C.R.S. Section 25-1-508
County or district boards of public health

  • public health directors


Within ninety days after the adoption of a resolution to establish and maintain a county public health agency or to participate in a district public health agency, the respective board of county commissioners shall proceed to organize the agency by the appointment of a county or district board of health, referred to in this part 5 as a “county or district board”.
(2)(a)(I) Each county board of health shall consist of at least five members to be appointed by the board of county commissioners for five-year terms; except that the board of county commissioners shall stagger the terms of the initial appointments. Thereafter, full-term appointments shall be for five years.


Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a), a county with a population of less than one hundred thousand people may have a county board of health that consists of at least three members to be appointed by the board of county commissioners for five-year terms; except that the board of county commissioners shall stagger the terms of the initial appointments. Thereafter, full-term appointments shall be for five years.


Each member of the county board of health shall be a resident of the county in which the county agency is located. Appointments shall be made to the board so that no business or professional group or governmental entity shall constitute a majority of the board. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled in the same manner as full-term appointments by the appointment of a qualified person for the unexpired term.


In a county with a population of less than one hundred thousand people that, as of July 1, 2008, does not have a board of health that is separate from the board of county commissioners, the board of county commissioners may designate itself as the county board of health as of July 1, 2008. The terms of the members of the county board of health shall coincide with their terms as commissioners. Such county boards shall assume all the duties of appointed county boards.


Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) to (c) of this subsection (2), a county board of health in a home-rule county shall comply with the requirements of its home-rule charter.


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Each district board of health shall consist of a minimum of five members. The membership of each district board of health shall include at least one representative from each county in the district. The members of the board shall be appointed by an appointments committee composed of one member of each of the boards of county commissioners of the counties comprising the district. The appointments committee for each district board shall designate the number of members of its district board and shall establish staggered terms for the initial appointments. Thereafter, full-term appointments shall be for five years.


Each member of the district board shall be a resident of one of the counties comprising the district, and there shall be at least one member from each of the counties comprising the district. Appointments shall be made to the district board so that no business or professional group or governmental entity shall constitute a majority of the district board. The appointments committee shall fill any vacancy on the district board by the appointment of a qualified person for the remainder of the unexpired term.


Upon establishment of a district board, all county boards previously existing within the county or district shall be dissolved. Upon the acceptance of a new county into an established district, the county or district board previously existing for the county being added shall be dissolved and the chair of the previous county or district board or the chair’s designee shall represent the new county on the district board until a new member is appointed by the appointments committee.


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A county or district board, at its organizational meeting, shall elect from its members a president and other officers as it shall determine. The public health director of the agency, at the discretion of the board, may serve as secretary but shall not be a member of the board. All officers and the public health director shall hold their positions at the pleasure of the board.


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Regular meetings of a county or district board shall be held at least once every three months at such times as may be established by resolution of the board. Special meetings of a board may be called by the president, by the public health director, or by a majority of the members of the board at any time on three days’ prior notice; except that, in case of emergency, twenty-four hours’ notice shall be sufficient.


A county or district board may adopt, and at any time may amend, bylaws in relation to its meetings and the transaction of its business. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses to attend meetings.


In addition to all other powers and duties conferred and imposed upon a county board of health or a district board of health by the provisions of this subpart 3, a county board of health or a district board of health shall have and exercise the following specific powers and duties:


To develop and promote the public policies needed to secure the conditions necessary for a healthy community;


To approve the local public health plan completed by the county or district agency, and to submit the local plan to the state board for review;


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To select a public health director to serve at the pleasure of the county or district board. The public health director shall possess such minimum qualifications as may be prescribed by the state board. A public health director may be a physician, physician assistant, public health nurse, or other qualified public health professional. A public health director may practice medicine, nursing, or his or her profession within his or her license and scope of practice, as necessary, to carry out the functions of the office of the public health director. The qualifications shall reflect the resources and needs of the county or counties covered by the agency. If the public health director is not a physician, the county or district board shall employ or contract with at least one medical officer to advise the public health director on medical decisions. The public health director shall maintain an office location designated by the county or district board and shall be the custodian of all property and records of the agency.


A person employed or under contract to act as a medical officer pursuant to this paragraph (c) shall be covered by the “Colorado Governmental Immunity Act”, article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., for duties performed for the agency.


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In the event of a vacancy in the position of public health director or medical officer, to either employ or contract with a person deemed qualified to fill the position or to request temporary assistance from a public health director or a medical officer from another county. The county or district board may also request that an employee of the state department, such as a qualified executive director or the chief medical officer, serve on an interim basis with all the powers and duties of the position.


A person filling a temporary vacancy as public health director or medical officer shall be covered by the “Colorado Governmental Immunity Act”, article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., for duties performed for the agency.


To provide, equip, and maintain suitable offices and all necessary facilities for the proper administration and provision of core public health services, as defined by the state board;


To determine general policies to be followed by the public health director in administering and enforcing public health laws, orders, and rules of the county or district board, and orders, rules, and standards of the state board;


To issue orders and to adopt rules not inconsistent with the public health laws of this state nor with the orders or rules of the state board as the county or district board may deem necessary for the proper exercise of the powers and duties vested in or imposed upon an agency or county or district board by this part 5;


To act in an advisory capacity to the public health director on all matters pertaining to public health;


To hold hearings, administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, and take testimony in all matters relating to the exercise and performance of the powers and duties vested in or imposed upon a county or district board;


To provide environmental health services and to assess fees to offset the actual, direct cost of such services; except that no fee for a service shall be assessed against any person who has already paid a fee to the state or federal government for the service, and except that the only fee that shall be charged for annual retail food establishment inspections shall be the fee set forth in section 25-4-1607;


To accept and, through the public health director, to use, disburse, and administer all federal aid, state aid, or other property, services, or moneys allotted to an agency for county or district public health functions or allotted without designation of a specific agency for purposes that are within the functions of an agency, and to prescribe, by rule consistent with the laws of this state, the conditions under which the property, services, or moneys shall be accepted and administered. The county or district board is empowered to make agreements that may be required to receive such moneys or other assistance.


To approve, as provided for in section 25-1-520, a clean syringe exchange program proposed by an agency. A county board of health or district board of health shall not be required to approve a proposed program.




Members of a county board of health or a district board of health, and the members of the state board of health shall attend both:


Annual public health training provided by the department of public health and environment and developed by the department of public health and environment along with the Colorado school of public health; and


Annual public health training developed and provided by the department of public health and environment and the director of the office of emergency management created in section 24-33.5-705 concerning the role of a board of health in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergency disaster.


The department of public health and environment shall provide guidance on recruiting persons who are eligible and willing to serve on county and district boards of health. The department of public health and environment shall provide the guidance in an electronic format to any board of county commissioners, county board of health, or district board of health that requests it.


Changes to this section made by House Bill 21-1115, enacted in 2021, take effect January 1, 2022.

Source: Section 25-1-508 — County or district boards of public health - public health directors, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Construction of terms
Authority of revisor of statutes to amend references to department - affected statutory provisions
Department created - executive director - divisions
State board of health created
State board - organization
Executive director - chief medical officer - qualifications - salary - office
Division personnel
Additional authority of department - rules - remedies against nursing facilities - criteria for recommending assessments for civil penalties - cooperation with department of health care policy and financing - nursing home penalty cash fund - nursing home innovations grant board - reports - transfer of contracts to the department
Powers and duties of state board of health - rules
Powers and duties of division of administration
Higher standards permissible
Legal adviser - attorney general - actions
Judicial review of decisions
Unlawful acts - penalties
Civil remedies and penalties
Voluntary disclosure arising from self-evaluation - presumption against imposition of administrative or civil penalties
Implementation of environmental self-audit law - pilot project - legislative declaration
Treatment - religious belief
Licensed healing systems not affected
Acquisition of federal surplus property
Nursing facilities - rights of patients
Patient grievance mechanism - institution’s obligations to patient
Named reporting of certain diseases and conditions - access to medical records - confidentiality of reports and records
Confidentiality of genetic testing records - “Uniform Parentage Act”
Restructure of health and human services - development of plan - participation of department required
Health-care facilities - consumer information - reporting - release
Nursing care facilities - employees - record check - adult protective services data system check - definition
Health facilities - employees - adult protective services data system check
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules
Designation of caregiver - notice - instructions - definitions - rules
Standing order - post-exposure prophylaxis - definition
Firearms safe storage education campaign
Two-year appropriation to the department - repeal
Environmental justice action task force - report - repeal
Environmental justice - ombudsperson - advisory board - grant program - definitions - repeal
Health-care services reserve corps task force - created - powers and duties - report - repeal
Kidney disease prevention and education task force - created - powers and duties - report - selection of chair and vice-chair - sunset review - repeal
Task force to reduce youth violence, suicide, and delinquency risk factors - creation - membership - reporting - definitions
Office of state chemist created
Employment of assistants
Analyses of food and drugs
Certificate presumptive evidence
Legislative declaration
State board - public health duties
Comprehensive public health plan - development - approval - reassessment - cash fund
County and district public health plans - approval
County or district public health agency
Municipal board of health
County or district boards of public health - public health directors
County and district public health directors
County or district board unable or unwilling to act
County treasurer - agency funds
Allocation of moneys - public health services support fund - created
Enlargement of or withdrawal from public health agency
Legal adviser - county attorney - actions
Judicial review of decisions
Unlawful acts - penalties
Mode of treatment inconsistent with religious creed or tenet
Existing intergovernmental agreements
Clean syringe exchange programs - operation - approval - reporting requirements
Patient records in custody of health-care facility - definitions
Patient records in custody of individual health-care providers
Effect of this part 8 on similar rights of a patient
Legislative declaration
Grant program - requirements - use of medical assistance funds prohibited
Study of statutes and rules and regulations pertaining to nursing home facilities and day care centers
Legislative declaration
Index of statutory sections regarding medical record confidentiality and health information
Electronic storage of medical records
Online exchange of advanced directives forms permitted
Short title
Legislative declaration
Grants for research - reports to general assembly
Legislative declaration
Colorado rare disease advisory council - creation
Council membership
Activities carried out by the council - duties
Department - fiscal agent
Council facilitator - duties
Council meetings - requirements - transparency - information
Reporting - recommendations
Funding - gifts, grants, or donations
Repeal of part - sunset review
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 25-1-508’s source at colorado​.gov