entity and are rated at least investment grade by a nationally recognized rating organization.



Source: Section 24-36-113 — Investment of state money - limitations, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

State treasurer head of department
Function of department - employees
All state moneys to be transmitted to department
Moneys to be deposited
Accounts to be kept - daily report
Record of warrants and checks - order of payment - paid warrants and checks - validation
Warrants or checks endorsed when not paid - exception
Notice of payment - when interest ceases
Time deposits
Authority to accept deposits
Authority to invest in real property owned by a school district
Deposits in savings and loan associations
Investment of state money - limitations
How interest earnings credited - management fee
Moneys not immediately creditable - special purpose moneys
Moneys paid under protest - disposition
Governor may make examination
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules
Authority to assess transaction fees
Authority to manage state public financing - state public financing cash fund - rules - legislative declaration - definitions
Use of security tokens for state capital financing - feasibility study - authorization of use - legislative declaration - definitions
Law enforcement officers and firefighters - work-related death - continuation of medical benefits for dependants - cash fund - created - definitions
Rent reporting for credit pilot program - Colorado housing and finance authority - appropriations - repeal
Short title
Legislative declaration
Small business recovery loan program oversight board - creation - report - repeal
Small business recovery loan program - creation - requirements - oversight
Small business recovery tax credits - authorization to issue - terms - report
Use of small business recovery tax credits - carry over
Small business recovery fund - repeal
Office of economic development
Repeal of part
Short title
Legislative declaration
Colorado household financial recovery pilot program - created - selection of administrators - grants
Colorado household financial recovery pilot program fund - created - transfer - gifts, grants, and donations authorized
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 24-36-113’s source at colorado​.gov