State treasurer head of department 24‑36‑102
Function of department - employees 24‑36‑103
All state moneys to be transmitted to department 24‑36‑104
Moneys to be deposited 24‑36‑105
Accounts to be kept - daily report 24‑36‑106
Record of warrants and checks - order of payment - paid warrants and checks - validation 24‑36‑107
Warrants or checks endorsed when not paid - exception 24‑36‑108
Notice of payment - when interest ceases 24‑36‑109
Time deposits 24‑36‑111
Authority to accept deposits 24‑36‑111.5
Authority to invest in real property owned by a school district 24‑36‑112
Deposits in savings and loan associations 24‑36‑113
Investment of state money - limitations 24‑36‑114
How interest earnings credited - management fee 24‑36‑115
Moneys not immediately creditable - special purpose moneys 24‑36‑116
Moneys paid under protest - disposition 24‑36‑117
Governor may make examination 24‑36‑118
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules 24‑36‑120
Authority to assess transaction fees 24‑36‑121
Authority to manage state public financing - state public financing cash fund - rules - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑36‑121.5
Use of security tokens for state capital financing - feasibility study - authorization of use - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑36‑122
Law enforcement officers and firefighters - work-related death - continuation of medical benefits for dependants - cash fund - created - definitions 24‑36‑123
Rent reporting for credit pilot program - Colorado housing and finance authority - appropriations - repeal 24‑36‑201
Short title 24‑36‑202
Legislative declaration 24‑36‑203
Definitions 24‑36‑204
Small business recovery loan program oversight board - creation - report - repeal 24‑36‑205
Small business recovery loan program - creation - requirements - oversight 24‑36‑206
Small business recovery tax credits - authorization to issue - terms - report 24‑36‑207
Use of small business recovery tax credits - carry over 24‑36‑208
Small business recovery fund - repeal 24‑36‑209
Office of economic development 24‑36‑210
Repeal of part 24‑36‑301
Short title 24‑36‑302
Legislative declaration 24‑36‑303
Definitions 24‑36‑304
Colorado household financial recovery pilot program - created - selection of administrators - grants 24‑36‑305
Report 24‑36‑306
Colorado household financial recovery pilot program fund - created - transfer - gifts, grants, and donations authorized
State treasurer head of department 24‑36‑102
Function of department - employees 24‑36‑103
All state moneys to be transmitted to department 24‑36‑104
Moneys to be deposited 24‑36‑105
Accounts to be kept - daily report 24‑36‑106
Record of warrants and checks - order of payment - paid warrants and checks - validation 24‑36‑107
Warrants or checks endorsed when not paid - exception 24‑36‑108
Notice of payment - when interest ceases 24‑36‑109
Time deposits 24‑36‑111
Authority to accept deposits 24‑36‑111.5
Authority to invest in real property owned by a school district 24‑36‑112
Deposits in savings and loan associations 24‑36‑113
Investment of state money - limitations 24‑36‑114
How interest earnings credited - management fee 24‑36‑115
Moneys not immediately creditable - special purpose moneys 24‑36‑116
Moneys paid under protest - disposition 24‑36‑117
Governor may make examination 24‑36‑118
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules 24‑36‑120
Authority to assess transaction fees 24‑36‑121
Authority to manage state public financing - state public financing cash fund - rules - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑36‑121.5
Use of security tokens for state capital financing - feasibility study - authorization of use - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑36‑122
Law enforcement officers and firefighters - work-related death - continuation of medical benefits for dependants - cash fund - created - definitions 24‑36‑123
Rent reporting for credit pilot program - Colorado housing and finance authority - appropriations - repeal 24‑36‑201
Short title 24‑36‑202
Legislative declaration 24‑36‑203
Definitions 24‑36‑204
Small business recovery loan program oversight board - creation - report - repeal 24‑36‑205
Small business recovery loan program - creation - requirements - oversight 24‑36‑206
Small business recovery tax credits - authorization to issue - terms - report 24‑36‑207
Use of small business recovery tax credits - carry over 24‑36‑208
Small business recovery fund - repeal 24‑36‑209
Office of economic development 24‑36‑210
Repeal of part 24‑36‑301
Short title 24‑36‑302
Legislative declaration 24‑36‑303
Definitions 24‑36‑304
Colorado household financial recovery pilot program - created - selection of administrators - grants 24‑36‑305
Report 24‑36‑306
Colorado household financial recovery pilot program fund - created - transfer - gifts, grants, and donations authorized