C.R.S. Section 25.5-4-506
Coverage for doula services

  • stakeholder process
  • federal authorization
  • scholarship program
  • training
  • report
  • definitions
  • repeal


As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Doula” means a trained birth companion who provides personal, nonmedical support to pregnant and postpartum people and their families prior to childbirth, during labor and delivery, and during the postpartum period.


“Maternity advisory committee” means the committee facilitated by the state department composed predominantly of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color with maternity care experience as recipients.


No later than September 1, 2023, the state department shall initiate a stakeholder process to promote the expansion and utilization of doula services for pregnant and postpartum recipients in the state. In conducting the stakeholder process, the state department shall:


Design an outreach strategy that includes best practices in community engagement, including, but not limited to:


Engaging trusted community partners to support the work;


Reimbursement of participation costs for individuals who are not otherwise paid to participate;


Reimbursement of child care costs for individuals who participate; and


Translation services and meeting times that allow diverse and inclusive participation;


Solicit feedback related to:


An approved doula certification process that incorporates national and local training programs;


A billing process for doula services;


Ways to recruit doulas and integrate them into hospital deliveries;


Support needed to build and retain a doula workforce;


Community outreach to determine how to best promote doula services; and


The doula scholarship program created in subsection (7) of this section.


Stakeholders must be diverse with regard to race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, and gender, and must represent other populations that experience greater health disparities and inequities. The state department may include the following in the stakeholder process:


Doulas and potential doulas who may serve recipients who include, but are not limited to, Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, refugees, non-English speakers, people living in rural areas, and people who were recently incarcerated;


Individuals indirectly involved in the delivery of doula services, including, but not limited to, clinical providers, hospitals, managed care entities, and state partners, including, but not limited to, the department of public health and environment, department of human services, department of early childhood, and department of regulatory agencies;


Representatives from the division of insurance with subject matter expertise;


Representatives from the maternity advisory committee;


Consumer advocates; and


Experts on perinatal care and quality.


For state fiscal year 2024-25, the state department shall submit a report to the general assembly as part of the state department’s “SMART Act” presentation required by section 2-7-203. The report must include findings and recommendations from the stakeholder process as described in subsection (2) of this section. The state department shall work with the maternity advisory committee to create the report.


In carrying out the stakeholder process described in subsection (2) of this section, the state department is exempt from the “Procurement Code”, articles 101 to 112 of title 24.


Not later than July 1, 2024, the state department shall seek federal authorization to provide doula services for pregnant and postpartum people to improve health outcomes of pregnant and postpartum people who face a disproportionately greater risk of poor birth outcomes.


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Not later than July 1, 2024, the state department shall create a doula scholarship program that grants funds to individuals without sufficient financial resources to complete doula training and certification programs necessary to provide doula services.


In designing the doula scholarship program, the state department shall solicit input from groups identified in subsection (3) of this section.


The state department shall define eligibility criteria for the doula scholarship program that includes, but is not limited to, the following:


Proof of financial hardship;


Proof of state residency; and


A statement of intent to serve as a doula provider in Colorado for pregnant and postpartum recipients.


The state department shall define criteria for organizations to conduct training and certification programs for doulas that include, but are not limited to:


An approved certification process for doulas;


An equitable approach to doula recruitment and training; and


An approved budget to provide free training to attendees.


The state department may require individuals who receive scholarship money pursuant to the doula scholarship program described in this subsection (7) to submit to the state department, not later than six months after the individual’s completion of doula training or certification, documentation that the individual is serving as a doula for recipients or is working toward enrollment as a doula for recipients. If an individual does not complete the documentation, the state department may seek repayment of the funds awarded to the individual through the doula scholarship program.


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Any money appropriated to the doula scholarship program and not expended prior to July 1, 2024, is further appropriated to the state department through June 30, 2025, to be used for the same purpose.


This subsection (7)(f) is repealed, effective July 1, 2026.


Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the state department shall report annually beginning in 2025 to the general assembly as part of the state department’s “SMART Act” presentation, as required by section 2-7-203, on the utilization and outcomes of the doula scholarship program.

Source: Section 25.5-4-506 — Coverage for doula services - stakeholder process - federal authorization - scholarship program - training - report - definitions - repeal, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­5.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Program of medical assistance - single state agency
Federal requirements under Title XIX
Cooperation with federal government - grants-in-aid - cooperation with the state department of human services in delivery of services
Retaliation definition
Cash system of accounting - financial administration of medical services premiums - medical programs administered by department of human services - federal contributions - rules
Advisory council established
Automated medical assistance administration
Application - verification of eligibility - demonstration project - rules - repeal
Confined persons - suspension of benefits
Reimbursement to counties - costs of administration
Appeals - rules - applicability
County duties - transitional medicaid
Payments by third parties - copayments by recipients - review - appeal - children’s waiting list reduction fund - rules - repeal
Purchase of health insurance for recipients
Medicaid management information system - appropriation in annual general appropriation act - expenditure in next fiscal year
Medicaid client correspondence improvement process - legislative declaration - definition
Audit of medicaid client correspondence - definition
Study - benefits for persons on work release - repeal
Report on impact of hospital facility fees in Colorado - definitions - steering committee - repeal
Last resort for payment - legislative intent
Prevention of coding errors - prepayment review of claims
Explanation of benefits - medicaid recipients - legislative declaration
Recoveries - overpayments - penalties - interest - adjustments - liens - review or audit procedures - repeal
Recovery of assets
State income tax refund intercept - garnishment of earning - failure to provide medical support for child
Provider fraud - attorney general report
Short title
False medicaid claims - liability for certain acts
Civil actions for false medicaid claims
False medicaid claims procedures - statute of limitations
False medicaid claims jurisdiction
False medicaid claims civil investigation demands
Medicaid false claims report
Providers - payments - rules
Performance-based payments - reporting - repeal
Review of provider rates - advisory committee - recommendations - repeal
Providers - hospital reimbursement - hospital review program - rules
Hospitals - healthcare affordability and sustainability fee - legislative declaration - Colorado healthcare affordability and sustainability enterprise - federal waiver - fund created - rules - reports - repeal
Providers - state university teaching hospitals
Hospital transparency report - definitions
Providers - behavioral health safety net providers - reimbursement
Providers - community mental health centers - cost reporting
Payments for clinic services - restrictions on use
Mental health managed care service providers - requirements
Rate setting - medicaid residential treatment service providers - monitoring and auditing - report
Services by licensed psychologists without a doctor’s referral
Services provided by licensed psychologists - cost containment program
Authorization of services - nurse anesthetists - advanced practice registered nurses
Services of audiologists and speech pathologists without supervision
Authorization of services provided by dental hygienists
Family planning services - family-planning-related services - rules - definitions
Certain providers to inform patients of rights concerning advance medical directives
Providers - physicians - prohibition of certain referrals - definitions
No public funds for abortion - exception - definitions - repeal
Providers - medical equipment and supplies - requirements
Provider fee - medicaid providers - state plan amendment - rules - definitions
Providers to obtain unique NPI - service site - provider type - definitions
Cost control - legislative intent - use of technology - stakeholder feedback - reporting - rules
Targets for investments in primary care
Providers - health-care services related to labor and delivery - reimbursement
Supplemental state payment to the Denver health and hospital authority - repeal
Prior authorization for a step-therapy exception - rules - definition
Hospital and provider billing requirements - description of service provided - rules
Increasing access to behavioral health care for children and youth - directed payment authority - fee schedule rates
Waiver applications - authorization
Federal authorization related to persons involved in the criminal justice system - assessment - report - repeal
Coverage for doula services - stakeholder process - federal authorization - scholarship program - training - report - definitions - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 25.5-4-506’s source at